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"Oh my god—why are you here?" San groaned as he opened his front door only for Yunho to walk right past him, "You do realize it's almost midnight?"

"Well I needed to talk to you somewhere that wasn't at work—but you're always at work," Yunho stated as he laid down on San's couch.

Rolling his eyes, San let out a dramatic groan before walking over to sit in the chair across from Yunho. "What do you mean you need to talk to me about something?"

"It's something really important."


"Are you sure you're ready?"

"Just tell me!" San hissed, not wanting to deal with the elder's antics.

A small sigh fell from Yunho's lips before he said, "I think Wooyoung knows."

"Knows what?" San asked flatly, slowly becoming more and more frustrated with his intrusive friend.

"I'm pretty sure he knows you're more than a paper clip salesman."

"Ok first of all—I don't only sell other legal things besides paperclips—and second, how would he know?" There was a long pause before San's eyes narrowed, head falling to the side, "I haven't said anything to him...would you have anything to do with that?"

Quickly shaking his head, Yunho clarified, "I haven't said anything to Wooyoung either—I know this because I walked in on him going through your computer one day."

San's eyebrows knit together in confusion before he asked, "He went through my computer? Are you sure he wasn't just using it?"

"I know it doesn't sound super reliable, but I know Wooyoung. That boy was guilty when I walked in on him. He knows something but I don't know what."

A small sigh fell from San's lips as he smoothed out the slacks he didn't have a chance to change out of. "I can't ask him anything without admitting there is something going on."

"Maybe you should just tell him..." Yunho said quietly, nervous that San might strangle him for even suggesting such a thing. 

"I can't." There was a pained tone to San's voice as he spoke. There was nothing he wanted more than to tell Wooyoung everything, but he just couldn't.

"Why?" Yunho whispered, noticing how quickly the younger's face fell.

The room fell silent as San fidgeted with his hands in his lap. He'd done a lot of things in his life that he wasn't proud of, however; he was most ashamed of lying to Wooyoung. "I...I just can't lose him," he choked out, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"San..." the elder started gently, "you can't keep it from him forever...and the longer you wait the harder it's going to be."

"I love him, Yunho," stated San as his eyes welled with unwelcome tears, "I'm not ready to let him go."

Reaching out to place a hand on San's knee, Yunho sent him a small smile. "Telling him doesn't mean he's going to leave you, San." 

"What if he does?" Quickly looking down as his lap as a tear broke loose and raced down his cheek, San muttered, "If I tell him everything he's going to be disgusted."

"That's for him to decide, San, don't do it for him." 


A small sigh fell from San's lips as he waited outside of Wooyoung's apartment. The boy hadn't answered his phone only moments before so he just hoped somebody was there to let him in. Just when he was about to call it quits, the door swung open.

"Why are you here?" A very angry looking Yeosang grumbled as he glared at San.

"I'm obviously here to see Wooyoung," he responded flatly, too tired to play nice with the boy.

Shrugging, Yeosang opened the door further and let him in, "Yeah—whatever."

San took a deep breath as he walked through the familiar apartment. When he made it to Wooyoung's bedroom, he hesitated opening the door. San had no intention of having the whole whats really going on talk at at two in the morning, but for some reason he was still nervous. 

Finally working up the courage to open the door, San saw Wooyoung fast asleep on his bed. He walked up to the side of the bed and knelt down so he could look at the sleeping boy.

"Wooyoung..." he whispered as he placed a hand on the side of Wooyoung's head, "Wooyoung,baby, wake up."

A small hum came out of the boy before his eyes slowly fluttered open. "Sannie?" He whispered, eyes closing for a few moments only to open them again. "You didn't tell me you were coming over...I would've stayed awake."

After pressing a light kiss to Wooyoung's forehead, San said, "I just needed to see you."

Reaching out to grab his boyfriend's hands, Wooyoung tried to pull him up onto the bed, but made San do most of the work. "Are you okay, Sannie?" He asked as he cuddled up to San. 

"I'm okay," the elder reassured, wrapping his arms tightly around Wooyoung, "You can go back to sleep, baby, I just didn't want to scare you when you woke up."

"I haven't seen you almost all day, I want to talk to you." Wooyoung lifted his head to look at San, a small pout resting on his lips, "I don't want to sleep."

A smile flickered across San's face before he leaned down to place a quick kiss on the younger's lips. "It's late," he whispered before pecking his lips once again, "we can talk in the morning, Wooyoung."

"Can you go back to calling me baby? I like it more."

"It's just your name," San spoke, reaching out to push the hair out of Wooyoung's face, "I like your name."

"But everybody calls me that..." he muttered.

"I thought I said we could talk in the morning?"

Laying his head back down on San's chest, Wooyoung asked, "Does that mean you'll stay with me again?"

"Do you want me to?"

"I always want you to stay with me, Sannie." 


This will forever be my favorite woosan picture 

Thanks for reading <3

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