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The sigh that fell from San's lips seemed to echo through the whole building. He reached out towards broken copier, his hands shaking with frustration. He glanced over at the employee next to him who was staring at the ground as if his life depended on it and let out a terrifyingly calm laugh.

"I need you to leave..." San spoke quietly, turning back to look at the cracked surface of the machine.

"I'm really sorry sir, it really was just an ac—"

"Get out!" A couple seconds passed before San turned to where Wooyoung was standing awkwardly in the corner, a stack of papers in his hands. He had the misfortune of walking in to make copies the second San walked in to assess the situation. "You too please," he said softly, trying to smile at the younger.

Wooyoung just looked at him for awhile wondering why the hell he couldn't stay in the room. "San—"

"I just need a couple minutes, Wooyoung," the elder said, his voice shaking so subtlety Wooyoung almost didn't notice.

"Whatever..." he grumbled before pushing his way past San.

When he was finally alone, San walked over and gently closed the door, just standing there silently for a few moments. Making his way back over to the copier, San slammed his fists down onto the top of it a few times before pulling the whole machine onto to the floor.

"Damn it!" San hissed, not knowing why a single copier was making him so angry. There were about five other copiers in the building but for some reason it felt as if this was the last one on earth.



San looked up from his computer to see Wooyoung standing in front of him. "What?" He asked. The elder intended to his voice to be much more gentle than it came out, but he couldn't change it now.

"I'm going home," Wooyoung said quietly. Usually, there wasn't a moment where Wooyoung wasn't smiling, but at that moment there seemed to be a permanent frown on the boy's lips. A tense silence fell upon the two as they both thought about what they wanted to say, if anything.

San reached out and pulled the extra office chair he had next to him from Wooyoung the week prior. "Come sit," he said softly, feeling as if he wasn't allowed to raise his voice past a certain decibel.

Slowly the younger walked around San's desk and awkwardly sat down in the chair. He looked up and examined San's features for what felt like the first time in weeks.

"You're mad at me," San stated more than asked.

Wooyoung let out a dramatic sigh before shrugging. "I'm not mad at you...but I am a little pissed off."

"Because of what happened earlier?"

"That and you've just been ignoring me all week."

San's eyebrows knit together in confusion at the accusation. "I haven't been ignoring you."

With a frustrated breath, Wooyoung looked down at his lap as he wondered how somebody could be so stupid. "San—ever since the night we kissed...it's like you don't even want to look at me. I don't know if I just interpreted things wrong or...if you just don't like me anymore, but I'd rather you just tell me than pretending everything's normal."

"I didn't realize...it came off like that" San whispered, "I do like you, Wooyoung, and I've just never really...I don't know how this is supposed to happen. I don't have any experience with relationships—I don't know what's too fast or too slow and the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable."

A small smile finally formed on Wooyoung's lips as he muttered, "You're worrying about a relationship before it's even a thing."

"I was trying to figure things out so I didn't end up hurting you—but it just seemed like I was being an asshole," San said flatly. He reached out to grab Wooyoung's hands and pulled the boy closer to him. "I'm sorry, Wooyoung."

"Just talk to me next time Instead if pretending like you're too manly to have feelings..." he muttered before interlocking his and San's hands.

San raised an eyebrow at Wooyoung's words, watching as the boy waved their interlocked hands back and forth. "I don't think I'm too manly for anything."

After letting out a soft laugh, Wooyoung shrugged, "Sannie, I know the only reason you kicked me out earlier was so you could have a boxing match with the machine."

"That's not true," San responded in almost a frantic tone. A few seconds passed before he sighed and added, "ok maybe it's a little true."

Wooyoung smiled once again, causing the butterflies in San's stomach to throw a little party. "You should come over tonight..."

"Normally I would say yes, but I think Yeosang might actually become violent if he sees my face one more time."

Reaching out to place his hands on either side of San's face, Wooyoung said, "it's such a cute face, I don't know why."

San tried to hide the smile forming on his lips, "I'll fire you if you ever say something like that to me again." 

"But you're cute, Sannie," Wooyoung said quietly before pinching the elders cheeks.

Placing his hands over Wooyoung's, San pulled away and let out a dramatic groan. "Wooyoung—if somebody walked in right now, nobody in this building would ever take me seriously again."

"I doubt that...most people are terrified of you."

"But you're not?"

"Of course not," Wooyoung said quickly, "I don't think there's even anything to be scared of."

San nodded as he tightened his grip on Wooyoung's hands. He would do anything for that to be true, but he feared after some time the younger's statement would lose its veracity. At some point in whatever relationship they may have, San knew he had to tell Wooyoung what he really did. It didn't seem possible to hide his life from the boy and quite frankly he didn't want to. But at the end of the day San knew that Wooyoung might not be willing to commit to such a life and that terrified him.


I had to re read this whole story just to remember where I was in the plot 😭

I hope it feels like a normal chapter and not just something random to the story 

Thanks for reading 

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