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It felt like it took forever for the weekend to come, but now that it was here, I couldn't be happier. I forgot how boring and drawn out school was. Chan promised, though, that if I finished all of my school work by the weekend that he would show me a surprise. So, I worked my ass off Thursday and Friday to finish everything in hopes of seeing this surprise.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" Chan turned to face me, setting his book down on the couch. Placing my hands behind my back, I rocked back and forth slightly as I spoke, "I finished all of my homework." Chan grinned, getting up from his spot and advancing towards me. "You did? All of it?" "Yes, Daddy." I glanced down at my feet before meeting his gaze once again, seeing the glimmer of happiness in his eyes. "Can I see the surprise now?"

He hummed, "Why don't you go pick out a cute outfit and we'll get ready." "Okay, Daddy." Placing a kiss to his cheek, I ran upstairs and into my closet. I wonder what I should pick. I don't know where we're going so I'm not sure what to dress for, but I decided on ripped skinny jeans, an oversized pastel green sweater, and my Vans. Cute but grown up. ish.

Running back downstairs, I found Chan standing by the front door, smiling brightly at me. "You look beautiful, Baby." Blushing, I stopped in front of him as I looked into his sparkling eyes. "Thank you, Daddy." "You're welcome, Baby. Are you ready?" Nodding, we headed out towards the car, Chan locking up behind us.

After we got into the car, I questioned softly, "Can I at least have a hint as to what this surprise is?" "It's a date night." I giggled, "I kind of guessed that." He smiled warmly, glancing towards me before placing his focus back on the road.

After a bit of driving, we ended up at the restaurant we went to with BamBam. "Daddy, this is too fancy." He shook his head, parking close to the door before turning to face me. "Nothing is too fancy for my Baby." I blushed at his words, deciding not to argue against a fancy dinner and just let it happen. I'm thankful to have such a caring boyfriend, someone who does things for me out of love, things like this.

I felt very underdressed whenever we walked in, but then I realized Chan was too, so it made me feel a little better. We had a different waiter from last time, which I was thankful for. This time, we got this really sweet lady who we shared dog stories with.

"Have you decided if you're going to stick with in person classes or if you're going to switch to online like you originally planned?" "I think I'm going to go online. In person stresses me out because of the people. I just, mentally, can't handle all of those people."

I pouted, upset that I couldn't beat my social anxiety this time, but maybe it's for the better. This way, I'll have more time with Chan and Berry. Chan placed his hand over mine, smiling softly as he assured, "I'm proud of you for recognizing that, Baby. I'm proud of you for standing up for your mental health." I blushed at his words, mirroring his smile. "Thank you, Daddy." He placed a kiss to the back of my hand as our food arrived, giving my hand one last squeeze before we broke apart to eat our dinner.


Once arriving home, I questioned softly, "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "Can we watch a movie?" Chan smiled, "Of course, Baby Boy. Why don't you go get changed into some comfy clothes and I'll get some snacks for us." Nodding in agreement, I ran upstairs to change into some shorts, but decided to keep my sweater on. It was plenty comfy and I really didn't feel like taking it off.

Running back downstairs, I see Chan entering the living room with a bowl of popcorn and some sodas. "What movie are we watching tonight, Baby Boy?" Thinking for a moment, I tried to think of a movie we haven't seen in a while. "Can we watch The Road to El Dorado?" "Of course."

Putting the movie on, I ran to turn the lights off before plopping onto the couch. I cuddled up to Chan, who just chuckled before wrapping his arm around me. Nights like these are the best. When Chan and I lay here, cuddled up against one another, watching a movie and eating snacks. Everything is so calm, so relaxing. Like everything is going right.

Berry jumped up onto the couch, whining as he crawled over to lay in between Chan and I. As he plopped down, he looked up at the both of us, his tail wagging from excitement now that he has achieved cuddles. I giggled, scratching his head, "What a good boy."

The rest of the night went just like that. We all three stayed cuddled up together, and when the movie was over, we just put on another. We probably watched three movies before we decided it was time to go to bed.

Berry trailed behind Chan and I as we walked up to our room, Berry being the first to jump onto the bed. I crawled straight in, sighing in content as the cold sheets comforted me. I was almost asleep because of how comfortable I was when I felt the bed dip and Chan's arms wrap around me.

He pulled the covers over us, pulling me back so I was held against his chest. He sighed before nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck, where he soon fell asleep. I smiled to myself before finally drifting off to sleep.

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