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"Do not answer that door. Wait for the police." "Daddy I'm scared." "I know, Baby, but just stay here with me, okay? We're gonna be okay."

The knocking continued and the longer it went on, the creepier it got. "The police are right around the corner." Mom must still be on the phone with someone to know this. And sure enough, we could soon hear the sirens as they came closer and closer.

Once the sirens sounded, the knocking stopped. Thank god. But that also means that the person probably got away. "The knocking stopped. I think the sirens scared them away." "Damn it. The one time they shouldn't use their sirens."

A loud and aggressive knocking was heard on the door this time. "I think that's the police officer. I'm gonna go answer it." "Put Jeongin on the phone." Nodding, I handed the phone to Jeongin. "Hi, Lixie. No, I'm okay. I promise."

Heading downstairs, the lights from the cop cars illuminated the interior of our house. I opened the front door to reveal three police officers, seeing four more look around the perimeter.

"Mr. Lee?" "Yes." "I think the sirens scared them away. We're sorry about this. But we are inspecting the perimeter right now, and we hope to find some clues as to who was lurking around your home. If you wouldn't mind, please stay downstairs so that we can continue to talk to you throughout the process." "Of course."

I left the front door open, allowing a couple of the officers inside the house so that they could go into the backyard. You can't access the backyard easily without going through the house, so I'm not exactly sure how they got in and out of there. Maybe they're just really good at climbing fences.

After about twenty minutes of the officers searching the perimeter of our house and the neighboring houses, they came up empty handed. "Mr. Lee, we're very sorry. We can have an officer post down the street for the rest of the night and tomorrow if you'd like." I nodded, smiling softly at the officer. "I would really appreciate that, actually."

He nodded, calling one of his men over. "This is officer Jeong, if you need anything, just call the department and ask for him. He will be posted just down the street so he's within arm's reach. Do not hesitate to call." "Thank you, I really appreciate everything officers."

They all nodded before going their separate ways, officer Jeong heading for the spot he was going to be resting at for the next few hours.

Making sure to double check the locks on all of the doors, I headed back upstairs to Jeongin and Berry. Jeongin was still on the phone with Felix, which I was happy about. Felix was keeping his mind off of everything.

"Oh, Daddy is back. Okay, bye Lixie!" Jeongin handed the phone back to me, Felix's voice echoing on the other end shortly after. "Do you want everyone to go over?" "Felix, I'm not like Hyunjin, I don't have thirty rooms to set everyone up in."

"Hey, I don't have thirty rooms...I just have too many." I chuckled, "When did Hyunjin get there?" "I called all of the guys over, just in case you wanted us to go over for the rest of the night."

"I mean, you're all more than welcome to come over, but there is an officer posted down the street for us just in case." "Nah, we'll come over. Want food?" I shruggged, "Sure. Get some pizza or something."

It wasn't very long until all of the guys arrived with pizza in hand.

"What did he look like?" "I couldn't really make out anything. He was tall, slim, but he was wearing a baseball cap with a mask so I couldn't make out his face." All of the guys tsked, pondering on who it could be.

Felix called the mental hospital just in case to make sure Raein was still there, and he was. I'm also surprised the hospital takes twenty-four hour calls. Maybe just for Felix.

"Maybe it was just a random guy, trying to see if he could break in. There are people who like to rob others." "We'll go with that." Minho said, Jisung nodding in response.

We all fell silent, some of us still snacking on the pizza. Jeongin wasn't really paying attention, he was currently listening to some calming music while coloring one of his coloring books. Felix said it would be better if he was left out of conversations like these, knowing the fear of Raein could trigger him.

"Jisung, sweetie." Jisung hummed, turning to face his boyfriend. "Why don't you take Jeongin up to his office and you two color or play some games." Jisung nodded, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek before going over to Jeongin. The younger smiled up at his friend, nodding in agreement once offered gaming.

After the two walked off, Felix sighed heavily as he dragged his hand over his face. "As far as Jeongin knows, it was a creeper wanting to rob you guys. He asked over the phone while you were with the officers if it could be Raein. I had to tell him no."

We all nodded, knowing that Raein still had the fear of god instilled inside of Jeongin. Hyunjin, Minho, Felix and I discussed an action plan for the next day or so, not wanting whoever this was to have an opportunity at harming the poor boy.

"Hyung," Felix started, sounding weary. "What if...we're seeing it all wrong?" "What do you mean?" "Well..." He looked around at Hyunjin and Minho before continuing, "Remember how you thought the accident wasn't an accident?"

I nodded slowly, trying to figure out what he was getting at. "What if this is another try at hurting you?" "That would make a lot of sense, actually." Minho pointed out, leaning his elbows onto his knees. "Raein hurt Hyunjin to get at Jeongin, so it's not like he's against harming others. And if the accident wasn't an accident, maybe he's hired somebody to harm Chan-Hyung so that, in a twisted way, Jeongin can only go back to him."

It does make sense...Maybe, in his twisted and fucked up mind, he has to eliminate those close to Jeongin so that he has to fall back onto him. It won't work because he can't kill seven of us. But, maybe that's his way of thinking.

"Hyung, if this is true, then you're the one we should be protecting." "I can take on anyone, I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about my Baby Boy." "We know that but..." Hyunjin pouted, "We need to look after you, too. We can't lose you, Hyung. Jeongin can't lose you." Sighing, I nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

"How about, let's all just stay here, in this house, and not leave. Then, nobody can get hurt." We all looked at Felix, who only sighed in response. "I know, it's just wishful thinking." "I do think we should all stay here for a day or so, let this blow over. And then, if everything's alright, we can ease back into regular life. We can't be too cautious with that bastard." Minho has a point.

"Well, what are you guys gonna do? You didn't bring clothes or anything to prepare for-" A knock on the door interrupted me, Felix jumping up to go answer it.

As he opened the door, it revealed Seungmin and Changbin, who both had multiple large duffle bags on their shoulders. "Nevermind." I chuckled, standing up the greet the two.

"You could have at least told me we were all having a massive sleepover." "Nah, this is more fun." Seungmin teased, giving Minho his and Jisung's bag while he handed Hyunjin theirs. "There are rules for this sleepover." Seungmin started, a stern eye staring at me. What did I do?

"No sex, no sex talk, no talks of dungeons," He looked directly at Felix and Hyunjin, who only sighed. "And no leaving the house. We'll have food ordered in or have Mrs. Lee bring it by." "Why can't we have sex?" Minho mumbled, earning a chuckle from Felix and Changbin. "You want another round wit-" "Shut up."

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