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Ok so I wasn't going to write smut but then I felt kinda bad for not writing smut...so this is all smut. Um I'm not very experienced writing smut so I hope this is tolerable and yeah also a warning. It feels a little odd with the plot becuase it was a little spontaneous so I apologize for that...but I hope you enjoy

Wooyoung's eyes fluttered open as the sunlight streamed through the white curtains, lighting up a patch of the bedsheets in front of him. He felt San laying behind him, the elder's chest snug against his back. The light breathing tickled the back of Wooyoung's neck as he wondered why San was still in bed with him.

It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the presence of his boyfriend—because he really did—he just wondered what the occasion was. San usually got up around four or five to go to the gym before coming back to wake Wooyoung up so they could leave for work together.

Placing his hand over the one San had pressed firmly against his stomach, the younger mumbled, "Sannie, we have work."

San let out a harsh breath before leaning forward to press his lips against Wooyoung's neck. "Let's stay home today," San whispered across the boy's warm skin.

The feeling sent a shiver down Wooyoung's spine as he pressed his body so it was flush against San's. "Why, Mr Choi?"

"I want to stay here with you," San answered. The couple fell silent for some time until a small gasp slipped from Wooyoung as San continued to kiss his neck, the elders tongue gliding across his sensitive skin. He felt soft puffs of air as San laughed at the response, letting his fingers dig into the material of the younger's shirt before muttering, "You're always so sensitive in the morning."

"It tickles," Wooyoung defended, trying to press himself further against his boyfriend, but quickly realizing there was no space left between them.

Finally slipping his hand under Wooyoung's shirt, the younger let out a small whine at how cold the tips of San's fingers were. It was always tricky in the mornings as San always ran cold and Wooyoung ran quite warm, never liking the harsh change in temperature from his boyfriend.

Wooyoung quickly laced his fingers with San's underneath his shirt, trying to warm the elder up. "Sannie," he breathed out, leaning his head back to rest on San's shoulder.

"What, baby?"

San watched as the boy's eyes fluttered closed and his eyebrows furrowed softly as he traced his fingers over one of the younger's nipples under his shirt.

"You're driving me crazy..." Wooyoung whispered before San tilted his head to press sloppy kisses to side of his face.

"That's the point," San stated quietly.

Blindly reaching behind him, Wooyoung grabbed San's unoccupied hand and guided it to the top of his pajama pants, hoping the elder would understand what he wanted. San, of course, knew exactly what Wooyoung was asking for and because he wasn't feeling especially cruel that morning, he promptly slid his hand under the waistband of the younger's pants.

A quiet whine came from Wooyoung as San's hardly warm fingertips wrapped around his hardening dick. Hand sliding down the length, San rubbed his thumb over the slit before completely pulling away from the boy.

"Lift your hips up," San whispered as he pulled Wooyoung's pajama pants down just enough for easier access. The younger hissed as the cool air met his delicate skin at the same moment San reached over to stroke him. "Im surprised you haven't come yet—it usually takes nothing for you."

The only response he got from the younger was a high pitched moan as he pressed his back firmly against San's chest, squirming as he the elder found the way back to the tip of his dick, spreading around the precum under his thumb.

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