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"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me you were using the west warehouse as ploy?"

San looked up from the email he was typing out and raised an eyebrow, "Why the hell do you think I need to tell you what I do?"

"Were supposed to be doing this together. Why wouldn't you tell me that?" Seonghwa pried as he sat down in the chair.

A sigh fell from San's lips, "No, Seonghwa, you work for me. I have no interest in sharing everything I do with you because our friendship is separate from the choices I make." He watched as a frown formed on the elder's face, "And I made the right call moving the supplies and evacuating my men. People would have died last night if I hadn't made that choice...so why are you questioning me?"

"I just wish you would've told me about it." He paused before completely changing his demeanor, "I'm not questioning your choices, San, im sorry. I guess I was...just worried that we lost more men because I didn't know you moved them."

San just nodded, taking a few seconds to think about some things, "Why are you so worried about attacks? Except for this, It's been quiet for the past month."

The elder shrugged, "I just—I'm curious how you knew the west warehouse was going to be targeted next."

"Well it was simple really, cameras picked up suspicious activity by the warehouse a few times over the week, I took a chance and evacuated it."

He let out a small hum and nodded, "I'm glad you caught that. We could've lost a lot of men. But...what type of suspicious activity?"

San waved the elder off, "I really don't have the time to play twenty one questions with you. So I'll make it simple, stay out of this and do your own job."

"San—this is my job!"

His head fell to the side in confusion, "You're a bodyguard, nothing more. And you do what I tell, correct? Our friendship has no influence over my decisions."

"You can't possibly think tha—"

"We're done with this conversation! Get out of my office!"

San rested his head in his hands once Seonghwa was gone. He had no idea what had made the elder act like he was the one in charge. Maybe hiring his best friends at his company wasn't the best idea. There was a small knock on the already open door which prompted San to look up.

He saw Wooyoung sanding in the doorway awkwardly, holding a stack of papers against his chest. "I'm starting to feel like I only come at bad times," He spoke quietly.

A small smile formed on San's lips, "As long as you don't try to tell me I'm doing my job wrong, you're more than welcome to come in."

"Not to be nosy...but I heard you and Seonghwa arguing. Is everything okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I'm just a little frustrated in general today...it wasn't entirely his fault."

Placing the stack of papers down on his desk, Wooyoung flashed a sympathetic smile. "All I have to offer you is more work. These are the reports you asked me to fill out at the beginning of the week."

San stared at the stack of papers with a blank expression before gently laying his head down on the desk. "I just want to take a nap."

"Mmm...I'll take care of things, go ahead."

He raised an eyebrow, "You would be able to run things?"

Wooyoung smiled once again, "Are you doubting me, Sannie?"

"A little..." he returned the smile, "I'd never actually be able to fall asleep, I'd be too nervous with you in charge."

The younger rolled his eyes, "I don't actually have to know what I'm doing—I just have to hope I'm doing it right."


Mr. Choi—" Sana called out as San walked past her desk. He stopped to look at her, not even bothering to ask her what she needed. "I often notice Wooyoung going back to your office without getting permission from either me or Yeji first...do you need us to do something about that? I just—I know you take the rules seriously."

San took a couple seconds to look like he actually had to think about the answer. "No thanks, Sana. I have it under control."

When the man was halfway down the hallway she turned to Yeji, "I told you—there's definitely something going on."

Yeji spun around in her chair and rolled her eyes, "Sana just admit you're in love with him and stop taking your anger out on sweet boys."

"I am not in love with him! I just think that Wooyoung should have to follow the rules too!"

She raised an eyebrow, amused by how upsetting this situation seemed to be to the elder, "I think you have your own issues to sort out."


"Yeosang!" Wooyoung yelled the second he walked through the door. He ran over to the couch and jumped on his friend. As he wrapped his arms around Yeosang's neck he noticed Jongho on the couch as well. "...hi Jongho—anyway I have a date tomorrow and you have to help me."

Yeosang looked offended after hearing that, "A date? With who? You haven't told me about any guys.

"Well that's because I didn't really know if anything was going to happen...and that he's my...boss."

Both Jongho and Yeosang looked at the boy with wide eyes. "Wooyoung—I'm pretty sure that's like against the law!" The last time he had talked to his roommate he was single and happy...now he was a criminal going on dates.

Wooyoung quickly shook his head, "I was worried about the same thing so I googled it. The company can make its own rules—and since San owns the company I think he can make the rules."

"San...he just sounds like he's not good enough for you," Yeosang muttered as he pushed his boyfriend's arm off of his shoulder, still not comfortable showing any type of affection near Wooyoung. "You like him?"

"I really do, Sangie. He's sweet—a lot sweeter than you would think. He would never hurt me."

He let out a small sigh, "I don't know Woo...you can never tell when a boy is going to hurt you. I think I need to meet this San guy first."

"Well our date is tomorrow...so too bad." 


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