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"Sannie..." Wooyoung whispered reluctantly as he walked into his boyfriends bedroom, barely mustering up the courage to make it past the doorframe.

The man stood in front of his dresser, taking off his watch and whatever rings he choose for the day. "Hm?" He hummed as he untucked his button up shirt from his dress pants, "What is it?"

Folding his hands awkwardly in front of himself and letting his eyes wander across the room, the boy shrugged. "Oh...never mind," he said quietly, quickly turning to leave the room.

"Wooyoung." San spoke almost too forcefully. He'd hopped to stop the younger before he could leave, but got a little ahead of himself.

Wooyoung came to a halt and slowly turned back around. He flashed San a nervous smile before looking down at his feet. "Yes?" He asked quietly.

"What did you need, baby?" San asked calmly as he placed his pointer finger under Wooyoung's chin, lifting the boy's head so he could look at him.

"I have a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

A subtle pout formed on Wooyoung's lips. He was frustrated he had to explain any further when it would've been more convenient to just say nothing at all. The younger's eyes quickly fluttered down to the floor before looking back up at San's own curious eyes. "That kind of problem..." he whispered so softly San almost couldn't hear him.

San glanced down the same way Wooyoung before letting out another small hum. "I see," he responded, "did you want my help then? You don't have to be scared to ask, Wooyoung."

Although hesitant, Wooyoung finally nodded. "...Only if you want to—I don't want you to feel like you have to do a—"

"I want to," the elder said bluntly. He reached out to pull Wooyoung closer, slipping his hands under the boy's shirt to grab his bare waist. "I leave you alone for two minutes..." whispered San as he gently rubbed his thumbs over the soft skin of Wooyoung's hips, "what we're you thinking about?"

"It was nothing—I wasn't thinking about anything," Wooyoung rushed out, his cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.

A smile formed on the elder's lips before he leaned forward to press light kisses to the side Wooyoung's face. "I won't make you tell me what it was," he stated before leaning back down, but kissing his lips this time.

Wrapping his arms around San's neck, Wooyoung leaned up into the kiss, making San support his weight. Trying not to pull away from the elder, Wooyoung blindly snaked his hands up to undo the tie San surprisingly still had on. He pulled the piece of fabric from around his neck and let it fall to the floor somewhere beside them.

"In a hurry?" San asked as he pulled away from Wooyoung, the younger's lips chasing him as they parted.

"Shut up," Wooyoung muttered before kissing the elder once again and beginning to unbutton his shirt.

Without much of a warning, San scooped the boy up into his arms with ease and walked them over to his large bed in the center of the room. As he was set down on the side of the bed, Wooyoung reached out to finish unbuttoning San's dress shirt, careful not to pull too hard at any of the buttons as he knew just how expensive his clothes were.

He slowly pulled the white shirt off his shoulders to reveal the male's toned body. Even though San went to the gym almost every day before work, it was always seemed to be a surprise whenever he saw his body. Lifting his head to look up at the elder, Wooyoung smiled.

San leaned down to connect their lips once again. Their lips moved against each other's in sync, San's tongue slowly trying to break through the barrier created by the younger. Finally slipping his tongue past Wooyoung's lips to explore the younger's mouth, San reached out for the hem of his shirt only for the boy to quickly pull away.

"San." Wooyoung spoke harshly as if it wasn't something the two had already done a dozen times. He pulled back even further, the smile on his face slowly disappearing as he wrapped his arms around his torso.

"Yes?" The elder asked.

The two had a bit of a staring contest until Wooyoung broke and blurted out, "I gained five pounds." Once the words made it past his lips, it felt as if there was some invisible weight lifted off his shoulders. Even when they first started dating, San was obviously the fit one of the duo and since then Wooyoung had only gained weight—mostly because of San's newfound love for always feeding his boyfriend.

The younger's words only made San smile. He put a hand on the back of Wooyoung's head, running his fingers through the boy's soft hair. "I don't care how much weight you've gained," San stated softly, "you'll always be beautiful to me, yeah?"

"Yeah," Wooyoung repeated, his eyebrows still furrowed at the confession. "Kiss me again?" He asked at last.

"Oh of course, baby."

San pulled Wooyoung shirt over his head before pushing the boy backwards to lay down on the bed. He climbed on top of the younger before dipping down to do as he asked and kiss him again. After a few moments San's lips slowly trailed down Wooyoung's jaw and to his neck. Although he knew Wooyoung was bound to grow impatient with every minute San spent on kissing him, he loved to spend time to mark the boy up.

"I love you," San mumbled quietly against his skin, making the boy shiver.

"I love you too, Sannie," Wooyoung breathed out as he let his eyes flutter closed, hand finding its way to hold onto San's head.


Although the sun had already long bid Goodnight, San stayed awake for a bit longer, just reading through the emails he had received over the weekend. Wooyoung laid next to him, the younger's head resting on his shoulder, nose pressed up against his neck. The boy had been asleep for quite awhile, yet San continued to rub his back gently, almost out of habit.

The room stayed quiet for quite some time until the sound of Wooyoung's stomach growling nearly bounced off the walls. It only took a few seconds before Wooyoung sat up, squinting at San with one eye completely closed. "Sannie I think I want to eat something..." he muttered sleepily before bringing a hand up to rub at his eyes.

"Are you going to stay awake?" San asked softly, referring to the countless times the boy would wake up and ask for something only to fall back asleep in less than a minute.

The boy nodded, "yeah."

"Do you want me to just make you something or do you want to go out somewhere?"

After taking a few moments to think about it, Wooyoung shrugged. "I'm not sure...aren't you tired Sannie?"

The elder only shook his head, sending a soft smile up to his boyfriend. That was one thing Wooyoung could never understand about San, how he could entirely skip going to sleep some nights. It wasn't that he was just staying up late to complete work he hadn't gotten to in the daytime, sometimes he just wasn't tired when it was time to go to sleep.

"Can we go get waffles I want to waffles," Wooyoung spewed suddenly, quickly making up his mind once he knew San wasn't going to sleep regardless of if they went anywhere.


Although there wasn't much open so early in the morning  the two spent nearly twenty minutes simply driving around, before finally finding a small diner that opened at three am.

A small smile rested on San's lips from where he sat in the booth across from Wooyoung as he watched the younger stuff his cheeks with waffles. Discretely, San pulled out his phone and angled it at towards the boy before calling out a soft, "Wooyoung," to get his attention. The smile on the elder's lips only grew after successfully snapping a picture of the boy.

The reaction that ensued was delayed for a few moments as Wooyoung finished chewing and took a sip of water. "Hey—" he whined at last.

"You're just too cute—I had to," San said quietly, reaching across the table to pinch the younger's cheeks. 


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