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This is a flashback to the day of Wooyoung's parents wedding. Just to refresh to avoid confusion, Sunhee is SAN's mom and Chaewon is Wooyoung's mom...okay enjoy 

A smile had seemed to be permanently plastered across Chaewon's face from the moment she opened her eyes that morning. She was so happy in fact, that the woman doing her makeup had to repeatedly scold her for not keeping a straight face. But now that she had moved on to getting her hair done, she was at liberty to be as excited as she wanted—it was the morning of her wedding after all and it felt as if she was going to explode with anticipation.

Although she had already talked to her bridesmaids, there was a knock at the door. Chaewon just assumed it was one of them with any lingering questions.

"I think I overestimated how long it would take to drive here...I'm the first one to arrive," a woman said softly as she walked into the room.

The sound of that familiar voice nearly brought tears to Chaewon's eyes. She brought a hand up to cover her eyes before she muttered, "if I see you, Sunhee, I'm not sure I'll stop crying before the ceremony starts."

A few moments of silence followed her words until she felt somebody grab her other hand, holding it gently in their own. "There's no need to cry, Wonnie, this should be one of the happiest days of your life."

Slowly pulling the hand away from her eyes, Chaewon smiled at the sight of her long lost friend. "Oh it is..." she whispered, "I wasn't sure you'd get the invitation—I sent it to your parents hoping they still lived in the same house."

"I do believe they're coming too...they called the second they saw you were getting married..." Sunhee trailed off for a few moments to catch her breath, "I'm not familiar with the name on the invitation, he makes you happy?"

Chaewon quickly nodded, "I always thought people were stupid to say somebody was the love of their life—but, Sunny, he really is the love of my life," she said gently, a smile resting on her lips at the thought of her soon to be husband.

The sound of the nickname she hadn't heard for so long brought a soft smile to her face. "I'm really happy for you," she spoke, "I'm just also really sorry I wasn't there to see it all happen myself."

"You never returned my calls," Chaewon accused finally, "and my letters—I tried for so long to reach you."

Sunhee could feel the tears welling up in her eyes when she heard the woman's words. "One minute I was graduating from college and the next I was getting married. I truly have no excuse for letting things fall apart other than the hatred I have for my own life."

"You're married?"

"My parents set up an arranged marriage to merge the assets between my family and...the Choi's."

A frown formed on Chaewon's lips before she sighed, "please don't tell me you're married to Choi..."

"Junseo." The two spoke at the same time, Sunhee confirming her friend's worry.

"Do you at least love him?" Chaewon asked.

Sunhee reluctantly shook her head, "I don't. I don't think I'll ever be able to love a man like him."

"I'm so sorry, Sunny."

A grin spread across her face as she shook her head once again, "Oh don't be sorry, Wonnie." She lifted up he bulky sweater just a big to reveal her swollen stomach. "I have a gift from God," she whispered happily, placing a hand on the bump.

Chaewon gasped at the sight, "how...how far along?"

"Six months."

"Do you know—"

"It's a boy," Sunhee interrupted, not able to contain her joy.

Although Chaewon wanted to be happy for her friend, she still questioned the situation, "I thought you didn't love Junseo?"

"I would have to stay either way..." she whispered with a melancholic tone, "he saved my life, Chaewon, if I hadn't found out I was pregnant—I don't think I would still be here."

Carefully, Chaewon reached out to place a hand in the center of Sunhee's stomach. She nearly flinched when she felt the baby move ever so slightly. "Have you picked a name?"

"Junseo allowed me to pick the name...I chose San because he is going to be strong like the mountains."

Chaewon giggled at her words before adding, "and he's going to be beautiful like his mother."

"I wish you all the happiness in the world, Chaewon. I've never loved somebody like you and I'll never stop loving you."

"You say that like I'll never see you again."

Sunhee's eyes swelled with emotions, "I'm not too certain you will. I'm not supposed to be here...I slipped out without Junseo noticing. I have to go."

"I love you too, Sunhee," Chaewon whispered.

Before she could leave, Sunhee leaned down to press a soft kiss to Chaewon's forehead, "there's a gift from me out there, I hope you like it."


Chaewon had waited until the day after the wedding to open Sunhee's gift. Of course she had wanted to open it much sooner, but she didn't want to be preoccupied with any lingering emotions during the ceremony.

"What's that?" Her husband asked softly as he walked into their bedroom, sitting on the bed next to his wife.

"A gift from Sunhee."

He put a hand on the back of her head, running his fingers through her long hair. "Why do you look like you don't want to open it?" He asked.

"I think this is the last thing from her I'll ever be able to open..." Chaewon whispered, "it feels like if I open this I'm letting her go."

"I know honey..." the man reassured softly, "I'm sorry about how everything happened...but aren't you glad you got to see once more? Now you know she's okay—that she'll be okay."

She nodded reluctantly, "you're right...I'm sad about all of this...but I'm grateful I got to say goodbye instead of spending my life worrying about her."

"Open her present," he urged softly.

Chaewon grabbed the large box from the floor and placed it onto her lap. She slowly pulled the top off to reveal a framed picture of the two on the day of their graduation. That night, Chaewon had been so upset because her parents were so excited they forgot to take any pictures...but Sunhee's parents had.

When she picked the frame up, there were papers scattered all over the bottom of the box. She grabbed one of the papers and brought it up to her face to examine it. Sunhee had kept all of her letters and written out a response to each and every one of them. 


I didn't really edit this so I might republish if I find any errors...but I wanted to post something before I went to sleep 

Thanks for reading 

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