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*One Month Later* 

San and Wooyoung had been on numerous dates, but neither one had asked the big question yet. Although they hadn't worked up the courage to give one another the title of boyfriend, they acted like it. 

The anxiety San possessed when they first started going out slowly dissipated, and he actually felt quite comfortable around the younger now. Wooyoung...he basically stayed the same loud, excited version of himself. 

"Sannie..." Wooyoung whinned as he walked into San's office, not bothering to knock.

San was sitting at his desk, in the middle of a phone call. He sent the boy a small smile before holding a finger up. "Yes, sir, I understand that the stocks haven't continued in the predicted growth pattern, but I assure you there is no reason to withdraw." There were a couple seconds of silence followed by an mhm. "Yes, I completely agree with you, but a two percent fall in that department is nothing, it fluctuates all year. It could be up by ten percent in two months." mhm mhm "Thank you, Mr Kim, your contribution to the company means so much, I'll keep in touch. Take care...yup bye." The second San hung up the phone he rolled his eyes and let out a dramatic groan. 

"What?" Wooyoung asked quietly, his head falling to the side as a cute pout formed on his lips. 

"One of the leading shareholders tried to withdraw over the smallest decline in stocks I've seen in the past three years." 

After staring blankly at the elder for a few moments before shrugging, "I have no idea what that means, but that sucks." 

San couldn't help but smile at the confusion on Wooyoung's face. "As much as I love to see you, why are you here? Did you mess up the shipment again?" 

Wooyoung shook his head, "I did that when I first got here...and I did it right thank you." He paused and looked down at his hands before holding up his pinky, "I got a paper cut and I don't think I can work anymore tonight." 

"Come here," San said quietly, gesturing for Wooyoung to come back behind the desk. The younger listened, walking over and stopping in front of the chair. San reached out and grabbed Wooyoung's hand, looking at the injury. Leaning down to press a small kiss onto his finger, San smiled at him, "All better, get back to work." 

Another pout formed on Wooyoung's face, "San please, I'm injured." 

"It hurts you have to be paid to spend time with me." 

"I spend time with you outside of work." 

"I know I was trying to make a joke." 

"A mean joke." 

San laughed at the boy, "You're lucky you're cute or I'd write you up for not doing your job." 

"If you actually cared about me doing my job, I'd be fired by now," Wooyoung muttered, "I get everything done, I just bother you for the last two hours." 

Shaking his head, San corrected him, "You keep me company." 

"Yeah yeah whatever." 

"I have one more email then I can pay attention to you for the rest of the night." 


When it was time for them to go home, San found himself wanting to ask Wooyoung something. He'd been to Wooyoung's apartment many times, even slept over there once or twice, yet the younger had never even stepped foot in San's house. 


Looking up from the filing cabinets he was snooping around in, Wooyoung let out a small, "Yes?" 

"Are you doing anything tonight?" 

"Other than forcing Yeosang to buy me dinner, no." 

After he took a few seconds to build up the courage, San decided to finally ask, "Do you maybe want to come over tonight? I can buy you dinner." 

Wooyoung nodded, "I'm bad with directions, so you should drive...and since I'll have to leave my car here...I guess I'll have to stay the night too." 

San let out a quiet laugh, quite impressed by just how indirect Wooyoung could manage to be, "You can spend the night if you want to." 

"Where'd you get that idea?" Wooyoung said sarcastically.

Exiting out of the tabs on his computer and shutting it down shortly after, San tidying the things on his desk before asking, "Ready to go?" 

The younger quickly nodded and followed San out of his office. As they walked through the building, Wooyoung found his eyes glued on San's hand resting at his side. He felt stupid for being scared to hold somebody's hand, but he didn't know if the elder was the no PDA type of boss. 

"Everything okay?" San asked when he saw how deep in thought the boy looked. 

"San..." Wooyoung whispered, his voice cowering in his throat all of the sudden. "Can I hold your hand?" He could feel his cheeks heating up with embarrassment. It was as if over the past month the two of them had slowly exchanged personalities. 

A subtle smile flickered across San's face, "You want to hold my hand?" There was just something about the idea that made San so happy, he'd never held hands with somebody besides Yunho when he got too drunk to stand up. 

Wooyoung broke eye contact with the elder, assuming that was a no. "Yeah...but it's okay if you don't want to." 

"No-that's not what I..." San paused and reached out to grab Wooyoung's hand, hoping that would express what he was trying to say. 

"Oh," the younger whispered, a small smile forming on his lips. 


"They're holding hands and going home together!?" Sana yelled when she was sure her boss could no longer hear her. 

Yeji rolled her eyes, "He's a grown man, Sana, he can have a boyfriend." 

"But it should be me..." The girl whined as she slid down in her chair, letting herself fall onto the floor.

"...You want to be his boyfriend?" 

A load groan echoed out from underneath Sana's desk, "No!" 

"Well, I'm going on a date with my boyfriend, I'll see you tomorrow," Yeji said before hurrying to the elevator. 


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