Merry Christmas!!

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A sigh fell from Wooyoung's lips as he halted in the center of the living room, looking down at the dog barking at his feet.

"Yes?" He questioned.

The only response he received was another bark before the puppy jumped on his legs. "I'm sorry, Mango," Wooyoung started softly, "but Sannie left for work already because even though it's a Saturday he'll never be satisfied with his job."

He was only able to take a couple steps before Mango started yipping at him once again, running after her owner.

"I'm not going to carry you...I don't spoil you like San does."

Before he could say another word, the spoiler in question walked though the front door, hurrying over to pick the dog up. "Why are you being mean to my puppy—it's not spoiling her to hold her."

"I thought you were going to work on some stuff today?"

San walked over to his boyfriend, capturing his lips in a quick kiss before explaining, "I just needed to grab some stuff for the weekend. It's Christmas Eve, Wooyoung, I'm not that cruel."

"So we can spend the weekend together? Just us?"

"Just us," San confirmed, "I told everybody I was off limits unless it's something absolutely necessary."

"It's absolutely necessary you spend every second with me, Mr Choi."

San leaned forward to kiss him once again, but was stopped by the palm of the boy's hand on his chest. "Put down the dog if you want to kiss me," suggested Wooyoung.

A scowl formed on San's lips before he muttered, "but she missed me..."

"I'm sure I missed you more."

Listening to his boyfriend, San set the dog on the ground then pulled Wooyoung into his arms. "You don't have to be jealous of Mango," he whispered against the boy's lips.

"I'm not jealous of a dog," Wooyoung grumbled before finally kissing the elder.


After dinner, San and Wooyoung curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace with a movie playing above it. Finally convincing San to turn on the fireplace he never used was the best Christmas gift Wooyoung could ask for.

"Let's sleep in tomorrow," Wooyoung spoke, voicing whatever came to his mind from where he laid on San's chest, "you never go in to work late—you just leave me."

"I don't just leave you. I'd rather not wake you up if you're it's not like you have to go to work."

Lifting his head so he could look his boyfriend in the eye, Wooyoung flatly accused, "you know what this is, San? This is nepotism. I should report you."

"Okay..." San started, taking a moment to think about what the younger said, "I have two things. First, who are you going to report me to, and second, you would report me for nepotism? That's it?"

"I should find a new job. Some place where my boyfriend doesn't work."

A silence crept over them before San pushed Wooyoung off of his chest so he could look at the boy. "Do you not want to work with me?" He asked, a concerned tone creeping into his words.

"That's not what I'm saying, Sannie. I love you...I love working with you but I just don't feel like I'm contributing anything. I didn't expect to date somebody"

San sent the boy a small smile as he reached out to grab one of his hands. "Wooyoung, if you want to work somewhere else I'm not going to stop you. But I want you to know you do contribute a lot. You do everything for your job and you help me with anything extra I need. Of course there's favoritism when you're working with me because I like you a lot more than anybody else in that it makes me feel better knowing you're safe. But if you want to try sometime new, I'm okay with it."

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