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The alarm on San's phone only got the chance to ring once or twice before he was wide awake. He quickly turned it off and glanced down at the boy still asleep on his chest to make sure the noise hadn't disturbed him. 

He just laid there for a few moments, knowing that he technically had the day off work, but still needing to work on a few things. Although reluctant, San gently held Wooyoung's head as he slipped out from underneath him and made sure to put a pillow in his place.

However creepy it may have seemed, San loomed over the boy for a while, just admiring him while he slept. He reached down and pushed the hair out of Wooyoung's eyes.

He'd taken a lot of time to think about him and Wooyoung and what a relationship actually meant. There were a lot of things about a real relationship that made him nervous, but it all came down to whether he wanted a chance at a future with the younger or not.

There was no doubt in his mind that he liked Wooyoung, but he didn't know if that meant he should prioritize the boy's happiness or his absolute safety. Even if by some miracle Wooyoung didn't care about the things San actually did for a living, there was always going to be an endless list of what ifs.

San desperately wanted things between them to move past awkward almost boyfriends who didn't want to cross any lines but a part of him just couldn't commit. It felt as if his happiness never came without a price.

With a small sigh, San leaned down to place a small kiss on the top of Wooyoung's head before turning to leave his bedroom. Just as he reached out of the door, San heard a small whine come from Wooyoung as he moved around in bed.

"San?" He asked quietly as he brought a hand up to rub at his eyes.

Deciding that work could wait just a little longer, San walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Wooyoung. "Yeah?" He responded gently before reaching a hand out to cradle the boy's face.

"Why are you leaving? What time is it?" He questioned, opening his eyes for a few moments only for them to flutter closed once again.

San let out a soft laugh at the action, "I was going to go in to work on some things."

"Do you have to?"

"We can do something later tonight when I'm done."

Before San even had the chance to comprehend what was happening, Wooyoung had grabbed his harm and pulled him down so he was laying on top of the younger. "Sannie, it's supposed to be your day off, you don't need to go to work."

"Wooyoung..." San grumbled as he tried to break his way out of Wooyoung's arms, not quite knowing if he liked the feeling of being held, "let me go."

Wooyoung looked up at San for a couple quiet moments before letting go of the elder, "Fine." A small giggle slipped past Wooyoung's lips when he didn't move. "I thought you said you wanted me to let go?"

"I know what I said," He muttered before hesitantly laying his head down in the crook of Wooyoung's neck.

"You're just a big baby," Wooyoung whispered, bringing a hand up to play with San's hair.

San decided to stay quiet and closed his eyes, trying to let himself relax instead of arguing with Wooyoung. He let out a small hum as the feeling of Wooyoung's fingers running through his hair, suddenly tired once again.

After a few minutes, San felt unbearably tired. His breathing had slowed and he was moments away from slipping into unconsciousness...then Wooyoung's door opened.

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