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"No...He couldn't be..." I repeated what Felix had said earlier, just as curious about whether he could be or not. I mean...it would make sense. It's either that or he's making me a Little room. My vote, as well as Hyunjin and Felix's, is that he's definitely making us a dungeon. But I won't know until he shows me.

When is he gonna start working on it, though? We've only been working on the bedroom and bits and pieces here and there around the house.

"Hey." Changbin spoke up, startling the three of us who were deep in conversation about dungeons. "What are you three whispering about? You could let us in on it, you know." Seungmin and Chan nodded, clearly wanting in on our conversation. "No, that's okay." Felix smiled, earning a glare from all three boys.

Chan got up from his spot and walked closer to us before plopping down in front of me. Changbin and Seungmin looked at each other before following Chan, laying in front of their boyfriends. "We feel left out, though, Baby. Please let us into your little conversation." Chan put on his puppy face, batting his eyelashes.

"We're just talking about games." Hyunjin stated, Felix and I nodding in agreement. Seungmin hummed, clearly not believing his boyfriend. "What kind of games?" "Oh, you know...the gaming...kind." Felix smacked Hyunjin before turning towards his boyfriend. "We're discussing how bad Hyunjin is at Mario and how we know that even Jeongin could beat him." "Hey." I whined, knowing I was bad at Mario Cart but not wanting to be the butt of the joke here.

"Just tell us." Chan raised his brow, a small grin tugging at his lips. "We'll leave you alone if you tell us." "No you won't." Felix mumbled, earning yet another glare from his brother.

"Is it about the room?" Chan questioned only to receive silence from the three of us. "It is." "We just wanna know." I whined, Felix and Hyunjin now nodding in agreement. "Well...I'll be able to show you soon, okay?" I smiled, excited about it.

"But," he glared at Felix and Hyunjin. "Only Jeongin." They pouted, clearly upset. "So it is a dungeon." Hyunjin mumbled, making Seungmin gasp. "You're making a dungeon?" "I am not making a dungeon." Chan stated, playing with the grass. "I'm making a red room." "That's a dungeon." "Well, it sounds less scary when you say red room." Felix scoffed, earning the attention of everyone. "But it sounds better when you say dungeon."

We all nodded in agreement, making Chan sigh. "Fine, I'm making a dungeon. So what?" "So what?" I retorted, earning everyone's attention. Chan looked at me, worry in his eyes. "That's amazing. You're doing it for me?" "Of course, Baby Boy." "That's...kind of romantic but kind of gross." Seungmin mumbled, earning a smack from his boyfriend. "I think it's so romantic. Especially with their dynamic." He turned towards us, smiling warmly. "I love this for you guys." Felix nodded, "I do too."

I turned towards Chan, whispering softly, "When can I see it, Daddy?" "Soon, Baby." I wonder what it's going to look like? I don't wanna think about it too much right now, especially with all of the guys around. Hopefully it'll be soon when I can see it. I'm so excited.

We all went back to our spots, Hyunjin and Seungmin immediately cuddling up and drifting off to sleep. Felix and Changbin spoke softly as they held each other, probably talking about everything under the moon. I laid in Chan's arms, my head against his chest, as he rubbed soft circles onto my thigh.

"Baby Boy?" "Yes, Daddy?" I looked up to meet his gaze, smiling softly when I saw the stars in his eyes. "I really wanted the room to be a surprise. I'm sorry it was ruined." "It wasn't ruined, Daddy. I'll still be surprised whenever I see it and I'll still be grateful." "Grateful?" I blushed under his gaze, noticing the change in his eyes.

"I just-I mean that-I'll be-uh-" "Baby." Chan chuckled, "I'm just teasing you." I nodded before burying my head into the crook of Chan's neck. He chuckled once more, "But, for real, you'd be grateful?" "Daddy." I whined, only making him burst out laughing at his effect on me. He can be so mean sometimes, teasing me and all. I pouted to myself but smiled softly after, knowing he was only teasing me and that he was doing it out of love.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "When is the room going to be done?" Chan grinned, "Shouldn't you be more excited about your new office space than a random room?" My cheeks flushed red as I realized I should be. I'm getting a whole work space for school but I'm sitting here, obsessing over a dungeon.

"I just...I'm excited is all." He smiled, placing a kiss to my forehead. "It'll be done soon. Probably before your office if we're being honest." "But we haven't, or you haven't, worked on it. How is it going to be done before the office?" His cheeks flushed a soft pink as he looked down. "Well, actually, I've been working on it while you've been sleeping."

My mouth fell open, shocked that he'd been doing that and even more shocked that I haven't noticed. "But how di-" "Baby, you're a heavy sleeper sometimes. It's not difficult to sneak off and work on our room." He chuckled, seeming amused at my lack of awareness. "Daddy, it's a dungeon. Just call it a dungeon." "No." He whined, pouting slightly. "It sounds so bad when you say it that way." "Bad? I think it sounds sexy." Chan raised his brow, instantly losing the pout and replacing it with a grin. "Really?"

I began to blush like crazy once I realized what I said, but nodded nonetheless. "It does. It makes it sound very sexy and leaves a lot to the imagination." "Oh yeah?" I nodded once again, feeling myself get excited at the thought of this special room. But the guys are here, just a few feet away, so we have to behave.

It's as if Chan could read my mind as he leaned in closely and whispered in my ear, "We could always go inside, you know."

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