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The waiter finally walked up with our food. My mouth was watering at how good it all looked. Once he was finished serving us our dinner, he asked if we needed anything else, to which we all replied with a soft 'no' and a smile.

He gave me a quick wink before walking off, leaving me confused as hell. Why did he do that?

"Hey, how's Olivia?" Chan questioned as he began to prepare his food. "She's good. She's about to be done with college, actually. This is her last year."

"Oh, that's good!" Chan smiled warmly at his friend who mirrored it before digging into his meal. We all ate in silence for a while. It was a nice silence, a comfortable silence. Until BamBam ruined it.

"So, Jeongin." God, what does he want? "Yes?" "What are you going to study in college? Chan mentioned you're starting this year." Chan talks about me?

"I'm studying to become a teacher, actually." I smiled at the thought of hopefully being able to teach little kids one day.

The conversation went on as we talked about schooling and our passions. Chan writes music and wants to become a producer one day. BamBam apparently is in a band back home and raps. That must be why they're such good friends. They both have a passion for music.

The waiter came back around to refill any drinks, asking me if I would like a refill on my water. I shook my head, mumbling a soft 'no' in response, to which he only smiled.

As I looked back at the Chan and BamBam, I noticed Chan had a strange look on his face. Almost a look of jealousy and anger. I leaned in towards him, whispering softly, "Daddy, are you okay?" He only smiled in response, going back to his meal. That's a no...

Some more time passed before the waiter returned, refilling BamBam's wine once more. Is he going to be able to drive?

He started to turn towards me but Chan spoke up, startling the man. "My boyfriend and I don't need any refills on our waters, thank you." The waiter smiled awkwardly before walking away, visibly upset as he stormed off. I giggled at my boyfriend, loving it when he gets jealous. He's so cute.

"Chris, why so harsh? It's just his job." "He's trying to flirt with my baby and I won't have it." BamBam only nodded as he glanced at me with questioning eyes. I shrugged, him soon mirroring my actions.

The more BamBam drinks the more chill he seems with me. Either that or his opinion of me has changed since dinner started. Either way, I'm glad.

"Daddy." I whispered, leaning closer to Chan once more. "What is it, Baby? Is everything okay?" I nodded, biting my lip before stating, "I have to go potty."

Chan smiled, humming softly. "Do you need me to go with you? Or do you think you can be a big boy tonight?" I thought for a second, not wanting to go by myself but also wanting to be big in front of Chan's friend.

"I can be a big boy." "Okay, Baby. Take your phone, though, just in case." Nodding, I grabbed my phone and excused myself, heading towards the bathroom.

Just a few feet into my journey, though, I was stopped by our waiter. "Hey, cutie. If you're ever in the market for a-" "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but could we get our check please? All on one. Thanks." BamBam wrapped his arm around mine, walking me back to our table.

Chan was glaring at the waiter, his jaw clenched, as BamBam and I sat back down. "Thank you." I mumbled, BamBam just smiling warmly in return. "Anytime."

The waiter walked our check by, not even stopping at the table. Not so brave after all I guess.

BamBam and Chan fought over who was going to pay since BamBam requested that the bill be put on one single check. BamBam ended up winning in the end, promising Chan he could pay the tab when he comes and visits home.

As we all parted ways, Chan took my hand in his, squeezing it ever so slightly. "Did you have a good night, Baby Boy?" I nodded, smiling softly. "I did. I like your friend. He really grew on me." His eyes beamed with joy at my statement. "I'm glad. That makes me happy."

Our house was only a few minutes away from the restaurant so the drive home was pretty quick. Which is good because I'm kind of tired. Too much social interaction.

As Chan and I entered the house, he pinned me to the wall, both hands on either side of my head. "Did you enjoy that waiter flirting with you, Baby?" I shook my head, trying my best to decipher the look in his eyes. Chan hummed, "And why is that?"

"Because I only want my Daddy." "Yeah?" I nodded, my cheeks burning at this point from his intense gaze. "Just me?" "Yes, Daddy."

"Do you want Daddy to..." Chan trailed off, his hands falling to my waist. "Run you a bath since you were such a good boy tonight?" "Will you sit in the bath with me?" Chan smiled, his eyes softening. "Anything for you, Baby Boy."

Chan lead me up to our bedroom, where he asked me to sit on the bed while he grabbed everything in preparation for our bath. I was half expecting his jealous side to come out and he ruin me to prove to himself that I'm his and his alone. But I adore the loving side of his jealousy where he pampers me to show how much he adores me.

Emerging from the bathroom, Chan waved me over as he started to undress himself. The bath was running, bubbles already piling up as the tub filled with warm water.

"Do you need help undressing, Baby?" Chan questioned as he finished taking his clothes off, placing everything in the hamper. I nodded shyly.

Even though I was currently in my big headspace, I could already feel myself slipping into my Little one with the bath and all, and I knew that if Chan helped me get undressed, it would further push me into my safe space.

After Chan had finished helping me take my clothes off, he helped me into the tub, promising he would climb in after I was safely sat down. And he did. Chan took his seat behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as we let the tub fill up just a little bit more.

Once it was to a place that Chan liked, he turned the faucet off and leaned back into the tub, pulling me against his chest.

I sighed in content as I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth that was encompassing me. That, mixed with the soft breathing sounds coming from Chan and the warmth of the water, I could feel myself starting to relax.

"Baby?" "Yes, Daddy?" His thumbs traced circles on my sides as he confessed, "I love you." I smiled to myself as I heard those words. "I love you, Daddy."

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