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"Baby, why don't we take a break, yeah? You've been working really hard today." "But we're almost done unpacking our bedroom." I pouted, looking at the last few boxes that were spread out across the room. We decided to go shopping this morning and bought the new furniture that we wanted, including our new bed. It was so huge and comfy.

But since we got our new bed set up in the room, I wanted to unbox and decorate our bedroom, wanting this to be the first room fully unpacked in the new house. It only made sense since it's where we sleep. But we have been working on unpacking and slight decorating all day, with it nearing seven o'clock now.

"We can always come back to it, Baby. Let's go eat something and relax for a bit and then we'll finish the last few boxes. Does that sound okay?" I smiled softly, nodding my head as I walked over to Chan and into his warm embrace. "Can we make dino nuggets and watch Disney?" Chan rubbed soft circles onto my back as he responded, "Anything for you, Baby."

While Chan made our dino nuggets, I decided to pick a movie. I was thinking about Tangled but decided on Peter Pan. I haven't seen this movie in so long. "Okay, the dinos will be done shortly." Chan informed me as he plopped down onto the couch, resting his head on my lap. "What movie did you decide on, Baby Boy?" "Peter Pan." "Ooh a good one." I smiled softly down at the man looking back up at me, getting lost in his sparkling eyes. They're always so bright and full of love.

"Baby?" "Hm?" Chan only chuckled as he sat up. "You zoned out while staring at me. Is everything okay?" I nodded, a blush rising to my cheeks. "Your eyes are just mesmerizing, Daddy." It was now his turn to blush, causing him to look down at his lap. "Thank you, Baby." He looked up at me through his eye lashes before smiling to himself, waving me over to him. I crawled onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I'm so happy to be able to start this life with you, Baby Boy." Chan began as he softly rubbed circles onto my thigh, a habit he does to show affection in a small form. I smiled softly, nodding my head in agreement. "I want you to tell me if things are going too fast for you, though, okay? Because I don't want you to get overwhelmed. I might not see something as too much but you could and I want to know when or if that happens so that we can dial things back and go at a pace that suits you. Does that sound okay?"

I could only stare back into his eyes as his words sank in. All he wants, all he ever wants, is for me to feel comfortable and safe. How did I get so lucky? How did I get to have the perfect boyfriend? The perfect caregiver. Someone who truly only wants the best for me. And I only ever want the best for him. If Chan is happy, I'm happy. He's the stars in my universe.

"Baby? Did I say something wrong?" Coming back to reality, I could see the worried expression on Chan's face as he questioned his own words. "No. You didn't say anything wrong, Daddy." Smiling once more, I glanced down at my lap before speaking once again. "I love you, Daddy. Thank you. For caring so much about me." Chan mirrored my smile. "I love you, too, Baby Boy."


As Chan and I put up the finishing touches in our room, I couldn't help but admire how cozy and warm the room now felt. I'm really hoping the rest of our house gets this cozy feeling as we go along. Chan wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he looked around the room. "Well, one room down. Only four to go."

Four to go...we still have our office, or rather my office, the kitchen, the dining room, the living room and the extra special secret room. That's five. Not four.

"Daddy, we have five rooms left, not four." "No, I'm pretty sure there's only four left to decorate and finish." Giggling at his obviously poor math skills, I turned to face him to count the rooms with him. "There's the kitchen, that's one. The dining room makes two. We have the living room which is three, and then the two other bedrooms. Making five." Chan made an 'o' shape with his mouth before speaking, "But you can't see the last bedroom. So for you, it's only four. For me, yes, it is five."

"Why can't I help with the last bedroom?" I whined, only making Chan grin. "What's so special about it anyway?" "You'll find out. Now," he began, taking hold of my hand. "Why don't you say we christen our new bedroom, hm?" "Oh yeah?" Chan stepped closer to me, placing one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek. Slowly, he leaned in to kiss me, the kiss starting off slow and sweet but soon turning passionate.

We began to back up so that we could fall onto the bed, trying our best to not break the kiss. I felt my knees hit the edge of our bed, resulting in me falling onto it and Chan bracing himself as to not crush me. His hands were roaming my body, causing fire to erupt wherever his fingertips landed. He finally broke the kiss just to start leaving kisses along my neck, trailing down to that very lovely spot above my collarbone.

I bit my lip to try and suppress any kind of lewd sounds that were about to escape but failed miserably as Chan's attack on my skin was just too much. There's definitely going to be some pretty bad hickies on me by morning.

Chan started trailing his fingers up my leg, probably aiming to get underneath my sweater. A groan escaped his lips as his fingertips grazed the lacy fabric of my underwear. "Baby, you need to tell me when you're going to wear panties so I can prepare myself." "But where's the fun in that?" I questioned, only wanting to tease him some more.

As his finger looped around my panties and he began to slide them down, the doorbell rang. Chan stopped for a moment before continuing, only mumbling a soft, "They'll go away," against my skin. But they didn't. The doorbell rang once again, making Chan cry out in frustration as he got up and stormed off to go see who was at the front door. Smiling softly to myself, I only giggled as I got up, knowing that we would pick up where we left off later.

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