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San covered his face with his hands and let out a dramatic sigh. He didn't get the chance to home last night, and the exhaustion was starting to catch up with him. "Just a little more, San," he muttered as he continued to type something into the computer.

"I knew it! You're fucking Wooyoung aren't you!"

The sudden intrusion didn't seem to faze San. He finished typing the email he was currently working on before reacting to what Seonghwa had just yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, "I told Wooyoung he could just come back here—and I was right! You would've killed anybody else who just came back here without checking in with Sana. I didn't even hear you yell at him."

"Why...why would try to get me to yell at him?"

He crossed his arms over his chest, "because there's obviously something going on."

"I've known this boy for four days, Seonghwa. He's sweet, I don't need to make him upset," San explained as he begun to sort the papers scattered all over his desk, "There's nothing going on."

"San, you've never cared about people's feelings though." The elder's eyes narrowed, realizing something else.

Before he got the chance to say anything, Yunho walked into the room. "Hey Sannie, I'm an hour late because Wooyoung didn't wake me up before leaving. If you're going to fire anybody fire him."

San looked down at the stack of papers on his desk, "Oh...I didn't know you an Wooyoung were a thing..."

"That's what I said!" Seonghwa yelled, "That also proves my point! You have a crush on Wooyoung!"

"Why are you confronting San about his crush? He'll just get mad at you."

There was a loud thud which caught Yunho and Seonghwa's attention. They turned to see that their friend has slammed his head onto his desk. "Do you ever just look at somebody and think what if he's the one?"

Yunho couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh. He quickly covered his mouth, "I'm sorry—I just don't know how to deal with you talking about the one."

"San, the way you figure that out is by asking somebody on a date. That's how I felt with Hongjoong, so I asked him to go on a date with me," Seonghwa explained gently, not knowing how to comfort the boy.

The youngest let out another groan, "He's just so cute! And his little laugh..."

"Little? His laugh is basically a scream," Yunho muttered, causing Seonghwa to hit his chest. 

"Guys, is this what being in love feels like?"

With that, Yunho walked out of the room, not even giving San an answer. Seonghwa just stared at San blankly for a few seconds. "San—maybe just give it a month or two before jumping to conclusions about how you feel. I know you've never really been with anybody...but love doesn't happen that fast."

"Hey! I've been with people be—"

"Not like that!" Seonghwa yelled, just wanting the younger to stop talking, "I mean you've never dated anybody."

"Sir—I know you said not to bother you this morning, but I just got word there was a break in at the northern warehouse last night," Sana said shakily as she walked into the office.

San pressed his lips together before slamming a fist down on the desk. "Damn it! I knew it had been too quiet these last few days."

"What would you like me to do?" The girl asked quietly.

Opening the drawer next to him, he pulled out the handgun and checked to see if it was loaded. "Send a team to meet us there," he muttered before gesturing for Seonghwa to follow him.

When the two were in San's car together, Seonghwa couldn't help but let his mind wander. "San, there were men on patrol there last night."

"You don't think I know that?"

"If they didn't radio about the break in...do you think they're dead?" Instead of responding, San just pressed down on the gas, watching the speedometer rise.


When they made it to the warehouse, it was obvious there were no survivors. There were five bodies to match the five men on patrol the night before.

"Take care of the bodies and contact their families," San ordered the other men that had been sent down to help.

After taking a look around to assess the situation, both him and Seonghwa returned empty handed. "It doesn't even look like they touched anything here," The elder muttered.

"They didn't. I checked and all of the inventory is still here." Feeling his cellphone vibrating in his back pocket, San looked to see if it was an important call. It was a number he didn't recognize, yet he felt compelled to answer it anyway. "Who is this?"

"Ah...Choi San...I see you've found my present," a man said on the other side of the phone, "Do you like it?"

The grip on his phone tightened, "What the hell do you mean?"

"Your warehouse. I'm sad I didn't get a little more recognition." The line fell silent before he added, "You don't even look that mad...guess I picked the wrong men to kill. But it's okay, I'll just try again at one of the other warehouses."

Feeling his blood run cold, San looked up and saw a small red light flashing on the corner of the wall. Using his shoulder to hold up the phone, he pulled the out the pistol and shot at the small device.

"That wasn't very nice..." the man said quietly. There was a shuffling noise in the background like he was trying to find something, "Well I already know what you look like...so I guess it isn't that big of a deal." He paused and let out a laugh, "I got one of your men to give me a file."

"What file?"

"The one with the locations of all your warehouses. You have very loyal men, San, but you can always break somebody by threatening their family."

"What do you want? Money? Guns?"

Another laugh echoed through the phone, "Of course not. I want to end the Choi legacy. You and your father have been too successful over the years and somebody needs to take that away from you. I do not intend on killing you, San, I intend on taking everything from you." 


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