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"I made you some tea~"

Yunho looked up at Youngkyun from where he laid on his couch and sent the boy a small smile. He sat up and took the teacup, letting out a quiet, "Thank you."

The younger only smiled before reaching out the press the back of his hand against Yunho's forehead. "Are you feeling alright?"

"The same I guess...Im not sure how you're supposed to feel after killing one of your friends that ended up being the bad guy."

"You did the right thing," Youngkyun reassured again, feeling as if this was the tenth time they'd had this conversation. "Have you talked to Wooyoung? How is he?" He asked, trying to get his mind off of any lingering guilt.

A small smile rested on Yunho's lips as he nodded, "I went to go see him and San at the hospital yesterday. Wooyoung's doing good—kept telling me how sore he was, but good. He got discharged today...should be home by now."

"You're like a superhero now," Youngkyun joked, pushing Yunho's knee gently.

"Superhero's have powers, I think you just mean a hero."

"Same difference."

"Not really...but I guess we can agree to disagree on this one."

"Hey—uh, I wanted to ask you something," the younger started, suddenly no longer interested in the superhero—hero debate.

Yunho hummed, setting the teacup down on the coffee table and looking back up at Youngkyun. "Yeah?"

"I know this isn't the most ideal time...but I guess y'know with all the near death experiences I'd rather not wait," he paused and let out a nervous laugh, realizing he was rambling about something that didn't quite make sense, "Can I take you on a date, Yunho? Not right now obviously—but sometime soon."

Feeling his cheeks heat up at the question, Yunho's eyes fluttered down to his lap.  "I'd love it if you took me on a date," Yunho answered at last, working up the courage the look at Youngkyun.

"Great," the younger rushed out, his own cheeks bright red, "completely unrelated question, do you happen to have a favorite restaurant?"

"You are unbelievable," Yunho laughed, "You're asking out somebody and you don't even know their favorite restaurant?"

Youngkyun nodded, "I'm trying to impress you with this amazing date, Yunho."

"Well keep trying."


"Sannie~" Wooyoung called out from where he laid in the center of San's bed

As if he teleported up the stairs, San appeared In the doorway, worry written all over his face. "What? Are you okay?" He asked quickly, glancing around the room to see if there was anything out of place.

"I'm fine," the younger reassured. If Wooyoung even breathed a little too hard San would rush to his side making sure he didn't spontaneously pop a stitch. "Are you done with your business stuff? I miss you."

"I can be done."

"Come lay with me."

San glanced at the bed and the pillows he barricaded around the younger to prevent further injury as he explained earlier. "I don't want to hurt you..."

"Choi San, if you say one more word about not wanting to hurt me I swear to god I will hobble over to the stairs and throw myself down them!"

"Wooyoung this is manipulation!"

"I guess that's what it takes for my boyfriend to spend time with me these days!"

San let out a dramatic groan before saying, "I could just like sit on the floor next to you," he paused and wiggled his eyebrows up and down, "we could even hold hands~"

"San." Grabbing on of the pillows at his side, he chucked it at the elder, hitting him square in the head.

Hesitantly, San walked over to the other side of the bed, the side Wooyoung didn't have a bullet wound on. He reached down to move back the blanket on Wooyoung only to quickly stand back up and stomp his feet childishly. "Wooyoung you make me so nervous—I'm going to break you," he whined.

"I'm a little sore—I don't still have a bullet next to my spine, I'll be perfectly fine."

"You'll tell me if I do hurt you? You promise?" San asked, holding out one of his pinkies

Wooyoung giggled at the fact that San came from one of the most feared families in Korea yet here he was, making Wooyoung pinky promise him to let him know if he cuddled him too hard. He reached out and grabbed San's pinky with his own, touching their thumbs together as the elder taught him when they first met.

Moving the pillows away from his side, San very carefully climbed onto the bed next to his boyfriend. He got behind Wooyoung, letting the boy rest his head on his chest. He placed a kiss to the top of Wooyoung's head, taking in the smell boy's fragrant shampoo.

The first thing Wooyoung had wanted to do when they got home that morning was shower. So of course San helped him. He was extra gentle as he washed the younger's hair and scrubbed away the hospital. When he was all clean San locked him in the bed with pillows, coming to check on him every ten minutes to make sure he was still okay.

"You feel fine?" San asked as they finally got situated.

Wooyoung nodded against San's chest before closing his eyes and muttering, "I'm going to fall asleep, this was a trap."

"I don't mind," he responded softly, stroking the side of the younger's head to lull him to sleep.



"Thank you for taking care of me."

San smiled at the younger, "I'll always take care of you, baby."

"I know...but even though you've probably got endless things to do after...what happened, you're still here."

"Wooyoung, I have people that can get everything taken care of...you're what I care about the most. You'll always be my first priority," the elder spoke softly as he tilted Wooyoung's head up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "I love you, Wooyoung."

"I love you too, San, forever."


I went back and forth for so long about whether this was a good ending or not, but I decided it was the most fitting. Of course I could go on and on about their relationship but ending it here just felt right.

I really hope you enjoyed this story because I have loved writing it.

For the last time, thank you so much for reading

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