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"Sannie—Sannie, hurry up," Wooyoung whined as he yanked on his boyfriend's arm, trying to drag him across the parking lot.

Interlocking their hands tightly, San attempted to keep the the boy in place, scared he was going to take off like an excited child. "We have all day, there's no hurry," he responded softly as he glanced up at the building in front of them.

After listening to Wooyoung drop subtle hints about an aquarium he wanted to visit so bad for the past month, San decided to take a day off of work to bring him. Although Wooyoung thought the extent of the day would be the aquarium and they would just go home to watch a movie or something, San had something else planned.

He'd spent the past week thinking about the conversation he had with Yunho and he came to the conclusion that the elder was right. No matter how much he didn't want to explain everything, pushing things off would only make it worse. And although San was nauseous with anxiety, he put on a brave face and tried to enjoy the day with his boyfriend. He really had no idea how it was going to go, for all San knew, this might be their last date.

"I'm going to explode if you keep walking so slow," Wooyoung said frantically, trying to shake his hand loose from San's tight grip but ultimately failing.

A small smile formed on San's lips as he examined the younger. The boy was buzzing with anticipation. "I just need one thing before we go inside," stated San quietly.

"San..." Wooyoung pouted. The doors were mere feet away, yet San just had to stop.

"Just one kis—"

Not letting the elder even finish his sentence, Wooyoung quickly pecked his lips before yelling, "Ok let's go!"


"I have to have you..." Wooyoung whispered to a small hammerhead shark plushie he found in the aquarium gift shop. Turning to look for San, who had wandered off a few minutes ago, he spotted the elder perusing the T-shirt's.

"Wooyoung, we should get matching shirts," San spoke when he saw his boyfriend walk up next to him, "it'd be cute."

A small laugh slipped out of Wooyoung as he shook his head. "I've only ever seen you in fancy clothes," he paused and leaned in towards San to whisper, "or nothing. I don't think you'd wear it."

"But we could wear it together—I'll wear it to work for you."

"I think your employees would drop dead if they saw you in that."

A pout formed on San's lips before he muttered, "Well I'm going to get a shirt—whether you want to join me or not is up to you."

"Okay—fine," Wooyoung huffed, "but only because you insist."

After picking out the shirts they wanted, San took the stuffed animal out of Wooyoung's hands and headed towards the cashier.

"I can pay for my stuff, San," The younger insisted as he grabbed San's arm, preventing him from going any further.

Sending the boy a small smile, San shrugged and muttered, "It's fine, I got it."

"Hey—listen here Mr Choi, you can't pay for everything all the time."

"Yes I can."

A dramatic sigh fell from Wooyoung's lips, "It makes me feel bad, Sannie, do you know how much money you've spent on me?"

"No, I don't know—and I don't care either I have plenty of money, Wooyoung."


"Oh...don't look so angry," San whispered as he reached out to pinch one of Wooyoung's cheeks.

Trying to hide the smile forming on his lip, Wooyoung mumbled, "Thank you, Sannie..." 

After buying the merchandise, the two headed back out to San's car. Instead of leaving the parking lot, the elder seemed to be stalling, organizing random things around his car.

"Are you looking for something?" Wooyoung asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. 

Letting out a breath, San placed his hands on the steering wheel and straightened his arms. "Oh...I don't know," he whispered as he leaned back in his seat to look up at the roof of the car, "maybe."

"What?" Asked Wooyoung, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion, "how do you not know?"

"I just need a minute to think about something."

"Sannie, look at me," he pried, noticing how the elder was staring straight ahead, avoiding eye contact.

San slowly turned his head to look a Wooyoung before flashing a nervous smile. "Hi."

Placing his hands on either side of his face, Wooyoung returned the smile and asked, "What is it?" 

San could feel his heart racing as he looked into Wooyoung's eyes. He wasn't scared of much, but losing Wooyoung terrified him. Would the younger still be able to look at him with the same loving eyes after know who his boyfriend was? San thought of himself as disgusting, a monster that didn't deserve an angel as pure as Wooyoung.

"Sannie..." Wooyoung started softly as he rubbed his thumbs gently across San's cheeks. It was obvious San was trying his hardest to hold back tears and he wasn't sure why, "I'm here, talk to me."

"That's the thing...I need to talk to you—but I'm scared, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on San's lips. "Don't be scared, not around me. You can talk to me about anything—unless you want to break up because then you should just keep it to yourself."

A shaky laugh slipped out of San as it became unbearably hard to conceal his emotions. "I don't want to break up with you...not at all."

"We don't have to have a serious talk in an aquarium parking lot if you'd rather go somewhere else," Wooyoung proposed, "Wherever you feel comfortable, Sannie." 



I know I'm updating a day early but I have a shit ton of homework to do tomorrow and I don't want to forget .

Thanks for reading 

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