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Yunho let out a high pitched scream when he looked to the left and saw San standing next to him. The other guy who got posted in the same spot stifled a laugh at the reaction.

"I need to talk to you."

Yunho raised an eyebrow, not too compelled to talk about anything after hearing San's vague tone. "Ok..."

He followed the elder through the building and back to his office. "I switched your position," San spoke as he rummaged through the mess of papers sprawled all across his desk. "You'll be on the third floor doing mostly safety checks on the projects from the engineers."

"What?" Yunho hissed.

Not expecting that reaction, San looked up at his friend and shrugged, "You've been asking me to switch you to that floor for months—what's the problem now?"

A loud groan came out of Yunho before he started to pace around San's office. "Mingi works on that floor! I've been avoiding him for weeks, San! Weeks!"

"You should've told me something—it takes at least a fucking week to finalize a position change," San grumbled. He sat down in his chair and begun typing away at his computer. "Especially because I already hired somebody else for security..." he muttered.

"Y'know what—it's fine," Yunho started, "I know you were just doing what I asked you to...so thank you."

"Are you sure?" San asked as he continued typing something out.

The elder nodded, "I can't avoid somebody forever."

"San where is—oh," Seonghwa spoke as he walked into the room.

Yunho turned to look at him, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because I miss my friend..." He spoke with fake conviction.

"Oh shut up."

San looked up at the two expectantly, "I do not know why either of you are still here. Don't you have work to do?"

"Not really..." Seonghwa muttered before sitting in the chair across from San, "We should go out tonight."

A smile spread across Yunho's face as he nodded excitedly, "San let's do it—please!"

"You two could always go out without me..."

"You don't want to go?" Yunho asked softly, almost a disappointed edge to his voice.

San shook his head, "Of course I want to go—but I might be doing something else."

"Something else?" Seonghwa mumbled to himself. "San you don't really have any other friends." A quiet laugh slipped out of Yunho, quickly agreeing with the boy's words.

San sent them an annoyed look before shooing them out of his office. "Get away from me," he grumbled.


"Choi San are you crazy!?"

San paused the conversation between him and Yeji to reluctantly look at Wooyoung. He felt his heard fall all the way to his stomach at just the sight of the boy.

Sana and Yeji shared a worried glance, never having heard any employee address San with such disrespect.

"Wooyoung let—"

"Who the hell s—"

San quickly pressed his hand over Wooyoung's mouth before he could speak another word of the matter. "Let's go somewhere more private."

Once the two were in his office, San sent the boy an apologetic look. "I thought you wouldn't see it until the morning..."

"So nobody hacked your computer? I was worried because—who the heck asks somebody to be their boyfriend over email!?"

San let out a dramatic sigh, "Ok let me explain—ok so....ok..."

"San," Wooyoung spoke, trying his hardest not to laugh at the elder.

"I would've never worked up the courage to ask you if it wasn't indirectly." The elder paused, thinking of what he wanted to say next. "I...like you a lot, Wooyoung, and I know things between us have been a little weird...but I want to be in a real relationship with you."

"I want to be in a real relationship too," Wooyoung said softly, almost mocking the way San referred to them. He held up his pointer finger, "but only if you don't email me every time we need to talk about something serious."

San quickly nodded, agreeing to the younger's terms, "That was the first and last time, I promise."

There was an awkward silence between the two. Wooyoung looked at San and sent him a shy smile. The elder cleared his throat, "Will you be my boyfriend, Wooyoung?"

A light blush tinted Wooyoung's cheeks. "Yeah, I'll be your boyfriend, Sannie," he said gently. 

A smile of his own formed on San's lips, but the moment was cut short by his phone ringing. "I...have to take this," he said reluctantly.

Wooyoung nodded, "I should get back to work anyway..."

Waiting for the door to close behind the boy, San finally answered the phone. "Yes?"

"Mr Choi—something happened."

"Ok..." San responded skeptically, not knowing why the man couldn't tell him what had happened in particular.

There was a prolonged silence before he cleared his throat, "The two men who didn't show up yesterday...they were found dead in their homes this morning." 

"Thank you for letting me know," San spoke almost lifelessly, "I'll contact the families personally." He didn't give the man a chance to add anything else before ending the call.

Gently setting his phone down on his desk, San felt as if he was in a daze. All of his life he had grown up only knowing his fathers employees for months before they were just gone. Even his own mother had been killed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

San knew there was always going to be death involved no matter what position he was in; however, it always felt as if he was failing. If it was his father in his shoes, this man terrorizing San would have already been taken care of. But it seemed he just wasn't good enough.

"San~" Yunho sang as him and Seonghwa barged into the elder's office, "Are you coming with me and Hwa?"

San sent the two an unintentional glare, not understanding how they always picked the worst times. "No," he grumbled.

The two shared a look, knowing that something was obviously bothering San from the lack of eye contact and frown on his lips. "Let me talk to him," Yunho said softly as he gestured for Seonghwa to leave them.

"Yunho—get the fuck out." 



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I hope you have a great week 

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