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"What do you mean you don't have it done?" San spoke slowly as he looked at the employee in front of him with critical eyes.

A sharp breath came from the man, his figure trembling as San's glare bore holes into the core of his very soul. "I deeply apologize, sir, it that the internet was down yesterday so I couldn't do it—and I forgot about it when I came in this morning."

There was an uncomfortable silence that filled the room while the two seemed to be in a deadlock...until San laughed. The man's eyes widened when he heard the noise come from his boss, scared the elder might just shoot him on the spot. "You forgot?" San asked quietly, letting out a small breath. A bitter smile flickered across his face before he slammed his fists onto the desk next to him. "I'm not paying you to forget!" He screamed loud enough for the whole building to hear—and they did.

"Sir—I'm sorry, I can do it right now. Please give me just one more chance to make this right. I pro—"

"You've failed to show me you're valuable to as an employee—why the hell would I give you another chance?" Taking a few quiet moments to smooth out his slacks, San grumbled, "I don't think you quite understand who you're working for if you expect a second chance."

The man's eyebrows furrowed together in frustration before he added, "I mean no disrespect, Mr Choi, but I feel as if you're being unreasonable on the matter."

"Unreasonable...unreasonable!? You're mistake can and almost definitely will cost me hundred thousands of dollars! I asked you to close on that lot by yesterdays date for a reason—now months of plans are pushed back from your forgetfulness!" He paused to clear his throat before saying, "You get a wage to complete a job, when that does not happen there is always a replacement that will do so. Please pack your things as you are no longer employed under my company."



When he turned around and laid eyes on his boyfriend, San quickly corrected his tone. "What?" He asked softer this time, hoping Wooyoung wouldn't take his rough greeting to heart. 

Pressing his lips together as tightly as he could, Wooyoung tried to suppress his irritation with the elder's little explosion. "Can I talk to you in your office?" He asked flatly.

"Yeah—of course."

Once the two made it to San's office Wooyoung closed the door behind them and turned to glare at his boyfriend. "I could hear you all the way across the building, San," Wooyoung scolded.

"I had to take care of something..." he muttered as he sat down in his chair.

Walking around the desk, Wooyoung stopped in front of his San and placed a hand under his chin, lifting the elder's head up so he would look at him. "You're a jerk, Sannie. I'm surprised you still have any employees left."

"It's business...I'd rather be jerk than a failure."

"You're not mean to me and I do my job just fine, Mr Choi."

San placed his hands on the Wooyoung's waist and smiled up at him. "They're not as cute as you, baby, I could never talk to you like them," he explained.

Wooyoung tried to scowl at his boyfriend, but was ultimately overcome with a smile. "Don't call me baby...I'm trying to be annoyed," he whispered.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, Wooyoung, I'm sorry." He reached up to wrap his hands around the younger's neck, pulling him down for a quick kiss.

"You're not allowed to yell at me ever again," he pouted as the two pulled apart.

"Deal," San said agreed softly before patting one of his thighs, "You should sit."

The younger's eyebrows furrowed together as he recalled the first time he sat on San's lap in what they thought was the privacy of his office. "Not again, Sannie. Sana still gives me weird looks when I see her."

"We can lock the door this time."

A small smile formed on Wooyoung's lips as he glanced over at the door, remembering it did in fact have a lock.


"Oh...you're home..." Yeosang started quietly when he heard Wooyoung walk through the front door.

"Yeah, I live here," he retorted as he set his car keys down on the counter, "I'm not going to be here this weekend, me and San are going to visit my parents."

A small sigh fell from Yeosang's lips before he nodded. "I shouldn't really expect anything else..." he muttered before walking out of the kitchen and into his own room.

Standing there in silence for a few moments, Wooyoung's eyebrows furrowed together at his roommates words. With a huff, he set off in the direction of Yeosang's room and barged in without any concern for privacy. 

"I'm sorry...are you mad at me?" He asked harshly.

Yeosang looked up from his phone with a small frown resting on his lips. "No. I'm not mad at you," he grumbled before directing his attention back to whatever he was looking at on the device. 

"Then what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong."

"It's obviously something."

"I miss you, Wooyoung!" Yeosang yelled at last. He let out a harsh breath before continuing a little quieter this time, "I don't know...we just had that fight a while back and I feel like things haven't been the same. I feel like you hate me and that's why you're never here anymore." 

Wooyoung sat down next to the elder and muttered, "Can you say the first part again?"

Yeosang raised an eyebrow, "You heard me."

"I need to hear you again."


Lunging forward to wrap his arms around the boy, Wooyoung knocked the two of them backwards onto the bed. "I don't hate you, Yeosang, I could never hate you," he reassured as the boy underneath him struggled to get out of his arms, "I'll make more time for you, I promise."

 "I think I'm just about at my limit..." he grumbled before giving up on trying to escape Wooyoung's iron grip.


Sorry for updating a day later than normal...sometimes I honestly forget I write on here 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed 💖

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