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"Baby, I'm gonna go now, okay?" The younger pouted behind his paci, "Nuh!" "I'm sorry, Baby, but I have to. Minho is here, though, he'll color with you and make you breakfast and everything, okay?" He continued to pout but nodded.

"I want you to obey him, okay? I don't wanna hear that you were a bad boy while Daddy was gone, alright?" "Okay..." "Good boy." Placing a kiss to his forehead, I left our bedroom and headed downstairs to where Minho was sat on the couch. "He'll come down eventually because he'll be hungry. Call me if you need anything, okay?" "Will do."

Getting in the car, I began to head towards Hyunjin's. He doesn't live super far so it didn't take long to arrive.

"Hi, Hyung!" Jisung and Hyunjin both greeted me at the door, big smiles on their faces. "Why are you guys smiling so much? Did I miss something?" "We just missed you. And we're excited to get back to music."

"Me too." The two boys showed me to the recording studio Hyunjin had built into his house. It was honestly so nice, I was taken aback.

"We all chipped in but Hyunjin did the designing. We're all really proud of it." "I can see why. Damn." They both chuckled, Hyunjin pulling a chair out and gesturing towards the seat.

"Take a seat." Doing as told, I could see the studio at his finest. The control area, the vocal booth, the beauty of it all unfolding before me. "We did this...?" "We did." Jisung rested his hand on my shoulder, flashing me a warm smile.

All of our dreams have come true, and I get to experience it for a second time. This accident was a blessing and a curse...


"Okay, I think that's the best it's gonna get for today." Jisung started, laying down his headset. "I vote we come back tomorrow and we'll go over it again." Hyunjin and I nodded in agreement, knowing that it would do us some good to get some rest before listening to it again.

"Wanna say we do the same time tomorrow?" Both boys looked at me, I guess directing the question towards me. "I'll have to find a babysitter for Jeongin but-" "Minho can watch him." "Doesn't he have work?" Jisung shook his head, "He has the week off." I'm sure Jeongin wouldn't mind...

"Okay, well I'll ask him when I get home. But I'll see you guys tomorrow!" "Bye, Hyung!"

I began my journey home, spacing out for most of the drive. Not the safest thing to do but I couldn't help it. I was thinking about our track but also wondering how Jeongin's acted towards Minho today. I really hope I don't get home and hear he's been a brat or misbehaved.

Pulling up to the house, I hesitantly walked inside, seeing Minho on the couch watching some movie. "Hey, Min." "Hey, Hyung. How was it?" "Good, we got a lot done. We're gonna go back tomorrow to finalize it."

He hummed, turning around the fully face me. "Do you want me to watch Jeongin again?" "I'd really appreciate it."

Looking around, I noticed how Jeongin wasn't in the room or the kitchen. "Speaking of, where is he?" "He's in timeout in your guys room." "Timeout?" "Yeah, I told him to sit on the bed, no coloring, no phone, no cartoons."

I sighed softly, "What did he do?" "Well his first mistake was telling me no whenever I asked him to eat his lunch. And then when I finally got him to sit down to eat it, he told me he hated it and threw it across the table." "He what?"

The younger nodded, sighing as he stood up. "I cleaned everything up after I sent him to your room, so you don't have to worry."

My blood boiled at how angry I was with the news. I figured if he acted up it would be silly back talk, but no. He threw food, that Minho made, across the table. That's so disrespectful.

"All you did was put him in timeout?" "Well, yeah. It's not my place to punish him." Shaking my head, I took his hand in mine and began to pull him up the stairs. "When you watch over him, you have full permission to do whatever necessary."

Opening the door to our bedroom, we found Jeongin spacing out as he stared at the wall. Once his eyes met ours, he seemed fearful.

"Hyung, I can't punish your boyfriend." Jeongin's eyes shot towards mine upon hearing what Minho said. "But I...I'm already in my punishment." "I don't want to hear a single word from you, Little One. A timeout is no punishment for what you did."

Turning towards Minho, who had a dark look in his eyes, I questioned, "What kind of punishment would Ji get if he did something like that?" Glancing between Jeongin and I, Minho cleared his throat before speaking. "Well, Jisung gets pretty...severe...punishments. Orgasm denial, overstimulation, whips. But I let Jisung choose his punishment, as a way of really letting it set in."

Looking over at Jeongin, he looked absolutely mortified. He's never really been punished. He doesn't do anything, typically, to get punished. And if he does, it's because he was a brat and challenged me, but he's never done anything this bad.

Turning back towards Minho, I could see that he was thinking really hard about something. "What are you thinking, Min?" His eyes shot up to meet mine, "Nothing." "I don't believe you. Tell me." "Well I..." He trailed off, pulling me further from Jeongin as he whispered, "You don't really expect me to punish him, do you?"

"Not if you don't feel comfortable with it. But you were watching him today and he did disrespect you." "I can't touch him, Hyung. Jisung gets really intense sexual punishments, we're not talking spankings or something simple like that." "I know."

He thought for a second before nodding, "Let me text Jisung, but okay." Grinning, I turned towards the little boy on the bed. "I hope you learn your lesson, Little One. Because he's taking care of you tomorrow, too." Jeongin gulped, the regret flooding his eyes.

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