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*the next morning* 

San had risen long before the sun had even pondered the idea. He sat in bed next to Wooyoung responding to all of the emails that had compiled over the night.

Although he was quite used to waking up at four every morning, he knew Wooyoung was most definitely not. He let the boy continue to sleep next to him, his face smushed against the pillow cutely.

From time to time Wooyoung would let out a small snore, reminding San of the boy's presence. He glanced down at the boy, smiling just at the thought of Wooyoung being asleep in his bed.

When it was finally 5:30, San closed his lap top and got out of bed ever so carefully. Doing the math in his head, San calculated almost four hours until Wooyoung would normally wake up for work.

"Good morning Sumin," San said softly when he saw his maid walk through the front door.

The woman looked up and smiled, "good morning San."

"My...Wooyoung is asleep in my room but I have something I need to do. If he wakes up before I'm back please tell him I'll be back in time to drive him to work."

She nodded, "Of course, Sir."

San arrived at one of his buildings which was still under construction. The place was a mess and quite frankly hard to look at.

He got out of his car and walked through the front door, taking the stairs up to the third floor. After navigating his way through the hallways, San found himself in front of the security room. He bowed to the guard posted outside of the door, the man quickly opening the door for San seconds after.

In the center of the room there was a man bound to chair, his arms tied behind him and a gag in his mouth. San slowly walked forward before pulling the gag from the man's mouth.

"Good morning," San said gently as he smiled at the man, "My name is San, I'm here to get you to talk."

Grabbing an empty chair from against the wall, San sat across from him. "you don't seem like much of a talker," He stated, "but if you want to keep your fingers, I'm going to need that to change."

The man remained emotionless, his eyes fixed on the wall next to San's head. There didn't seem to be any chance of him talking willingly, which was never enjoyable for San.

"Let's start simple, what's your name?"

His jaw clenched, only showing San just how disobedient he planned on being.

Revealing a small pocket knife in the center of his palm, San repeated his question. "Your name?"

When silence followed his question, he pressed revealed the blade of the knife, "Let's hope you're up to date on your tetanus shots..."


When San got back to his house, he went into the nearest bathroom to lower the risk of running into Wooyoung if he happened to be awake.

After locking the door behind him, he walked over to the sink and scrubbed at his hands. The water was colored a pink hue as San tried to get rid of the dried blood caked on his fingers.

He washed his hands over and over again, many more times than he needed. He wasn't quite sure what he was trying to wash down the drain at this point.

He looked down at his hands, which were still pink, but this time from the scolding hot water burning them. Shutting off the faucet, he stood there for a few moments, completely frozen.

The dull clang of pots from the kitchen brought him back to reality. He left the bathroom and headed to his room, not wanting to say a word to Sumin of where he just was.

When he walked into the room, he saw Wooyoung sitting up on the bed scrolling through his phone. "I was starting to think you left for work without me."

San sent the boy a smile, "I had something I needed to do." He sat down on the bed next to the boy, feeling as if there was something clouding his mind, keeping him from focusing.

Wooyoung leaned forward and wrapped his arms around San's torso, laying his head on the elders chest.

San's arms hovered a few inches away from the boy. His whole body was frozen, his brain kept telling him that he wasn't good enough for Wooyoung. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the boy rather than make him happy.

He couldn't touch Wooyoung with the same hands that had mutilated somebody only an hour prior. He didn't deserve somebody as pure at this boy.

"We...should probably get going soon," San said quietly, trying not to make eye contact with the younger.

Much to San's benefit, Wooyoung didn't notice the peculiar actions of the elder, he instead noticed they had to be to work in less than half an hour.


"Where have you been!"

Wooyoung made eye contact with his roommate and dropped his keys on the counter. "With San," he replied simply.

Yeosang let out a dramatic sigh, "it would've been nice to tell me...y'know so I would've known you didn't get kidnapped."

"I don't have to tell you everything I do."

"No, Wooyoung, you don't, but I care about you so I'd like it if you did tell me things like that."

Jongho shifted awkwardly on the couch, not knowing if he should say anything or stay out of it. "...Hi Wooyoung..." he said quietly.

Wooyoung turned to Jongho and let out a frustrated groan. "Shut up!" He yelled before storming out of the room.

Walking over to his boyfriend, Yeosang sat down on the couch and pat his back, "It's not your fault he's just mad at me."

Jongho nodded, "I know...but I don't think Wooyoung likes me. Like in general."

"You've never really spent time together. You just get caught in the middle of our arguments."

"I guess so."

Yeosang sent the younger a small smile, "I like you so don't worry." 


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