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*six months later*

Wooyoung hadn't seen his boyfriend in over a week and he'd never been so excited to see somebody. He took an emergency leave of absence from work so he could go see his family.

One day when he was at work he got a call from his mom that his brother broke his leg. Normally, that wouldn't have been such a big situation, but the boy needed surgery to realign the bones and refused to get it until he saw Wooyoung. So that same day, he drove a half hour to his home town just to hold his brothers hand for two minutes before he went in for surgery.

Since he was already there and wanted to spend some time with his family, he stayed for a few days despite his busy schedule back home.

That morning when they spoke on the phone, he told San he was coming back the next morning, which he originally thought. But he decided to come home early and surprise the elder. He knew that since it was a Thursday night San would still be at work.

Finally pulling into the parking lot, he rummaged through his car for the badge San had left in there one day after work. He realized that breaking into a building probably wasn't the best plan he could've come up with, but he was too excited to think of anything else.

He scanned the badge and entered the dark building. It was nine at night and the secretaries left at eight, turning off the light and locking the doors as they left. Employee badges worked during the day time, but once the building was supposed to be empty, San's was the only on that worked. Wooyoung always wondered why that was so, but he decided to ask some other day.

He walked through the dark hallways until he found himself a few doors down from San's office. The light was on and the door open just as he expected, but what he didn't expect was to another voice that didn't belong to San.

"There has been three different warehouses have been attacked just in the past week, sir," the voice spoke, "none of the inventory is missing—all of the men posted there were fine except for the people in the control room...all they wanted was whatever was in the control room."

A sigh seemingly echoed through the whole building until Wooyoung finally heard San's voice, "They already know the location of the warehouses, they have access to all of my inventory, they obviously know where I am I everyday—why don't they just get it over with!"

Wooyoung jumped at the sudden change of tone. Who was San talking about? What was he talking about? All of the inventory for the building was located right on the lot...Wooyoung knew that because he had to keep track of it.

None of what they were taking about made any sense to Wooyoung. He had no idea what he meant by warehouses and his inventory. All they had here was sticky notes and paper clips—he didn't understand how that had anything to do with attacks.

"I'm going to end this..." San spoke quietly, "order a crew to empty the transport truck going out tomorrow—I know what I need to do."

"Sir, what about the supply? I can't jus—"

"I don't care what you do with the guns! You will empty that truck by tomorrow morning, am I clear?"

"Yes, Mr Choi. I will see to it's completion before you come back in the morning."

"Good. Now get out of my office."

Wooyoung felt his heart sink as he heard footsteps nearing the door. He stood there for countless seconds, frozen like a deer in headlights, until he finally willed himself to duck into one of the empty rooms just as the unfamiliar man passed by. 

"Who are you, Choi San?" Wooyoung whispered as his heart thrashed against his rib cage. When the man was no longer in sight, he left the building as quickly as feet would carry him.


Wooyoung sat on the center of his bed and stared at San's contact on his phone. He knew couldn't just confront the elder about what he heard, but he didn't know if he could act normal either. He wasn't quite sure what any of what he heard meant, but he just hoped Yeosang wasn't right.

With a sigh, he finally pressed on the little phone next to San's name and listened as it rang.

"Hi," San said softly as he answered the phone.

"I decided to come back early, I just got home."

The elder let out a small hum, already knowing there was something bothering Wooyoung just by how he spoke. "Do you want me to come over? I'm just finishing up a couple things, but they can wait until tomorrow."

"I'm actually really tired, Sannie, I think I'm just going to go to sleep soon." 

"Okay..." San responded reluctantly, "is everything alright? You just...don't sound normal."

A sigh fell from Wooyoung's lips as he suddenly felt guilty for the hostile treatment of the elder. "I had a long day, Sannie, I'm just tired," he said quietly, knowing his words must have seemed excessive. San heard him say he was tired the first time, but he wasn't quite sure what else to say.

"I should let you go to sleep then."

"No," Wooyoung started quickly, "Can you...tell me how you week was? We didn't talk much about you."

"Is Yeosang there with you or are you alone?" San asked. He had a feeling the younger was just trying to get him to talk so he could actually fall asleep. Although he had no idea why Wooyoung was so against him coming over, he cared more about him being okay.

The line fell silent for a few moments before he muttered, "he told me he might come home in a few hours."

"Wooyoung, I'm coming over."

"Not if I don't open the door for you..."

"You gave me a key last month in case somebody broke in and you needed me to save you."



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