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*the next morning* 

Wooyoung's eyes slowly fluttered open at the sound of his phone repeatedly buzzing on the nightstand next to his bed. Trying not to move from his comfortable position, he stretched his arm as far as he could and felt around the the device. When he finally found it, he turned it on to see twenty missed texts from his brother.

The messages were under his mother's contact, but he could tell from the broken grammar the boy was texting on a stolen phone. His brother was discharged from the hospital that morning and thought it was necessary to send Wooyoung minutely updates. Switching the device to silent, he set it back down before snuggling back into San's warm hold. 

Just like he said, the elder showed up at his apartment merely twenty minutes after their phone call had ended. He didn't pry and make Wooyoung talk about anything which he was grateful for.

He pulled the arm he wasn't laying on tighter around his body before pressing a small kiss to San's neck. He placed a trail of feather light kisses up the sleeping boy's neck until he reached his jaw.

"So this what you do when I'm asleep..." San muttered, his face still emotionless and eyes closed.

"You we're faking?" Wooyoung asked as he pushed San on his back and used the man's chest to push himself up, "That's just creepy." 

A smile formed on San's lips before he grabbed Wooyoung's arms and pulled him back down. "I couldn't ruin the moment," San stated softly as he held Wooyoung's face in between his hands.

"I think we overslept..." Wooyoung said as best he could while San squished his cheeks together, "You're never still here when I wake up."

"I turned off your alarm after you fell asleep last night so you would sleep as much as you needed to."

"What about you? You're usually gone by five."

San watched as Wooyoung laid back down on top of him, placing his head comfortably on his chest. "Going in late one day won't kill me," he responded quietly as he brought a hand up to play with his boyfriend's hair, "especially if I get to spend more time with you." 

"Your heart is beating so fast, Sannie." Pressing his ear firmly against the elder's chest, Wooyoung listened to the heightened rate of his heartbeat, curious if he happened to be the cause.

"It's because you're so cute..."

"Or maybe I'm just too heavy and your body thinks you're exercising."

San scoffed at the younger's words. "You're not heavy—so don't get up," he mumbled before wrapping his arms tightly around Wooyoung so he couldn't move.

"Shouldn't we actually go to work?" Wooyoung as he propped his head up on San's chest so he could look at the elder, "You're not a very good example as the boss."

"Just a little longer..." 


"Sannie, I'm bored," Wooyoung proclaimed as he found San on the third floor trying to fix a printer, "I finished everything."

"Do you know how to fix a jammed printer?"

"They actually never covered that in any of my college classes..."

A dramatic sigh fell from San's lips before he muttered, "I think I have to call somebody to fix this and I really don't want to call somebody."

"I can do it if you're busy?" He proposed.

After taking a few seconds to think about it, he nodded, "You can use the phone in my office—just search the company's name in my email and you should be able to find the number at the bottom."

"Okay..." Wooyoung said hesitantly, not quite knowing if he'd be able to remember all of the steps.

"Wooyoung," San called out softly before the younger left, "thank you." 


"Yes—yes tomorrow is fine."

"Mhm...I'll let Mr Choi know, thank you."


A sigh fell from Wooyoung's lips as he finally hung up the phone. He only agreed to call about the printer because he thought it was going to be a simple task, yet the man who answered the phone wanted to tell Wooyoung his whole life story. It wasn't that he was trying to be rude, he just found people in the printer selling profession to be incredibly boring.

Wooyoung's hand rested on the phone for a couple seconds longer as he looked around San's office, wondering what he should do to keep himself occupied. He glanced over at the computer still opened to San's emails before staring at the empty doorway.

"I deserve to know what's going on..." he whispered to himself, trying to justify looking though San's personal conversations, "right?"

He already knew that San trusted him...but did he feel the same way? He was certain that the elder would never do anything to hurt him, but he still wanted to know what was actually going on. 

Slowly moving the mouse to hover over the already open tab, before deciding there would be no harm in taking just quick look. He clicked on the tab and scrolled through his unopened emails before clicking on the emails San had already sent. 

There wasn't much of anything that caught Wooyoung's attention. All of the emails were just strictly business...but then again who would talk about their illegal hobbies where anybody could see.

"Hey San can I—"

A high pitched scream cut Yunho off mid sentence before Wooyoung yelled, "Nothing!" He moved a shaky hand to quickly close the tabs before flashing an innocent smile. "Hey...Yunho...what's up?"  

"What were you doing?" Yunho asked slowly, raising an eyebrow as he glanced around the room, "You wouldn't happen to be snooping around on your boyfriends computer, would you?"

"N—No, I was just...San asked me to make a call for him—and I did. I was just getting ready to leave and you scared me. That's all."

"How long have I known you?"

"I don't know like five years?"

Walking around the computer to see if there was any left over evidence on the computer, Yunho stated, "I know when you're lying." 

"Hey," San said softly as he walked into the room before looking at Yunho looming over his boyfriend, "Why are you in here?"

Yunho sent the younger one last glare before shrugging, "I just wanted to ask him something. I was about to leave anyway." 

"Sannie..." Wooyoung started as he watched Yunho walk out of the room, "Can I come over tonight?"

"I would say yes...but I have an important meeting with a few other business owners."

"At night? You have a meeting?"

San slowly nodded, not quite sure why the boy seemed so confused, "what else would it be?" 


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