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*a few weeks later*

A quiet groan came out of Wooyoung as he stretched across the length of the bed. He anticipated to bump into San at some point, but didn't. Eyebrows furrowing together, Wooyoung sat up and looked around the room to see that he was in fact alone.

Reluctantly, Wooyoung climbed out from under the warm blankets and grabbed one of San's sweaters to combat the morning chill before heading downstairs. Just as he guessed, San sat at the dining room table, laptop set up in front of him.

"Did you not sleep?" Wooyoung asked softly as he sat down on the wooden chair next to his concentrated boyfriend.

A smile formed on San's lips at the sweet sound before reaching over to grab the younger's chair, pulling it towards himself. "No—I wasn't really tired," he responded, snaking an arm around Wooyoung's waist.

Glancing at the time on the elder's laptop, he saw it was long past the time San left for work. "You're not going to work?" He asked, knowing San usually said goodbye before he left on Wooyoung's day off but never just staying home.

"No," San answered almost too eagerly, making the young jump at his booming voice.

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, "Sannie, you're yelling." Usually, the statement would've been ironic coming from Wooyoung himself, however for the first half hour he was awake he liked to keep things fairly quiet.

"Sorry...I had coffee..." the male muttered, gesturing to the nearly empty coffee mug sitting next to his laptop.

"You don't like coffee."

"Yeah...it sounded good but I still don't like coffee."

Laying his head on San's shoulder, Wooyoung scoffed at his ridiculous antics before continuing, "So why exactly aren't you going to work?"

"We're going somewhere."

"We are? Did you tell me about this last night because I was tired and not listening."

San laughed at the boy and shook his head, "No, I planned something for today," he paused, wiggling his eyebrows excitedly, "it's a surprise."

"Oh my gosh are you proposing?"

"Absolutely not," San said before capturing Wooyoung's lips in a soft kiss. As they parted San grabbed the boy's chin, holding him in place as he peppered light kisses on his cheeks. "Go get ready," he spoke over Wooyoung's giggles.


"Where are you taking me, Mr Choi?" Wooyoung asked as he stared at the side of San's face.

Feeling the boy's unbreakable gaze, San couldn't help but laugh as he reached over to push Wooyoung's head so he wasn't looking at him anymore. "I'm going to crash this car if you keep staring at me. You're a distraction."

"Rude..." Wooyoung grumbled, trying to keep a straight face, "I hate surprises, Sannie, just tell me."

"Wooyoung, you like surprises you're just too impatient to wait."

"Both of that is true...so what's it gonna be, San?"

Letting out a small sigh, San spoke calmly, "We'll be there in five minutes, you just have to be patient, okay?"


Wooyoung stared out the window with a frown on his lips. He watched the green blur of trees as they passed them at a speed that made him dizzy. Although he was trying to sulk to prove a point, after a few minutes the car started to slow down and Wooyoung beamed at the sight.

"San—" Wooyoung started, whipping around in his seat to look at the elder who wore a small smirk on his lips. Torn between whether to look at his boyfriend or out the window, Wooyoung quickly turned back to stare at the scenery in front of them. San had taken him to a butterfly garden and he felt as if he was going to explode from anticipation. He couldn't see any butterflies yet, but he could see all of the pretty flowers and the sculptures scattered across the land.

"I thought you'd like it..." San spoke at last as he pulled into a parking spot. He glanced over at the boys smiling face before adding, "I wanted to take you somewhere you haven't been before and since you didn't grow up over here, I assumed you hadn't been here."

"I haven't been here—which means we have to go inside now, Sannie," Wooyoung rushed out as he reached to open the door only for San to lock it before he could. "Hey—"

Reaching out to grab the younger's chin, San made the excited boy look at him before leaning forward and kissing him. Even though his boyfriend was ready to jump out of the car, he still kissed back. "Ok, let's go inside," San whispered at they pulled apart.


After millions of pictures and countless smiles from Wooyoung, it was finally time to go back home. It was a melancholic farewell for the boy as he wished he didn't have to leave all the pretty butterflies behind. A dramatic sigh came out of Wooyoung as they walked back to San's car, the younger trailing behind so he could have more time to admire the flowers before they had to leave.

"I don't want to go," he pouted before plopping down in the passenger seat of the car.

"I'll take you again some other time, deal?"


The two rode in silence for some time until Wooyoung held out his hand, wordlessly asking the elder if they could hold hands. "Thank you for bringing me, Sannie, I really liked it," he muttered, bringing the back of San's hand to rest against his cheek.

"I'm glad you did." As silence enveloped them once again, San rubbed his thumb against the boy's cheek, eliciting comforting laughter from him. San always found refuge in a smile from Wooyoung or hearing his laughter no matter how loud.

"Can we get ice cream!" Wooyoung nearly yelled as the idea came to him. "Please, please, Sannie," he continued.

"Sure, baby, we can get ice cream," San answered gently, knowing there wasn't anything in the world he wouldn't do if Wooyoung was the one that asked him to do it.

Thanks for reading :)

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