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Wooyoung gently shook Yunho's shoulder, trying to gently urge the boy into consciousness. A small whine slipped out of him before his eyes fluttered open, "W...What?"

"Open," he said softly as he pushed two small pills up against Yunho's lips. When the elder opened his mouth, he grabbed the glass of water behind him and gave it to the elder. "There's breakfast on the counter, I'm headed to work. I'll tell San you don't feel well."

Yunho nodded, thankful that he didn't even have to explain how bad his head hurt. "I love you Wooyoungie," he mumbled before laying back down.

A small smile formed on Wooyoung's lips before he leaned down and kissed Yunho's forehead, "I'll bring home soup if you're still here tonight."

"I'm definitely not going anywhere."

Wooyoung grabbed his keys off of the counter and headed to the door before he remembered something. "Yunho?" 


"Last night I was helping you lay down—and obviously you had no idea it was even me—anyway you called me...or said something about Mingi? Who's Mingi?" He asked as walked back into the living room to sit next to his friend. 

Yunho's eyes widened. He processed the words, then laid his head back down, pretending he had fallen asleep. 


A dramatic sigh came out of him...maybe he did owe Wooyoung the truth. "So, uh there's this guy at work—he's not on your floor so I don't think you've met him...but his name is Mingi. When I first started he trained me and we hung out a couple times outside of work, hooked up a couple times outside of work," he muttered the last part, hoping the younger wouldn't hear it at all, "but a couple months ago he told me he had a girlfriend and that we couldn't talk anymore. And Y'know I was hurt for awhile because what the hell—but uh last week he called me and maybe came over to my apartment where we did...uh things that shouldn't have been done I'd he has a girlfriend. He asked me not to tell anybody so you can't tell anybody. But yeah that's Mingi." 

It took Wooyoung a few minutes to actually understand what Yunho had just told him. "Yun—you know that I love you and will always support you—but what the hell? You're an accomplice to cheating!" 

"I just really like him Woo..." 

The boy shook his head, "I think you should just think about it...is this boy really good for you? He's cheating with you. Let's say he breaks up with his girlfriend and starts dating you—why would he be loyal then?" 

"It doesn't have to be like that," Yunho argued. 

Wooyoung gave the elder an apologetic smile, "But it is. I just want the best for you, Yun, and this Mingi doesn't sound like it." He got up off the couch, "I have to go before I'm late, but we're going to talk about this more when I get home." 


Wooyoung got out of his car and headed towards the building. The day hadn't even started yet and he was ready to go home.

The frown on his lips turned into a smile when he saw San walking up the sidewalk directly across from him. "Hi San!" He yelled to the elder.

San quickly looked up, almost dropping the stack of papers in his hands. "Oh—good morning Wooyoung," he replied much quieter.

"Yunho's still asleep, he probably won't be in today. The two stopped waking when they were just a couple feet apart.

Nodding, San let out a small hum, "That doesn't surprise me." An awkward silence fell over the two as they both tried to come up with something to say. "I...had a good time with you last night."

Wooyoung let out a laugh, "Yeah, I had fun...but I still can't get over the fact you own a bar."

The elder smiled fondly at the boy, "Well uh...it was nice to be there with everybody, but maybe just me and you could go somewhere sometime?"

It took Wooyoung a couple seconds to register what San had just said to him. "You...uh—are you asking me on a date?"

San raised an eyebrow, "No...no of course not—I mean unless you'd be okay with that."

"Yes, yes I'm totally fine with that," he responded happily. Although he wanted to express how excited he was, he decided to push it down so he didn't scare San away.

A silence fell over the two before San nodded once again. He was trying his best to hide it, but he was nervous. That wasn't really a common feeling for him, so he wasn't quite sure what to do. "So, do you want to come by my office whenever you're free so we can talk about it?"

Wooyoung's head fell to the side, "Can I just give you my number? It'll make things easier—because you're the busy one."

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, it seemed like he was unable to stop nodding. "Yeah I guess it would be easier that way..."

After typing in his number, he handed the phone back to San. His heart was racing with excitement, but he managed to keep his hands steady. "Well...uh I guess I should get to work," he said softly as he gestured to the door with his head, "Although I have a pretty good excuse for being late."

The elder looked down at his shoes, "Yeah..." fixing his watch, he searched for anything else to avoid eye contact, "I'll text you sometime tonight if I don't see you later."


"I'm such a fucking idiot!" San yelled as he paced back and forth across the length of a random conference room, "I've never been so nervous before—he probably thinks I'm some idiot that doesn't know how to talk to people!"

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, "Well...you've never dated anybody before."

"Yes I know that—but I'm supposed to be the intimidating one!" the younger said dramatically before finally sitting down in one of the chairs.

A small sigh fell from Seonghwa's lips as he joined his friend, "San, he has no idea you're more than just a business owner. Wooyoung probably doesn't even know the mafia isn't just in movies. He wasn't intimated to begin with."

"Y'know what you're right. Wooyoung doesn't have to be intimidated because...I like him."

"Sure..." Seonghwa whispered, not quite understanding what that even meant. "I think maybe you should just not overthink about this." 


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