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"Is this really necessary?"

San looked up from his computer screen and narrowed his eyes. He wasn't quite sure if he actually heard somebody outside the door or if his ears were playing tricks on him.

"You're pinching me!" A small voice whined before something came in contact with the closed door in front of San.

The door swung open and two body guards struggled to walk in while carrying a small boy between them. The boy was kicking his legs wildly, trying to escape from their hold. After a few seconds, he let out a huff and fell limp, "I give up."

"Why...what is going on?" San asked as he tried to wrap his head around the situation, "Why did you being him here?"

"He was outside the building claiming that he wanted to apply for a job."

San smiled at the boy, "Sorry, but we're not hiring. You are free to leave."

"My friend Yunho told me you had an open spot for a data analytic. I have a degree in that." He spoke from where he was still being held in the air. "But this doesn't feel like a very welcoming place."

"Sir I think he's lying. There's no way t—"

San waved his hand in the air to stop the man from continuing, "Put him down and leave us please." Although hesitant, the two listened to their boss and put the boy on the ground before walking out of the room.

"I apologize for the...precautions we had to take. Please sit."

The boy just stared at San for a few seconds before sitting down in the very expensive looking chair. He shifted around for a few seconds, feeling like the floor was going to open up and send him down the trash shoot just for merely breathing their air.

"I'm Choi San, I hope we can get past our former introduction and start fresh."

The boy cleared his throat, trying to remember proper grammar before he spoke. "I'm Wooyoung—Jung Wooyoung."

San sent the Wooyoung another reassuring smile, sensing how uneasy he felt. "How do you know Yunho?"

"We went to high school together...he's my best friend," Wooyoung answered happily before remembering this could be an interview for his dream job, "He called me last night and told me about a position you had open."

"Yes, on our data analytics team, which you have a degree in?" San asked, quickly receiving a nod from the boy. "I mean no disrespect, Wooyoung, but do you have any prior experience in this field? You hardly look old enough to already have finished college."

A quiet laugh slipped past Wooyoung's lips, "I finished my degree a year early because of credits I accumulated in high school. But no, I do not have an prior experience working in this position." He mentally patted himself on the back for remembering words above a kindergartner's vocabulary.

"Impressive..." San whispered, "So, why do you want this job?"

"Well I have a feeling I'll like this job...since I've spent the past three years studying this subject. And truthfully, the salary is much more than I could ever hope to make."

He nodded before closing his eyes and taking a few seconds to think about something. "I think I've heard enough, Wooyoung, do you think you can fill out some paperwork for me and bring it back by tomorrow?" 

Wooyoung's eyes widened, not expecting San to even consider him after the way they met. "O—Oh yeah. I can do that."

"And would you be able to start training tomorrow as well?"

"Yeah," he said almost too eagerly. The agreement flew past his lips without any thought and he was glad he never had any plans.

San smiled once again before spinning around in his chair and grabbing a file from the cabinet. "Great. Here's everything you need to fill out. Feel free to call if you have any questions, the company number is on multiple of the forms."

"Thank you, San." Wooyoung said softly, making sure to glance down at the name tag in front of him to make sure he didn't get the name wrong.

The elder was a bit taken aback at the use of his first name. None of his employees ever dared to call him anything besides sir or Mr Choi, but this time he didn't mind for some reason. "Alright, if you don't have any other questions then w—"

"San! Will you please tell your body guard to stop distracting me while I'm trying to do my job!" Yunho yelled angrily as he stomped into the office.

A laughing Seonghwa followed close behind, "but it's so much fun, Yun."

Yunho put his hands up in front of him dramatically and took a deep breath, "I need to take you up on the new job offer."

San stared at his friends with a blank expression, almost embarrassed by the way they were acting in front of Wooyoung. "We have a guest," he gritted out.

"Wooyoung—you actually came!"

"And I got hired! ...I think." Wooyoung whispered excitedly to Yunho. "But I should be going—I've got a lot of paperwork to fill out. Thanks again, San, see you tomorrow."

San nodded, trying to ignore the look Seonghwa was giving him. "Is there an issue?" He asked when Wooyoung was out of the room.

"The last employee that addressed you as San had to go to the hospital to get a pen removed from his hand."

A groan came out of San as he slammed his head down on his desk. "What am I doing? He's young and sweet—I shouldn't have hired him."

"Im young and sweet," Yunho defended.

San laughed at his friend, "Your dad worked for my dad, it was already in your family. This is going to ruin his life."

Seonghwa and Yunho shared a look before turning back to their friend. "Not that I don't want to protect Wooyoung, but it's not like you to actually care about the lives of people you hire."

The youngest shrugged, "he's just so young—we're all so young. Is this really what we want for the rest of our lives?"

"I'm quite content with the life I have," Seonghwa muttered. "What do you not want to do this anymore?"

"No, that's not what I mean. I just—I'm almost twenty two and I've never even dated anybody. I want more than just this Y'know?"

Yunho walked over and kneeled in front of his friend. "This doesn't have to be all you do with your life. You can get married and have kids—heck you can start a stamp collection if that'll make you happy."

"I never thought we would have to give you a pep talk, but Yunho's right. Find something that'll make you happy," Seonghwa said gently before sitting down on the chair across from the two.

Laughing at his friends words, Yunho agreed with him, "One day he's threatening somebody with a gun for dropping a piece of paper and the next he's crying over feeling empty."

"I'm not crying."

"You should Sannie, just let it all out," Yunho teased, pinching San's cheeks like a little baby. 


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