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*the same night*

The second Wooyoung walked into San's house, he was completely awestruck. It almost looked more like a castle than a house, but San called this his house so proudly he couldn't have corrected him. Wooyoung spun around on his tiptoes as he marveled at the high ceilings and beautiful window paneling. 

He wandered around for the next few minutes just taking in every aspect of the place. Thing seemed out of place, every room seemed so cohesive and so elegant . Wooyoung felt like he was going to trigger a security systems for living in a two bedroom apartment. He was starting to realize that maybe Yeosang was right and San had a lot more money than he originally thought. There was nothing wrong with that, it just made him a little insecure. Going all out for Wooyoung meant buying the expensive paper towel when he was grocery shopping, whereas San could quite literally buy the company just for fun. 

"Your house is really pretty," Wooyoung said quietly as he looked at the most stunning fireplace he'd ever seen. He could just imagine curling up on couch in front of it in the winter. Everything about San's house was so sophisticated yet cozy. "That couch looks softer than my bed." 

San smiled at the boy, "That's my favorite couch to nap on when I'm not busy." 

"You probably don't get to do that much..." It made Wooyoung sad knowing that San had such a nice house but he never got the chance to spend time in it. Of course he was here now, but Wooyoung knew If he wasn't there, the elder would still be sitting behind his computer. 

"My bed is a lot more comfortable," San started as he reached out for Wooyoung's hand to lead his over to the plush black couch, "But we can sit for a minute."

When he sat down, Wooyoung wiggled around a little, seeing how the cushion felt under his butt. After only a few seconds he realized that this sofa was embarrassingly more comfortable than any piece of furniture he owned. 

San snaked his arms around Wooyoung's waist and pulled the boy down onto him. "Did you get anything done today, or did you just leave it for everybody else?" 

A small smile formed on wooyoung's lips at the feeling of San's arms still around his waist. "I got everything done before I came to see you. I even filed an extra report that I could've left for tomorrow." 

"Mmm...that's good now I don't have to fire you." 

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "you know you'd never be able to fire me." 

"You're probably right..." San muttered. 

There were a few moments of the two just resting in each other's presence before Wooyoung turned to face the elder.  "Do you have a maid like all the people with big houses do in movies?" 

A small laugh slipped past San's lips at the excited expression that adorned the younger's features. "I have one maid and...it's past nine so she's home by now." He paused for a few seconds, fingers picking at the material of the couch, "I don't really need a maid, but I didn't want to fire her when my parents died." 

"I'm sorry about your parents, Sannie," Wooyoung practically whispered. 

There was not a good reason in the world, but for some unknown reason a lump formed in his throat as he forced himself not to cry. He'd never had the time to mourn the loss of his parents, nor had anybody been there to comfort him after it happened. "It's okay," he responded softly. "How about I show you the rest of my house?" 


After Wooyoung received a very brief house tour from the elder, he found himself in San's bedroom, sitting in the middle of his king size bed. Wooyoung quite literally felt like royalty just by the size of the mattress underneath him. He let himself fall backwards, rolling around to see just how soft the bedding was, "You're right, this is more comfortable than the couch." 

San glanced over at Wooyoung and suddenly forgot how the process of breathing worked. Jung Wooyoung was laying on his bed, in his clothes. "Y—Yeah," he forced out before spinning back around. "I'll...be right back." 

He gave the younger no chance to respond before hurrying into the bathroom connected to his room. "Oh my God—pull yourself together," he whispered. 

After he took some time to compose himself, San walked back into the room, sending Wooyoung a small smile. "You look tired." 

Wooyoung just shrugged, "a little." Sitting on the bed next to him, San opened his arms for the boy. It didn't take much time before Wooyoung was in the elder's arms, head laying pleasantly on his chest. Even though the two weren't official, Wooyoung wouldn't have chosen to be anywhere else. San made him feel safe, he made him feel all warm and happy. 

The younger was far too lost in his own thoughts to notice the incessant pace of San's heart underneath him. San was sure he was going into cardiac arrest. 


He successfully stopped himself from letting out the high pitched scream that wanted to escape at the sound of Wooyoung's voice. "Yeah?" 

Propping his chin up on San's chest, Wooyoung peered up at the elder. "You still haven't kissed me." 

"Do you want me to?" He asked quietly, slowly regaining his confidence. 

A light blush tinted Wooyoung's cheeks as he laid his head back down. "Well yeah...that's why I said something." 

San sat up without any warning, bringing Wooyoung with him. The two collectively Chose to ignore the fact that Wooyoung was sitting on his lap. "Okay..." San whispered, his face only inches away from the younger boy's. 

"Okay..." Wooyoung mimicked, feeling his hands shaking as he moved them to rest awkwardly on San's shoulders. 

Ever so gently, San placed a hand on the side of Wooyoung's face and sent the boy a reassuring smile. He leaned forward to connect their lips in a soft kiss, it only lasted a few seconds before San pulled away as to no overwhelm the boy. 

But Wooyoung found himself chasing San's lips as they retreated. He was far from satisfied with the kiss he received, he wanted more. 

The two spent the next several minutes making out until San's phone began to ring on the nightstand next to them. Pulling away from the younger with a sigh, San looked at the called ID, "I have to take this, I'll be right back, I promise," He said as he reluctantly got up. 

"What?" He hissed into the phone once he was in the hallway outside of his room, "What the hell his so important that you have to call me whe—" 

"We caught a man trying to break into one of the buildings we're renovating...we have him now, sir. You make the call, what are we supposed to do?" One of his men said from the other side of the phone. 

The line fell silent as San tried to decide what he should do. He glanced back at his bedroom door and suddenly felt like he knew what to do, "Does he seem like a threat? Can you keep him until the morning?" 

"That shouldn't be a problem, Mr Choi." 

"I want atleast three men guarding him at a time. His hands and feet should be bound...and gag him while you're at it." San waited for the, yes sir, from the other line before continuing, "If there should be an emergency, you will call me, am I clear?"

There was some shuffling heard before another, "Yes sir, I'll get right on that." 

San hung up on the man, suddenly questioning if he should put that much faith in his men. But he couldn't ruin the night for Wooyoung. 


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