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"San, we need to talk about something."

San's eyebrows knit together in confusion as he just stared at the boy standing on his front porch. "It's one in the morning..." he said bluntly before deciding to rephrase, "Why aren't you asleep? You shouldn't be driving so late, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung's bottom lip quivered ever so gently just at the mere sound of his boyfriend's voice. "I couldn't sleep because...I don't know—I just can't stop thinking and I—" he cut himself off when he felt his eyes well with tears, "I just need to know you're not lying to me San—tell me you're not lying..."

Instead of starting an unnecessary argument, San pulled the younger inside and into his arms. "We can talk about whatever you want in a minute," he promised softly, "just take a deep breath for me."

Wooyoung nodded against San's chest only to let out a dramatic sob as he tried to inhale. "I...I can't," he choked out.

"You're okay, baby..." San whispered as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of Wooyoung's head. He knew the only reason the boy was so upset was directly linked to him still being awake so late. Most nights, the younger was fast asleep by ten.

A smile formed on San's lips as he heard a quiet exhale from the younger and felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso. Wooyoung's lips ghosted over his neck as the boy looked up at San. He sniffled before mumbling, "I'm sorry for barging in then throwing a fit."

"Oh I don't mind..." San responded quietly as he reached out to grab the boy's face. The two just stared at each other for a few quiet moments before San leaned down to kiss the boy. "Did you want to talk now?" He asked as they separated.

Wooyoung interlocked his and San's hands before pulling the elder to his bedroom. He walked over and neatly sat down on the bed before nodding.

Mimicking him, San walked over and sat down next to Wooyoung, leaving a bit of space in between them. "Go ahead then," he spoke, sending the younger a reassuring smile.

"I want you to just be honest with me, San..." Wooyoung started reluctantly but nevertheless received a nod from the elder, "That one time I went out with Yeosang—he was telling me why he didn't trust you...and he told me he found a lot of different buildings in your name—which I'm not saying you do own them because I don't know how many Choi San's there are in the world b—"

"It's true," San interrupted, "I do own quite a few buildings around town."

Looking down at his lap, Wooyoung let out a quiet breath as he nodded. "Okay..." he whispered.

The elder reached out to grab Wooyoung's hand, but the boy pulled away before he could do so. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Do you not trust me?"

"Wooyoung—of course I trust you. I just...you seemed so shocked knowing that I owned one bar, I didn't want to overwhelm you with everything else." Hesitantly, San placed a hand under Wooyoung's chin and gently lifted his head, "I would never hide something just to hurt you. I just want you to be happy and not have to worry about stuff like that."

"It just makes me nervous, San," Wooyoung admitted as he tried his hardest to stop himself from crying once again.

"Yunho told me what happened with your last boyfriend," San said softly before resting his hand on the side of the younger's face, "I'd never lie to you like that."

Quickly wiping at his eyes before any tears could escape, Wooyoung nodded. "I'm sorry for freaking out...I just get so stuck on one thing and I can't let it go."

"Stop apologizing to me," the elder stated before grabbing Wooyoung's waist and pulling the boy towards him. 

A small pout formed on Wooyoung lips. "Okay..." he whispered, not having to speak any louder based on the proximity of the two.

"Are you okay now? You still look so sad..." San asked.

Without warning, Wooyoung leaned forward and pecked the elder's lips. "I am now," he spoke happily, a smile spread across his face. 

"Sometimes I just don't understand you..."

A smile formed on Wooyoung's lips as he wrapped his arms loosely around the elder's neck. "You don't have to understand, Sannie," he spoke softly.

Leaning towards Wooyoung until their foreheads were touching, San returned the smile. "I want to understand everything about you, Wooyoung," he whispered.

The younger shivered at the feeling of San's breath ghosting over his neck. He glanced down once more before connecting their lips in another soft kiss. "Everything?" He asked.

A quiet laugh slipped out of San as he nodded. He moved his hand to rest on the side of Wooyoung's face, his thumb sweeping over the boy's bottom lip. "I wouldn't mind..." 

Laying his head down on the elder's shoulder, he let out a soft giggle. "Don't tempt me, Mr Choi, we both have to get up for work in the morning."

"I make the rules," San started as he slipped a hand under Wooyoung's shirt, letting his fingers creep up the boy's back, "I don't have to go anywhere."

"You'd do all that just for me?" Wooyoung asked softly, his heart beating increasingly faster as each second passed, "You'd be missing a lot of important work." 

"I don't how how many times I have to tell you, Wooyoung..." San mumbled, "I'll do anything for you."

Wooyoung could've sworn he developed tachycardia just from merely listening to the elder's sweet words. The boy took a few seconds to compose himself before kissing his way up San's neck until he reached the elder's ear. "Maybe you just have to show me what you mean, Sannie," he whispered. 


Thank you for reading

I hope you guys have a great week <3

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