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Yeosang was sitting on the couch peacefully scrolling through his phone when he heard the door open. He knew it was Wooyoung just from the time. It was expected that the younger would be tired and grumpy like he usually was after work; conversely, the boy let out a noise resembling a childish squeal and jumped on top of Yeosang.

He just looked down at the boy blankly for a few moments before forcing a smile on his lips. "Hi."

"Hi Yeosang~" Wooyoung said softly as he reached up to wrap his arms around the elders neck.

"Did you have a good day at work or something?"

A smile formed on Wooyoung's lips before he softly said, "I'm just happy to see you."

Yeosang's eyes narrowed as he tried to pull the boy off of him. Wooyoung was sickeningly affectionate from time to time, but this felt different. "What do you want from me?"

"Let's go somewhere for dinner," Wooyoung proposed, completely ignoring the elder's question.


"Is there some reason you're so excited tonight?" Yeosang asked as him and Wooyoung sat down at a table.

"Isn't spending time with my friend enough for me to be happy?" He asked.

Yeosang shrugged and said, "I guess if you like me that much..."

"There is something I wanted to tell you though," Wooyoung spoke as their waitress walked up to the table.

After ordering, Yeosang gave the younger a dirty look. "I knew there was something going on—I just knew it," he grumbled.

Sending him a nervous smile, he nodded. Although he was a bit hesitant to tell Yeosang about the new development in his and San's relationship, he couldn't lie to his friend. "So..." he started carefully, "San asked me to be his boyfriend."

"Did you say no?"

"Yeosang—I said yes."'

A sigh fell from the elders lips before he shook his head. "I just don't think he's good for you, Wooyoung. There are billions of men in the world and you chose him? Choi San of all those men?"

"Why do you have such a problem with him!" Wooyoung hissed. He wanted to scream and scream at Yeosang but he also didn't want to get kicked out of a restaurant.

"He's shady,"

"Shady—what does that even mean?"

Quickly pulling out his phone, Yeosang held up a finger and said, "give me a minute."

"We're in the middle of a conversation are your really texting Jongho? You're so—"

"Look at this," he interrupted as he gave the younger his phone.

Wooyoung took the phone in confusion and saw Yeosang had pulled up an article. The headline read, Wanted Mafia Boss, Choi Sungwoo Found Dead in Abandoned Warehouse. "What does this have to do with San?"

"Choi Sungwoo died when he was forty seven, he has two children, one daughter who died mysteriously during her childhood—and one son."

"Okay...?" Wooyoung said, not quite knowing what point Yeosang was trying to make, "Do you know how many Choi's there are in the world?"

Holding up a finger again, Yeosang added, "there's more." He took his phone back and pulled up the notes he had taken, "Sungwoo's son was born in 1999, meaning he would be the same age as San. And coincidentally...Sungwoo was thought to have ran a business, but the authorities could never prove it."

"I can understand why you would think...but San there's no way he's part of the mafia. Do you hear yourself?" 

After taking a sip of his drink, Yeosang shrugged. "It just feels like too much of a coincidence, Wooyoung. I looked into it and there are at least ten buildings around the city under Choi San's ownership. Did he tell you that?"

"Why did you do a deep dive on my boyfriend!" Wooyoung yelled causing a few of the people around them to turn and look.

"I'm worried about you! I'd rather not find you dead because your boyfriend lied to you about who he is!"

Wooyoung stood up so quickly he almost sent the chair flying across the restaurant. "Why can't you just be happy for me?" He asked harshly before finding his way through the restaurant.

When he finally managed to navigate through the maze of chairs, he was greeted by the chill of the night. A small sigh fell from his lips when he realized that Yeosang has driven there so he had no way home.


"You should really wear a jacket if you go out at night," San said softly from his car as he pulled up next to the boy sitting on the pavement.

A small smile formed on Wooyoung's lips at the sound of his boyfriend's voice. He got up off the ground and brushed himself off before climbing in the passenger seat of San's car. "You sound like my mom," he responded quietly.

Running his fingers through the boy's hair that had been styled by the wind, San smiled and said, "I can't have you getting sick." There were a few moments of silence before he questioned, "Do you want to tell me why you're alone in the middle of the night?"

The butterflies in Wooyoung's stomach were awaken by the protective nature of the elder's question. "I was here with Yeosang—but he just makes me so angry, San," Wooyoung explained quietly, his eyes filling with tears as he though of what Yeosang had said.

"I'm sorry, baby," San said softly as he held Wooyoung's hands in his own.

Hearing the pet name baby and the sweetness of the elder's voice made him lose it. "I just want him to be okay with me dating you," he explained tearfully.

San nodded, "I'm sure he'll come around eventually."

Letting himself fall backwards into the seat, Wooyoung dramatically shook his head, "I don't think he'll ever be okay with it!"

"I think you being so tired doesn't help..." San stated softly.

"Can I stay with you tonight, Sannie?"

"Of course," San responded as he leaned across the center console to place a soft kiss on Wooyoung's cheeks, "Anything for you." 


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