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"Sannie," Wooyoung chanted as he let himself into San's office, Yunho only a couple steps behind.

"Sannie," yunho mimicked.

A confused expression formed on Wooyoung's face as he turned around to look at the boy. "Hey—that's my name for San, you can't steal it."

Yunho glanced over at San for help, but the male only shrugged, not too interested in joining their little argument. "You can't own a name, Wooyoung," he grumbled.

"Yes I can."


"He's my boyfriend."

"Yeah? And he's my friend."

"What is going on?" Seonghwa asked with wide eyes as he walked in on his two bickering friends.

Wooyoung shrugged, walking over to San's side before muttering, "Yunho's a thief."

"Wooyoung's a baby."

Letting out a sigh, San tidied up the papers scattered all over his desk before asking, "Does that mean you guys are ready to go?"

"I told Yeosang to meet us there at 8...so yeah."

"Can I bring Youngkyun?"

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at his question, "Is that the one boy you're talking to?"


"You want to invite a boy you're interested in when you always get so shitfaced that you end up rolling all over the floor?" The elder said flatly.

Yunho hummed, "Okay...good point. I do not want to invite him anymore."

Holding San's hands in his own, Wooyoung pulled his boyfriend out of his chair and gently pushed him towards the door. "Let's go! Let's go!" He spewed excitedly, jumping up and down between words.

"Hwa, you're taking Yunho, right? There's no way he's driving himself home," San added before the group could leave his office.

Seonghwa sent the younger a quick thumbs up, sending a suddenly friendly Wooyoung and Yunho skipping down the hallway.


"Guys, I have an announcement," Wooyoung spoke loud enough for his group of friends at the bar to hear over the music blaring from the speakers.

Yunho raised an eyebrow, setting his drink down for the first time since they walked through the door. "Why do you sound so serious all of the sudden?" He asked.

"It's about me and San..." he started, turning to glance at the elder who only smiled at him.

Wooyoung held out his closed left hand, a small silver band stretching across his ring finger. The three let out a simultaneous gasp, Yeosang's eyes getting so wide it looked as if they were going to pop out of his head. He quickly opened his hand to reveal a key hanging from the small silver key ring. "I moved in with San," he explained at last.

"Oh dear lord," Yunho breathed out, "I thought I was going to have to sit here and pretend to agree with you two getting engaged after a year."

Seonghwa took a random shot the bartender gave him before adding, "you don't know how fast my heart is beating right now."

Although nobody else seemed to find the prank too funny, Wooyoung could stop his laughter. "I told you I had a good idea," he told San, leaning back to rest his head on the elder's chest.

"I thought it was a good idea...but I don't know about them," San muttered as he gestured to the three still gossiping about the stunt.

Wooyoung's moment of repose in San's arms didn't last much longer, the boy quickly hopping out of his seat to go talk to Yeosang. "Sangie~when is Jongho moving in?" He asked.

Finishing his drink before responding to the boy, Yeosang set the glass down and closed his eyes to think, starting to feel the effect of the alcohol. "Sometime next week," he answered simply. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before mumbling, "My body isn't used to good quality alcohol."

"You've had like two drinks—you have the tolerance of an eighty year old woman."

"So do you!"

"I don't pretend not to."


"That tickles..." Wooyoung giggled from where he laid in the center of San's bed.

The elder had been trying to take off the boy's shirt for the past five minutes but it wasn't a very easy task. You see...Wooyoung was a little more than drunk and getting anything done when he was in that state was never easy. "Baby, you just need to change your clothes then you can go to sleep," San sighed, placing his hand on the back of the boy's neck.

Trying once again, San finally pulled the shirt over his head without him moving away because it tickled.  "I'm going to get you one of my shirts...stay there..." San said slowly, not too sure why he thought the boy would try to get up when he was already half asleep.

After grabbing a shirt from his closet across the room, he walked back over to the boy who was now sitting up. "Okay, Wooyoung, I grabbed this shirt because I know you like it. Then you can finally g—"

Wooyoung didn't seem to be as tired as San assumed when the younger grabbed the collar of his dress shirt, pulling him down so their lips crashed together roughly.

"Jesus!" San hissed as he felt the younger untuck his shirt, quickly slipping his ice cold hands underneath.

"I just love you, Sannie," the boy slurred, pulling San back down to kiss him again.

Trying to escape the barrage of kisses all over his face, San pulled away only to be yanked onto the bed by his shirt. "I know baby, I love you too. But you..." he paused, poking the younger boy's nose, causing him to giggle once again, "you are going to be asleep in ten minutes." 

"I am pretty tired..." Wooyoung muttered at last.

San leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his boyfriends forehead, "then let's get you ready for bed, hm?"

So...there's only five chapters left. I have them all written so I was wondering if you guys would want me to upload Wednesday and Sunday from now on for this book...or would you like me to keep uploading just on Sundays?

Thanks for reading :)

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