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The sunlight danced gracefully on the carpeted floor of the hotel room. The rays fell merely inches short of the bed where Wooyoung and San were peacefully sleeping.

The two might have remained asleep if the couple next door hadn't began arguing. Even then, they could have slept through it, but somebody slammed a door, waking San up almost instantly. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room.

San glanced down at the boy using his stomach as a pillow and smiled. "Wooyoung..." he whispered softly as he stroked the younger's hair.

A small hum came out of Wooyoung as his arms tightened around san's torso. "What, Sannie?" He grumbled, eyes still squeezed shut.

"We have to leave soon. I don't want your parents worried about us not making it there last night."

Smiling at the elder's sudden worry, Wooyoung explained, "I called my mom last night and told her we ran into some traffic and you were too tired to keep driving so we stopped at a hotel."

"Oh so you make me look like I can't drive for more than two hours?"

"No..." Wooyoung started, "I told her you had a busy week at work. My parents love hard workers—I made it better for you."

"I'm sorry for pushing everything back a day, Wooyoung, I know how excited you were for this," San blurred out randomly.

Propping his head up on san's chest, Wooyoung sent the elder a reassuring smile and said, "it was out of your control, don't worry about it." After a few moments of silence, a small sigh slipped past Wooyoung's lips, "I guess we should get ready to go..." he muttered.


"I think I'm stuck—I can't move," San said quietly from where he sat in the car, eyes squeezed shut.

Wooyoung glanced at his parents home in front of them and then back at his cowering boyfriend. "Sannie, it's going to be fine. It'll be awkward for the first few minutes but then it'll be fine, I promise," reassured Wooyoung as he reached out to grab one of San's hands. He lifted it up to his lips and placed a light kiss on the man's knuckles. "I love you, Sannie, yeah?" He spoke gently, "And even if you were some hobo I found on the street—my family would still do everything they could to get to know you."

A small laugh slipped past san's lips as he nodded, "ok—ok fine I'll stop being a baby about this."

When the two got out of the car, Wooyoung skipped over to San and interlocked their hands. "I'll be here the whole time. If things get awkward I'll just say something random," he reassured, sending San a soft smile.

San held his breath as the two reached the front door and Wooyoung extended his free hand to open the door.

"Wooyoung!" A little boy yelled the second the door swung open, latching himself onto the elder. San quickly placed a hand on Wooyoung's back as he stumbled backwards from the weight of the young boy.

"Hi, I'm Kyungmin," the kid spoke from where he was in Wooyoung's arms as he looked over at the random man in his house.

"I'm San...it's nice to meet you."

Wooyoung tightened his arms around his brother and spun him around. "That's my boyfriend, Min, isn't he handsome?" He whispered, causing San's cheeks to heat up.

"You like him?" The boy asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Are you nice, San?" Wiggling his way out of his brothers arms, Kyungmin ignored the question he just asked and grabbed San's hand. He drug the man out to their living room and pointed to the mess of matchbox cars all over the floor, "Do you like cars? I like cars."

"I do like cars," San answered as he mimicked the boy and sat down on the rug, examining the toys.

The two boys played with the cars for some time before a woman appeared in the doorway, clearing her throat. "Kyungmin, I'm so glad you're good at making people feel welcomed, but you can't go stealing guests—especially somebody as special as this Choi San I've heard so much about."

Quickly setting the car in his hand back on the rug, San stood up and bowed to the woman. "Hi Mrs Jung—it's a pleasure to finally get to meet you," he rushed out, voice quivering ever so gently.

"Oh you can call me Chaewon, honey," the woman gushed before reaching out to pull San in for a quick hug.

A quiet laugh slipped past San's lips as he said, "I'm not sure I can do that so quickly, ma'am."

The woman smiled at his response. "You're polite...and so handsome—I don't think Wooyoung could've picked a better man," she muttered.

"Hey—I'm a catch too," Wooyoung grumbled from behind the two.

"Yeah...sure honey," she said quickly before turning back to San, "why don't you come join me for some tea so we can chat for a bit?"

San quickly nodded, "Of course." 


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