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I've got to get back to Jeongin. He's probably so hungry after doing all of that studying. I stayed at Hyunjin's for too long, I know I did. But we're so close to getting this song finished that I got excited.

I really didn't want to stay for too long since I knew Jeongin was home alone. God, I hate him being alone. He's probably so hungry and lonely. I should have called Felix so that he could have at least eaten something.

As I waited for this stop light to turn green, I couldn't help but notice that this car behind me has been following me for a while. Pretty much ever since I've left Hyunjin's house. Maybe it's just a coincidence but after Raein, the slightest coincidence freaks me out.

Soon, the light turned green. And as soon as it did, the car behind me pressed on the acceleration, hitting the back of my car with full force.

As I was pushed out in the middle of the intersection, I noticed headlights coming directly at me. Slightly dazed from the impact and the air bag being deployed, I hoped they were going to stop as their light was red but I was too stunned to move.

Their lights kept coming closer until everything went dark.

"Daddy. Daddy!" Jolting up, I looked around at my surroundings, taking note of how I was still laying on the couch, Jeongin now sitting on the floor with a worried expression.

"Are you okay? You were screaming something about 'stop?' You're sweating, too. Oh my god, are you sick?" My breathing was uneven as I just stared at the younger, wondering if my dream was a horrible flashback or just a nightmare. Please be a nightmare. "Daddy, please answer me. You're scaring me."

I pulled the younger onto my lap, holding him close as I rested my head on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath to try and calm myself, I mumbled, "I'm sorry, Baby. I think...I think I just had a nightmare is all."

Jeongin began to run his fingers through my hair, placing soft kisses onto my neck and shoulder to try and calm me down. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm here if you need me." "Thank you, Baby." We sat in silence as I held onto the little boy, the feeling of him playing with my hair soothing my nerves.

We decided to go back to cuddling, Jeongin putting on Brave for background noise. Neither of us were paying attention, though. We were too engulfed in our cuddling to care about the movie.

Jeongin laid on top of me, his arms draped above my head as he still played with my hair while my hands were tracing circles onto his back and sides. Jeongin nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, sighing in content once he got comfortable.

I smiled to myself, enjoying moments like this. Where my precious little baby and I just exist together. We don't have to talk or do anything, we can just lay here in each other's embrace. I don't know how long we stayed in that same position, I just know that when we moved, the movie was already over and it was getting dark outside.

"Baby Boy?" He hummed, sounding like he was half asleep. "Do you want to go to bed? It's getting dark." Another nod from the younger as he tightened his embrace around me. I chuckled at the little boy as I got up, holding him close to me as I turned everything off before walking upstairs.

As we entered the bedroom and laid down, it started to pour rain. Berry jumped onto the bed as lightning filled the room, a crack of thunder following shortly after. Jeongin bolted up, now wide awake.

"It's okay, Baby Boy, it's just a small storm. It'll be over soon." He nodded, cuddling up to Berry who seemed just as spooked by the loud noises. I smiled at the two, pulling Jeongin close to my body, trying to calm his nerves. "Is my baby scared of storms?" He only nodded, trying to snuggle up closer to me as another bolt of lightning lit up the dark room.

He whimpered, playing with Berry's ears. "Daddy, it's scary." "I know, Baby Boy, I'm sorry. Do we need to go back downstairs to watch a movie? Get your mind off of it?" Shaking his head, he just pulled Berry closer to him, if that was even possible. The small puppy seemed to enjoy the closeness, resting his head on Jeongin's arm. I smiled softly to myself, adoring the two.

"Try to get some rest, Baby." He nodded, sighing softly before closing his eyes. Soon, the soft snores of the little boy could be heard.

I tried my best to fall asleep, but after a while, I just gave up. I slowly got off the bed, trying my best to not wake up Jeongin or Berry. Heading downstairs, I decided to call Felix, knowing he wasn't asleep.

"Hello?" "Hey, Felix." "Hey, Hyung. What's up?" "Felix, I want to talk to you about something." "Of course, I'm always here for you, Hyung." "Well...I had a nightmare earlier, but I'm wondering if it was a memory. But," I sighed, not wanting to alarm him but not knowing how else to phrase it.

"If it was a nightmare, it was a scary one. If it was a flashback, I think I need to go to the police." Silence fell over the both of us before Felix softly spoke up, "I'm coming over."

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