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"Are you kidding me..." Yunho whispered as he typed in the access code to the inventory files only to have an error tab pop up on his screen. He typed in the numbers again, watching his fingers as he did to prove the veracity.

He let out an annoyed groan as the same message took over his screen. "San better not have changed the codes without telling me..." he grumbled.

"Forgot the password?"

Yunho froze as somebody leaned over him, placing both hands on the desk in front of him. He looked up to see Mingi standing over him, a small smile already on his lips. "No," he started, "I don't need your help."

"There's no need to be rude," he spoke as he typed in the code again only to find the same result. Pressing his lips together tightly, Mingi hummed, "Well...that's not what was supposed to happen."

"I'm not stupid, Mingi, I remember what it is, it just isn't working."

"Why do you hate me all of the sudden?" Mingi asked, catching the elder off guard. "We were perfectly fine like a month ago."

A sigh fell from Yunho's lips before he said, "You and me are done, Mingi. It was nice at first—but I just can't justify sleeping with a cheater."

"I'll break up with her," he said frantically.

The elder shook his head. "I want to be with somebody that actually cares about me—and not have to worry about being cheated on," he explained softly, not wanting to hurt Mingi's feelings despite having been the one hurt in the first place.

A frown formed on Mingi's lips as he listened to the boy's words. "I do care about you," he said. 

"Please...just go. Don't make this harder than it needs to be," Yunho spoke, trying his hardest to conceal his emotions, "We're just not right for each other."

"If that's what you really think..." mingi said quietly before finally walking away. 

Although Yunho truly liked the younger boy, he knew that what Wooyoung said was right. Why would he be any different from Mingi's current girlfriend. He knew that it would be better for both of them to end things. 

"I still don't know how to log in..." he grumbled as he stared at the page.

"Oh! I think you were gone last week when Mr Choi told us that he changed all of the access codes," an unfamiliar voice said from behind Yunho.

He turned around and saw a man holding a stack of files that was nearly the same height as him. Quickly setting the files down on Yunho's desk, he typed in a new series of numbers which brought up the spreadsheet he was looking for.

Sending him a grateful smile, Yunho bowed as best he could while still being seated. "Thank you...I had no idea they were changed."

"We got sheets of the new codes from Mr Choi, but like I said you weren't there. The only time I really ever see you is during our floor meetings...and I was quite disappointed by your absence..." the man quickly waved a hand in front of his face, hoping Yunho didn't think too hard about his embarrassing words, "I'll just write down the codes for you then leave you alone."

Yunho watched as the man reached a shaky hand out to grab the small pad of sticky notes next to his computer. "I really appreciate you helping me—who knows how long I would've sat here trying to use the wrong password," he muttered, causing the unknown man to let out a quiet laugh.

"If you ever need help again...I'm just three desks down."

Just as the man turned to grab his files, Yunho quickly said, "I'm Yunho by the way."

"I'm Youngkyun." 


"Move." Yunho stated harshly before lifting San's chair up from the back and dumping him onto the floor.

"What the fuck!" San hissed before hoisting himself up off the floor, "You can't just—don't do that!"

The elder held out a hand and muttered, "Shut up in trying to do something."

He clicked around the the computer for a few minutes before a grin spread across his face. "I am so happy...he isn't married—and doesn't have kids."

Staring at Yunho in disbelief, San crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry—did you just break into my office and throw me onto the ground just to look up a random guy's file?"


A sigh fell from San's lips before he pointed towards the door and hissed, "Get out!" 

"You're being rude San."

"I'm being rude?!"

Spinning around in the chair to look up at San, the elder nodded. "I'm trying to figure out my love life!"

"Do that somewhere else!"

"You're the only one with access to employee files!"

"Yunho—I swear to god I w—"

"Why are you two yelling at each other?" Wooyoung shouted so he could be heard over the bickering duo. "I've been standing here for like two minutes—but you're too busy arguing to notice." 

"Blame him—he's the one who won't get up," San spoke as he pointed to the boy sitting in his chair like a child.

A small laugh slipped past Wooyoung's lips, "you're both grown men, do you not have any other way to resolve conflict?"

"Listen, Wooyoung, you didn't see it, he came in here and just threw me on the ground."

"Because I have important things to do!"

Walking around the desk, Wooyoung wrapped an arm around Yunho's shoulder and examined the computer screen. "Kim Youngkyun..." he whispered as he looked at the information pulled up, "he's cute, Yun."

A dramatic scoff came out San upon hearing his boyfriend call another man cute. He grabbed his water bottle off the desk and muttered, "I need to refill this," before leaving the two alone.

"Is he really mad because I called that random guy cute?" Wooyoung whispered before placing himself on Yunho's lap.

Yunho let out a quiet laugh as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's stomach, "he's jealous not mad."

"Why would he be jealous? He's cute too..."


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