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The next morning

Wooyoung's eyes fluttered open to find himself looking up at the familiar ceiling of San's bedroom. The sunlight was pouring into the room through the blinds, trying to tell the boys it was time to wake up.

A small smile formed on Wooyoung's face as he looked down to see San asleep on his chest. All of this was starting to feel like home. He pulled a hand through San's tangled hair that was due to be washed and smiled when the elder's nose scrunched up ever so subtly.

"Why're you pulling my hair?" he whined before nuzzling his face into Wooyoung's chest, not quite ready to wake up.

"Oh you're just being dramatic..." mumbled Wooyoung as he pulled his hand away.

Laughing at the boy's words, San shook his head and said, "I think you just wanted to wake me up."

"Maybe a little..."

Finally lifting up his head to look at Wooyoung, he smiled at the younger. "Ok I'm up now," he stated happily.

Although San's current mood was an extreme juxtaposition to the night before, Wooyoung loved to see his smile. "You're so cute Sannie," Wooyoung gushed, pinching the boy's cheeks as he spoke.

"This is why I don't like laying on you...you're always pinching my cheeks like I'm a baby," San grumbled as he swatted away Wooyoung's hands.

"Ok, I'll never pinch your cheeks again."

"I didn't say you had to never do it..." the room fell silent for a few moments before San let out a dramatic sigh, "Wooyoung I'm really sorry ab—"

Putting a hand over San's mouth, Wooyoung stopped him from saying any more. "I'm actually not allowed to accept apologies from any Choi Sans today."

"Not even a little one?"


"Okay," San whispered before pushing himself up into a sitting position, "we should skip work...and go to the country or something."

Wooyoung's nose wrinkled in distaste upon hearing his boyfriend's words. "The country..." he whispered, "what would we do there?"

"I don't know...find like a little lake or something and have a picnic."

A small smile formed on Wooyoung's lips as he interrogated his boyfriend further, "you want to go to the country so we can find a random lake instead of just looking one up?"

San frowned at the younger, "Why do you have to be boring? It would be better than us just sitting around all day again," he explained.

After taking a few silent moments to think about it, Wooyoung finally nodded. "Ok, but you have to drive."

"I always drive," San said flatly.

Ignoring his remark, Wooyoung continued with his own ideas, "Y'know what would make it a perfect date?"


"We should match and wear the shirts we got from the aquarium."

"Perfect," San agreed as he climbed off of the bed, having to take the long way around.

"What're you doing?" Wooyoung whined, not ready to actually start the day yet.

Grabbing a few things from his closet, San laid some clothes on the bed before mumbling, "I'm going to shower." He walked over to the side of the bed where Wooyoung was sitting and placed a hand under the boy's chin, lifting his head up so he could place a soft kiss on his lips. "You can join if you'd like..." he offered quietly before heading to the bathroom attached to his bedroom.

"San it's so early still..." Wooyoung whined as he rolled around the bed in frustration. He let out a dramatic groan into the pillows underneath him and pushed himself back up into a sitting position. "I'll be there in a few seconds!" He called out, trying to be heard over the already running water.


A happy smile adorned Wooyoung's features as he climbed into the passenger seat of San's car, buckling his seatbelt as fast as he could. He turned to look out the window and watched as San walked through the front door and checked if it was locked about five times. Finally parting from the doorway, San made his way towards the car, gesturing for Wooyoung to roll his window down.

"Huh?" Wooyoung asked, leaning out the window.

"Do you have everything you need? We probably won't get back until tonight."

The boy's eyebrows furrowed together subtly as he thought through the things he packed. "I think...I forgot one thing," he spoke at last.

San let out a quiet hum, "what is it? I'll go get it."

Pushing his lips out, Wooyoung tapped on his bottom lip with his pointer finger and beamed, "a kiss."

"Gross..." San whispered as he shook his head, wondering how all of his efforts to seem tough led him to Jung Wooyoung. He placed a hand on the side of the boy's face and leaned down to connect their lips in a quick kiss. "Good now?" He asked when the two parted.

The smiling boy quickly nodded, not wanting to delay their little trip any further. "Sannie, do you want to hold my hand?" Wooyoung asked when San finally got into the car.

The elder took a few seconds to respond because he had to start the vehicle, promptly turning down the radio to a non-earsplitting volume from the last time Wooyoung was in his car. "Are you actually asking if I want to hold your hand or are you trying to tell me that you want to?" He asked as he slowly backed out of the long driveway.

"Mmm...a little of both but maybe more of the second one." Wooyoung explained softly, smiling as San offered one of his hands, "What are you doing next weekend?"

Pressing his lips together, San shrugged, "I'd say either working or I'll be with you." 

"Do you want to go meet my family next weekend? My mom and little brother keep bothering me about meeting you."

"I'm going to be honest, Wooyoung, the thought of meeting your family makes me nauseous," San admitted, his eyes glued to the road in front of him, "but I know I'll have to meet them at some point."

There was a smile resting on Wooyoung's lips as he put his own hands on either side of San's. "They'll like you, San, I promise. Especially my brother, he loves meeting new people."

"I'll have to take a few more days off of work...but I guess I can just do a little extra this week...and Seonghwa will probably cover for me," San tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, falling silent as he thought it through, "let's do it. The longer I wait the more nervous I'm going to get."

An unbridled grin spread across Wooyoung face when he heard the elder agree. "It's going to be so much fun, Sannie! I'll show you everywhere I used to go when I was little."

Coming to a stop at a red light, San glanced over at his happy boyfriend and couldn't help but smile himself. "I love you, Wooyoung," he said softly, finally completing his overdue response to the younger's confession nearly a week ago.

"You love me..." Wooyoung whispered to himself as he fidgeted with the rings on San's fingers. "I love you too," he stated at last.


I can't promise an update next week because I have a bunch of tests this week (including SAT pray for me 🙏🙏🙏) 

Anyway, thanks for reading 💖

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