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"You're my sweet baby," Sunhee whispered to the newborn baby asleep in her arms. She sat in a wooden rocking chair in the nursery just staring down at the face of her son as a comfortable silence enveloped her.

No matter how tired her arms were from holding the baby for hours on end, she just couldn't seem to put him down. It made her truly happy to look down and see something so pure and innocent. She had just gotten back from the hospital that morning after staying two nights under the care of the staff. In those two days, through hours and hours of labor, she had yet to see her husbands face.

She yearned for the day where he stood next to her while she held their baby, rubbing her back as he said, "You're so strong, Sunhee, I'm so proud of you."

Leaning down to place a kiss on the sleeping baby's forehead, a smile formed on her lips, instantly forgetting about her failing marriage. She might have stayed there all night just staring at the beauty of her creation, but she heard familiar footsteps that she knew belonged to her husband.

"Sunhee, honey, hi," the man spoke softly, his deceptive tone painting him as a decent man. Her head remained pointed towards her lap, trying to hide the hot tears bubbling in her eyes, slowly trickling down her cheeks. "You're angry," he pointed out, walking over so he could finally look at his son.

"I'm not angry..." she whispered, "I'm upset." Getting up to lay the boy down in his crib, she tried to gain some strength from him before turning back around to face her husband. "I've never felt so...so overwhelmingly upset, Junseo."

He placed a hand on the side of her head, stroking her silky black hair. "What is it? Why are you crying?"

"You weren't there..." she answered simply.

"I was working. I had a lot to take care of, I'm sorry."

"You're always working!" She screamed, the tether holding her down to earth finally snapping as tears poured down her cheeks, "I was in labor for five hours—five hours! I've never felt pain like that before and I just wanted my husband there to—" she paused, her voice breaking before she could finish, "I wanted you there to hold my hand and t—tell me I was going to be alright."

Junseo reached out to grab one of her hands, but Sunhee pulled away, putting some distance between them. "I'm here now, Sunhee."

"Your words mean nothing to me—I'm your wife and you...you should've been there."

"I have responsibilities!" The man yelled at last, the wail of their newborn baby heard seconds after. "I can't drop everything to come see you—I'm sorry I wasn't there, there was nothing I could do," he continued, ignoring the sound of his son crying somewhere behind him.

Sunhee scoffed at his words, "Like your whole fucking empire would've collapsed if you took one hour to come see the son I had to deliver! God forbid the Choi family worth billions of dollars lose a few pennies! God forbid!"

"You are a Choi now Sunhee—everything I do is for you! To keep you and the kids safe and happy! Everything around you is because of me!"

"I want a husband," she hissed, "I couldn't care less about where I live—I want to feel like I actually know the man I'm married to! You're a stranger to me Junseo—because all you've ever cared about is work!"

A deafening crack echoed through the room a Junseo's hand connected with the woman's cheek without warning. "You ungrateful bitch!" He spat. He grabbed her arm and moved her away from the doorway and stopped before he left to add, "You'd be nothing without me—don't forget that."

Once she recovered from the familiar shock of being hit, she walked over to the side of the crib to pick up San. She held the crying boy delicately in her arms, singing him a soft lullaby.

Wooyoung brought his hand up and gently knocked on Yeosang's bedroom door, not knowing if the elder was awake quite so early. There were a few moments with no response before he heard a painfully soft, "come in."

Slowly turning the knob to keep consistent with the quiet patterns, Wooyoung opened the door and peeked his head inside. He saw Yeosang sitting up in bed, phone in hand, while Jongho was curled up at his side, a small stuffed animal in his arms.

"Hi," Wooyoung spoke gently, trying to avoid waking up the sleeping boy.

A wide smile formed on Yeosang's face at the sight of his roommate. "Hi Wooyoung~" he responded. Very carefully, Yeosang pulled the blanket off of himself and slipped out of the bed so the two could talk and not wake up Jongho. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," the elder pouted the second they were in the hallway outside of his room.

"I know, I'm sorry—things have just been crazy," Wooyoung explained as they walked out to the living room, both of them sitting on the crouch.

"No, I get it—is everything alright...with you and San?"

A smile slowly spread across Wooyoung's lips, eyes falling down to his lap. "Yeah...things are great...he asked me to move in with him a couple days ago."

Much to Wooyoung's surprise, instead of telling him all the reasons why he shouldn't move in with San, Yeosang just smiled. "I'm happy for you," he spoke sincerely, "I can tell you really love him—and it's pretty obvious he loves you too."

Wooyoung felt a sudden flood of emotion upon finally hearing acceptance from his friend. He lunged from where he was sitting to tackle the elder with a hug. "You're not mad I'm moving out?" He asked.

"I'm a little sad, yes, but I'll still see you, so it's okay," Yeosang whispered, trying his hardest to hide the tears forming in his own eyes. Wooyoung was one of his first friends and of course it hurt that this chapter of them living together was coming to an end, but he was more excited for the younger's happiness.

"We should keep our Saturday nights—like how we used to do. Watch a movie, gossip, and drink horrible wine from that gas station around the corner."

Yeosang quickly nodded, "And if you ever bail on me I'll show up on San's doorstep and drag you out of that house myself."

"Deal." A small gasp came out of Wooyoung as he thought over the situation, "Yeosang...if I'm moving out, that means you have to ask Jongho to move in with you."

"He basically already lives here," Yeosang deadpanned, "if he said no I don't think I'd ever forgive him."

"If he says no then you have to break up with him and move in with me and San."

Yeosang raised an eyebrow at the boy's words, "Would he even have an extra room for me?"

Scoffing, Wooyoung quickly mocked, "Would he have an extra room? If you were right about anything, Yeosang, it's that he's very rich."

"And would he like...have a brother or something that is also very rich?"

Oops I forgot to update yesterday, sorry!

Also...there's only 6 more chapters left...I just finished writing them today

Thanks for reading <3

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