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Wooyoung was sound asleep, using San as a pillow when he felt something poking at his cheeks. He slowly opened his eyes to see his brother standing at the side of the bed, looming over him.

"You want to go to the park?" The boy asked, a grin slowly spreading across his face when he saw the elder's eyes opening.

Reaching blindly behind him, Wooyoung swung his arm around until he whacked San's chest. "Sannie...want to go to...the park," asked the younger slowly as he tried to wake himself up.

"Huh? Why?" 


"Ok sure."

There were a few moments of silence before Wooyoung finally pushed himself up and looked at his brother. "Go get ready and we'll leave in fifteen minutes," he mumbled. After yelling a string of excited, inaudible words, Kyungmin sprinted out of the room and down the hall to his own.

"It's definitely going to be longer than fifteen minutes," he whispered as he laid in San's arms once again.

San tightened his grip around the younger before pressing a light kiss to the top of his head and mumbling, "energetic kid."

"He got it from me—I was a lot more fun five years ago y'know. Now I'm just old and tired."

Scratching his fingernails along the younger's scalp, he hummed, "it's not a bad thing to be old and tired, baby."

"Yeah if you're boring."

"You're not boring."

"I wasn't talking about me."

"Hey..." he whined. A small pout formed on his lips before he San muttered, "We were having a moment and you have to be mean to me..."

Wooyoung pushed himself back up into a sitting position before leaning down and stealing a kiss from his boyfriend. "I love you, Sannie," he whispered sweetly, a wide smile spreading across his face as his spoke, "I love you so much."

"I love you too...when you're not bullying me..."

"Nobody's ever been brave enough to bully you, Mr Choi, I'm just giving you a little character."

Rolling his eyes at the boy's words, San grumbled, "Yunho bullies me plenty. You're my boyfriend—you're supposed to protect me from the bullies."

"Oh I'll always protect you," Wooyoung giggled before climbing on top of San just to lay on him.

A small smile formed on San's lips, moving his hands up to rest gently on either side of his stomach. "I know..." he whispered as he leaned up to peck the younger's lips once again.

Wooyoung's head chased San's when he pulled away, quickly connecting their lips again and again. After a few moments, San noticed the eagerness in Wooyoung's actions and placed a hand on the younger's shoulders, holding him back. "Wooyoung baby," San giggled when he saw the annoyed expression on the boy's face, "I love you, but there is no way anything is happening in your parents house."

Rolling back over to his own side of the bed, Wooyoung huffed, "I guess we should get ready to go out with Kyungmin anyway."


"Sannie! Again—again!" Kyungmin screamed from the swings as he started to get further and further from touching the clouds. After listening to his older brother for some time, he had picked up on the nickname and stole it for himself.

"I'm coming!" San reassured as he jogged over to the boy. He grabbed the chains of the swing and pulled it back and forth until the boy was letting out shrill giggles of exuberance. If the young boy lifted one of his hands it felt as if he could give the sun a high-five before swiftly falling back to earth.

Walking over to the occupied swing next to him, San placed his hands on Wooyoung's hips and asked, "Did you want me to push you too?"

An excited smile forced its way across Wooyoung's face as he lifted his head to look at his boyfriend. "Would you?" He asked happily.

Quickly leaning forward, San pecked the boy's lips despite him being upside down. Before he could respond, San pulled the younger back as high as he could and let him go. Just like his younger brother, a string of giggles erupted from Wooyoung's lips at the sudden feeling of flight. The butterflies in his stomach awoke every time he rocketed towards the ground, hands gripping the chains at his sides as tight as he could.

Abruptly, Kyungmin jumped off the swing, not quite landing on his feet, but quickly recovering and running over to the slide.


"Ah...there's my Wooyoung," Mr Jung said softly from where he was sitting with his wife as the trio returned from the park.

Quickly slipping out of his shoes, Wooyoung ran over to jump on the couch next to his dad, clinging to his side. "I was so sad you weren't home last light," he responded quietly.

"Oh you know how it works by now—being done at eight means I'm not actually done until ten..." the man rambled before sending the boy a soft smile, "now that you're done with school, you should move back, Woo."

Wooyoung laughed before slowly shaking his head, "I have a life in the city—and speaking of my life, this is my boyfriend San," he spoke, gesturing over to where San was standing awkwardly in the corner of the room.

The elder quickly bowed, now that the attention was on him. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir," he spoke before extending a hand out to shake his hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," the man responded formally, "I've heard you make my Wooyoung very happy, San...and that makes me very happy." 

San's cheeks turned pink at the sudden sincere words and whispered, "thank you, sir."

"Sit, son, I'd love to get to know you," the man spoke as he pointed to the chair across from them, "What do you do for work?"

"I'm in business..." San started, walking over the chair and awkwardly sitting down, "I own a business," he corrected, wanting to leave a good impression on the man.

"So young?" The man asked before turning to Wooyoung and whispering, "this one is definitely a keeper." 


I haven't been very good at updating my other stories...so if you read anything other than this I'm sorry. School is so close to being over, but right now it's nothing but tests and exams. I plan to update more in the summer—and I hope to finish this story pretty soon. 

Thanks for reading <3

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