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Jeongin was currently working on his school work, trying his best to concentrate. I was sat on the couch in his office, admiring the younger. I'm still not sure what I do during a regular day but admiring my very attractive boyfriend sounds like something I'd do. Or, at least, something I'm going to do.

"Daddy, I can't focus with you watching me." He chuckled, turning in his chair to face me. "I'm sorry, Baby. You're just..." I trailed off, admiring his figure.

He's dressed in only an oversized sweater and knee high socks. I'm sure he's wearing shorts, too, but I can't see them. God, I hope he's wearing shorts. The thought of him just running around with no shorts on is-ugh. Not fair, is what it is. Because I don't know how I'd control myself if I knew he wasn't wearing shorts.

There's another rule. For the love of god, always wear shorts or pants or something. Rules? Did I...give him rules? That sounds like something I'd do.

"Daddy?" I was snapped back into the now, my attention back on the boy in front of me. "Are you okay? You spaced out." I nodded, "Baby? Did I give you rules?" I could see on his face that I did, but he answered, "No."

"You're lying." "Am not." Getting up from my spot, I walked closer to him, taking a stance in front of him. "I can see it in your eyes. You also suck in your cheek when you're lying." "I do not." "Come on, just tell me." I grinned, leaning down to be face to face with him. "Or are you wanting to hide one of them from Daddy." He paused before answering, "Maybe."

Picking up the younger, I sat down on the chair and placed him on my lap, holding onto his waist to keep him in place. "Is one of the rules...to always wear shorts?" The younger pouted, "Maybe I don't want your memory to come back." "All because you don't want to wear shorts?" I chuckled, the younger nodding. "How about, if you tell me the rules I gave you, I won't enforce the shorts one."

He thought for a second before agreeing. "The first rule is to always to use my words. Rule number two is to always call you Daddy. Three was to eat three meals a day, because when we started dating, I had a bad relationship with food. Four is no eye rolling. Five is to remember that you are always here for me and that I should always feel comfortable coming to you for anything. Six is to always wear shorts or pants or something because, and I quote, it's "so hard for you to control yourself around me when you know I'm not wearing shorts.""

"Okay, well those don't sound too bad. I think we can tweak them a bit, though." His eyes lit up, "Yeah?"

"Let's keep the Daddy one, I like that." He giggled, nodding in agreement. "We can keep the always use your words one, too, because I think it's important for you to communicate. Same with the always knowing I'm here for you. I think we can get rid of the food one, because you're pretty good about food now. The eye rolling one should stay, because it's very rude to roll your eyes."

"And the shorts one?" "I think we can get rid of that one as long as you promise to not tell Daddy when you're not wearing shorts." "Deal."

Glancing down, I met his eyes once more before questioning, "Are you...are you wearing shorts now?" "You just said-" "I know, but I just wanna know." I groaned, resting my head against his chest. "It's probably better if I don't know." He nodded, giggling softly. "Probably." "Ugh, that means you're not."

I stood up, sitting the younger back onto his chair before running my fingers through my hair. "I'm just gonna go sit downstairs while you do homework." "But why, I like your company." "Because it is a bit difficult to control myself around you when I know you're not wearing shorts."

Jeongin grinned, but nodded in agreement nonetheless. "Okay, if that's what you want to do." "I don't want to, but I also don't want to fu-Fuck, okay, bye."

Walking out of his office, I ventured downstairs, trying to clear my mind as I plopped down onto the couch. I think the only brightside about not remembering anything right now is that I don't have images of Jeongin and I running through my mind.

It's not that I don't want to be intimate with my boyfriend, it's just that, because I don't remember us, it's almost as if we're starting over. And if we're starting over in a sense, I don't want to immediately jump into sex. I know it's not the same for him, but I couldn't live with myself if I took advantage of him.

"Daddy?" I looked up to see Jeongin standing in front of me, his eyes full of concern. "Why are you crying?" Reaching up, I wiped the tears off my cheeks that I didn't even realize were there. "I'm not sure." I met his gaze again, smiling softly as I made grabby hands towards him. "Come here, Baby."

Jeongin straddled my lap, his hands resting against my stomach. "Don't look so sad, Baby. I promise I'm okay." He only nodded, playing with the hem of my shirt. "How're your ribs?" "They're okay. My chest is a little sore, but other than that, I'm good."

He nodded softly, "That's good." "Are you done with your school work?" "Yeah, for today." "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" "Whatever you want to do, Daddy."

I thought for a second, but I came up blank. I'm not really sure what we did on days like this, but I know that I have a lot of options. All I want to do is ask Jeongin every question under the sun, but I don't want to overwhelm him.

"What about we watch a movie? We can cuddle some more while we watch something." "Okay, Daddy. But you pick the movie. I always pick." Does he?

"What do you usually pick?" "Disney movies." I smiled, "Do you like Disney movies the most?" Jeongin nodded, "I like them a lot." I tried to think of a Disney movie that I enjoyed watching, but for some reason I could only think of Tangled. A vague memory of Jeongin, Felix, and I watching the movie played in my head.

"Let's watch Tangled." Jeongin's eyes lit up at the mention of the movie, making me smile. I may not remember us, but I'm not as upset about it anymore because I get to fall in love with Jeongin all over again.

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