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*The next day*

Wooyoung stumbled into his apartment completely exhausted. There was no reason for him to be so tired, he just was. The day had been dragging on since he rolled out of bed that morning. But now he was finally home.

"Lookin' hot, Woo," Yeosang said sarcastically from the couch as he glanced back at his roommate.

Running his fingers through his disheveled hair, Wooyoung frowned, "No need to be mean." He walked over to the couch and laid himself on top of the elder, "Did you miss me?"

"So much," he deadpanned, bringing one of his own hands to play with the boy's hair, "did you have a good day at work?"

Wooyoung hummed, half asleep from the warmth he was receiving and the feeling of Yeosang's nails scratching at his scalp. "It was just another day."

"I feel like you're enjoying this a little too much," he grumbled, taking his hand back.

Sitting up, Wooyoung stretched before muttering, "I'm going to go shower now." Before he got up, he turned back towards his roommate and muttered, "I'm sleeping in your bed with you tonight just so you know."

Yeosang nodded to himself as he watched the younger walk out of the room, "I should've known."


It was long past midnight, and Wooyoung was still awake, he might've been half asleep, but he was still awake. Him and Yeosang were cuddled up together watching a movie.

"Wooyoungie, somebody texted you," Yeosang muttered as he grabbed the younger's phone from the nightstand. If he wasn't so tired, he might've read the text, but he just handed the phone off.

Wooyoung let his eyes adjust to the brightness screen and almost deleted the message when he saw it was from an unknown number, until he read the first couple words. Hey, it's San, I didn't forget about you, I've just been really caught up with stuff. I just got home and I hope you're not still awake because it's late but yeah.

He could feel the smile forming in his lips and he had no intent of trying to hide it. Pushing himself up, he climbed over Yeosang and quietly said, "I'll be back in a few."

When he was in the privacy of his own room—although the walls were pretty thin so Yeosang could easily eavesdrop from any room—he pressed the little phone icon next to San's contact.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

The amount of concern in San's voice made Wooyoung giggle, "Yes, I'm okay."

"I didn't expect you to be up—just making sure you didn't get like kidnapped or something," San muttered.

"Why're you working so late? You should sleep too."

A small sigh echoed through the phone, "There's always something I have to do."

Wooyoung nodded to himself, "but make sure you take care of yourself too. I'm sure it's got to be stressful if things pile up, but you can take breaks Y'know."

It was a strange feeling for somebody to actually care about him. Ever since his mom died, not once had anybody asked him how he was doing or if he was keeping up with everything. He shook the thoughts from his head, remembering the real reason he had even texted Wooyoung in the first place. "I appreciate the concern, but I didn't call to talk about work. That's all we seem to talk about."

The younger let out a breath, "Yeah—yeah of course."

"Are you free this weekend? I want to take you somewhere." San asked bluntly, not wanting to waste anymore time with awkward small talk—not that he didn't like talking to Wooyoung—he just wanted to get to the good stuff.

After taking a mental walk through his schedule, Wooyoung hummed, "I'm not doing anything Saturday?" 

"That works," he replied softly. There were a couple seconds of silence before a quiet yawn came from the other side of the phone. He could tell the younger had tried to hide it, yet he didn't do a very good job. "I should let you go to sleep."

"Mmm I'm not that tired, we can keep talking." After a few seconds the realization hit him, "Oh—were you trying to tell me you wanted to go to sleep by saying that because I can call you some other time if you want it—"

"No, that's not what I mean," San said softly into the phone. You could practically hear the smile on the elders face as he spoke, "Why are you up though? Is nobody there with you?"

Wooyoung felt his stomach do a little flip, San remembered something so small about him. And although that wasn't the biggest thing in the world—it still meant something to him. "My roommates here surprisingly. We were watching a movie but I'm pretty sure he's asleep now."

"So..." San started, feeling a little awkwardness in the conversation, "How long have you and Yunho been friends?"

There were a couple seconds of silence as the younger pondered the question. "Hmm...I think since our sophomore year of high school. We met in algebra class and we were basically soulmates."

"You and Yunho—did you guys like date or something?"

A laugh slipped past Wooyoung's lips at the question. "God no, Yunho isn't my type. No need to be worried," he teased.

San let out a harsh breath, "No I wasn't...well I uh...it just kinda seemed like you dated at some point. So maybe I am a little nervous he'll steal you from me—not that we're dating or anything but—Y'know what I think I'll just shut up."

Another laugh echoed through the phone, "I would've never expected you to be so shy, Sannie."

He felt his heart betray him and pick up speed at the nickname, "I'm not shy I just...well if I'm going to be honest I've never really dated anybody—or went on dates with somebody."

Wooyoung smiled to himself, thinking it was quite special San chose him to be the first person to take on a date. "Well you don't have to feel nervous or anything around me." 


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