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Wooyoung walked into his apartment and set his keys down on the counter. After sending a quick text to San, he leaned against the door and let out a breath.

He really liked San. And that's the only thing that was left in his head.

"You're dating Choi San?"

Looking up at his roommate, Wooyoung couldn't help but think it was quite rude how he interrupted his moment. "We're not dating...but yes that was San. What's the issue with that?"

"Oh just that he's one of the richest men in Korea and owns half of the businesses here."

"He can't be that rich," Wooyoung muttered, not believing what Yeosang was saying, "and to my knowledge he only owns the place where I work and a random bar."

Yeosang rolled his eyes, "You can literally google it if you don't believe me."

A groan came out of the boy, "Why does it even matter!?"

There was a few seconds of silence before the elder put his hands up in defense, "look I don't have a reason why it does matter, it just feels off to me for some reason. You're basically dating a celebrity."

"Sangie, I really like him. He's sweet and...look he got me flowers."

Turning to look at them, he let out a small hum, "Those are nice flowers...I still want to meet him if you ever do start dating." Of course he trusted his best friend to make the correct decision regarding his love life, but maybe he didn't trust him this time. Wooyoung liked the man, so he would respect that, but he would also have to meddle from a far. Because something was off...something felt dangerous about his roommate being in a relationship with the Choi San.

"Yunho is friends with San," Wooyoung blurred out. His eyes widened at the sudden defensive tone he possessed, since when was he mean to Yeosang? "I'm just like...putting that out there because maybe it'll make you feel better."

The elder's head fell to the side, "Why hasn't he told us about him before?"

The room was completely still for a few moments before Wooyoung's emotions spewed out of him like an active volcano. "Why are you so worried about this!? I just had my first good date in over a year with an actually good guy! And you're trying to take that away from me!? Maybe he'll turn out to be some serial killer—but I'll have to figure that out on my own!"

Yeosang's eyes followed the younger as he stomped out of the room, his own body bubbling with anger at the outburst. "Yeah after you're serial killed, Wooyoung!"


Wooyoung sat on his bed silently, eyes fixed on the closed door in front of him. Maybe he was overreacting just a little, but he couldn't help but replay the conversation between him and Yeosang over and over in his head.

He valued the opinions of his friends and for some odd reason he just couldn't let this go. He wanted Yeosang to like San.

Maybe in the back of his mind he was worried that his roommate was right. That San would turn out to be something horrible. But he had a good feeling about him.

His own judgment wasn't the greatest in the world, so he relied on his friends. The last boy he dated used him and cheated on him countless times. It was been hard to get past that, but there was still the lingering fear in the back of his head that something could go wrong.

There was a small knock on the door, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. Before he could answer, Yeosang peaked his head into the room. "I'm sorry," he said gently, "I shouldn't have acted like that."

Much to both of their surprise, Wooyoung's eyes welled up with tears. "I...I just care about what you think—and it scares me that you think San isn't a good person."

Yeosang sat on the bed next to the younger and wrapped an arm around him. "I'm just overprotective when it comes to you, Wooyoung. I'm sure San is a great guy."

A sniffle came out of Wooyoung as he brought a hand up to wipe at his cheeks. "I shouldn't even be going on dates—I'm obviously not ready for all of this. I'm so stupid."

After pushing the hair off the boy's forehead, Yeosang shook his head. "That's not true. I think you're ready, you're just a little more cautious and that's fine. If you like San then I say go for it."

He nodded, "I do like him."

"Okay," the elder responded softly, "Will a sleepover in my room make you feel better?" Every sleepover they had was always in Yeosang's room since he had the bigger bed.

A smile spread across Wooyoung's face as he nodded. He lifted his arms in the air, "Carry me?"

Yeosang stared at the boy blankly, wondering what life choices led him here. "Never mind," he muttered before walking out of the room.  

Hopping off the bed, Wooyoung happily followed the boy, not at all bothered by his comment. He walked into the elder's room and got situated on the bed. "Yeosang," Wooyoung said softly.

He looked up from his dresser where he was trying to find some pajamas to change into, "yes?"

"I kissed him."

A confused expression formed on his face, he never expected Wooyoung to be the type to make the first move. Although he really didn't seem like, Wooyoung was extremely timid when getting to know somebody. "You did?"

"It was only on the cheek, but yeah."

Yeosang looked at the smile on Wooyoung's face and realized he couldn't have been more wrong. No matter how weary he was of San, he just wanted happiness for the boy. Wooyoung knew if anything ever did go wrong he had all of his friends to protect him, and he just hoped it would never get to that point. 


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