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Wooyoung walked into his apartment and set his car keys in the glass dish on the counter. "I'm home!" He called out to his roommate as if they were some married couple.

"Wooyoung—ah did you bring food? I'm hungry," a boy whined as he walked into the kitchen.

"You should've called me," he responded softly, "I'm going to go shower, but I can make something if you're still hungry after."

The boy shook his head, "Thanks but I'm going to go over to Jongho's."

A small pout formed on Wooyoung's lips, "you only hang out with your boyfriend these days, Yeosang."

He just shrugged, "I can't make out with you..."

Wooyoung's face scrunched up in distaste before he shooed Yeosang away, "Just go. I'll bring food tomorrow night so you better be here."

"You're the best!" Yeosang said happily before kissing Wooyoung's cheek and rushing out the door.

The younger brought his hand up to wipe the spit off his cheek before heading into his bedroom. He grabbed a random shirt and a pair of shorts and went to shower.

After a shower that would definitely hurt his water bill, Wooyoung was two seconds away from passing out. He picked up his phone to put it on the charger, but saw ten missed calls from Yunho.

With a dramatic sigh, he pressed the notification and held the phone to his ear, "What is it, Yun? I want to go to sleep."

"There was a spider in my room—can I come sleep with you please?" Yunho asked shakily, sounding as if he was about to burst into tears.

"Yeah, that's fine. Yeosang left earl—" Wooyoung paused mid sentence when he heard a knock at the door. He got off of his bed and stomped out to the kitchen, wondering who in their right mind was knocking at his door at eleven pm.

When the door opened, Yunho posed with the doorframe, sending his friend a small smile, "it's a good thing you said yes."

Wooyoung pulled his phone away from him ear and angrily hung up the call. "You better not have been driving when you answered the phone," he muttered before walking back to his bedroom and climbing into his bed.

A content smile formed on his lips when he was all cozy under the blankets. But of course, it didn't last long before Yunho walked in and squeezed his way onto the bed next to Wooyoung.

"I assumed you'd sleep in Yeosang's bed..." the younger said quietly as he tried to push Yunho out of the bed.

Yunho just snuggled up to Wooyoung's side and laid his head on the boy's shoulder, "I'd rather cuddle with you."


"Yah! Yunho wake up!" Wooyoung yelled as he hit the sleeping boy with a pillow over and over again, "We have to go to work!" The elder just grabbed Wooyoung's arm and rolled over on the bed, pulling the boy down on top of him. A frustrated groan echoed through the room as he struggled to get back up, "I'm going to leave you here alone if you don't get up!"

Rolling on his side to face his friend, Yunho put a hand over his mouth, "You're too loud, Wooyoung. Just let me sleep."

"Fine." Wooyoung grumbled before getting up and finding his keys. Without another word, he left the boy asleep in his room.

When he got to work, he couldn't remember if he was supposed to go see San again or just go straight to work. He had the knowledge of two days worth of training, but he still wasn't quite sure what to do.

"What do you mean Yunho isn't here yet!? Who is the man I've been throwing stuff out the window at!?" A man yelled at the reception desk.

It took a few seconds, but Wooyoung recognized the man as Yunho's friend, Seonghwa. After working up the courage, he tapped Seonghwa's shoulder ever so gently. "Hi, uh...Yunho's asleep at my apartment still. I got mad that he wouldn't wake up so I just left him."

Turning around to look at the boy, Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know you and Yunho were...together like that."

His eyes widened upon hearing that sentence. He replayed the words in his mind, hoping he didn't hear the elder right. "N—No! Yunho is just my best friend—we're not together at all!"

"Ah...sorry I just assumed. Well if you don't mind, I have a guy working security to apologize to."

"Actually, I have a question," he spoke, causing Seonghwa to turn back around, "Do you know if I'm supposed to go see San...or if I'm done training?"

There were a couple seconds of silence as he pondered the question. "I'm not completely sure, so I'd just go to his office and ask him. It's right back there."

"I can just...go in?"

Seonghwa sent the boy a reassuring smile, "Yeah."

When Wooyoung had walked out of the room, Yeji voiced her concerns, "Why would you tell him to just go back there!?"

He leaned against the receptionist desk and smirked, "I'm just testing a theory. He should be about to San's office, now we listen for yelling."


Wooyoung stood outside of the closed door, wondering if he was supposed to just go inside. He raised his hand to knock on the door but couldn't seem to actually knock. Finally working up the courage, he knocked on the door almost too quietly for anybody on the other side to hear.

"Sana! I told you to wait until twelve for meetings!"

A small sigh fell from Wooyoung's lips as he reached for the door handle. Maybe opening the door would get him fired, but he also didn't want to wait three hours to talk to San. He slowly turned the handle and peaked his head inside the room, "Hi, Im not Sana, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do...If I was still training or..."

San looked up from his computer and smiled at the boy, "You can come in, Wooyoung."

He felt his heart beat just a little faster at the sudden change of attitude all because of him. "Rough morning?"

The surface of the desk was completely covered with paperwork, and San looked like he was about one inconvenience away from a jumping out the window behind him. "Yeah...I'm trying to figure something out."

"If I knew what any of that meant, I'd offer to help," Wooyoung joked, trying to break the tension in the room.

A soft laugh fell from San's lips as he finally took his attention off the work in front of him and redirected it to Wooyoung. "I wish you could help with this," he mumbled. There were a few seconds of awkward silence before San shook his head, "Anyway, I'm going to have you try to work alone today, but if you need any help, I can come down there."

Wooyoung nodded, "Okay, I'll go do that," he said quietly before walking out of the office. 


Slow but steady 

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