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"Cockwarming?" Jeongin gulped, excitement glistening in his eyes. I hummed, picking the younger up before exiting the room. I walked back down to the living room, sitting down on the couch once more. "You know, where my dick is inside of you but you don't move?"

He blushed, looking down at his lap. "I know what cockwarming is, Daddy. We just...haven't done that." We've been missing out. "Well, we don't have to if yo-" "I didn't say that!" I grinned, taking hold of the younger's chin so that I could look into his lustful eyes.

"Then let's get those panties off and we'll finish this movie." Jeongin nodded eagerly, standing up to slide his panties off while I pulled my shorts and boxers off. Motioning for him to turn around, I guided the younger to sit on my lap. His legs were on either side of mine while his back was facing my chest.

Holding two fingers up to his lips, I instructed him to suck, which he happily obliged. "Tell me if I need to stop, okay, Baby?" "Okay, Daddy." I was nervous to penetrate the younger, scared of hurting him. I know we've done this many times, but I don't remember any of them, so this feels new to me. And I really don't want to hurt him.

Deciding to put my anxieties aside, I slowly pushed my index finger inside of his tight hole, earning a whimper from the boy. After a few more thrusts, I added my middle finger. Jeongin whined, small pants leaving his mouth as he pushed back on my fingers. I bit my lip, admiring the way he slowly fucked himself on my digits.

Once Jeongin began to pick up his pace, I figured he was stretched enough, so I pulled my fingers out. He whined at the loss of feeling but soon whimpered as my dick pressed up against his entrance. "Are you ready, Baby?" "Yes, Daddy." I began to slowly push myself inside, earning low and soft moans from Jeongin. I groaned, my head falling back as I bottomed out.

I picked up the remote before turning the movie back on, which only had about thirty minutes left. "If you can remain still for the rest of the movie, Daddy will give you a treat." Jeongin only nodded, taking his bottom lip between his teeth.

I grinned, already knowing that Jeongin wouldn't be able to stay still for that long. Shit, I probably won't be able to remain still for the next thirty minutes. I already want to buck my hips up into him, wanting to hear more of those angelic moans. But I just wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder as I tried my best to focus on the movie.

We were both doing really good, the movie only having a few minutes left, before Jeongin shifted in his spot. "Baby Boy." I warned, my grip on his waist only tightening. He mumbled an 'I'm sorry' before focusing on the last bit of the movie. I decided to shrug it off, really wanting the movie to end already. I don't remember this movie being so long. Or maybe it just feels that way because I want to fuck my boyfriend.

As soon as the ending credits began to play, I picked Jeongin up and pushed him down onto the couch, still remaining inside of his tight walls. Angling his hips, I slowly pushed in and out, listening to his soft moans. "You did so good, Baby." Jeongin peered over his shoulder, eyes full of anticipation. "What...What's my treat, Daddy?"

Grinning, I leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Daddy's gonna fill you up with his cum." Jeongin moaned at my words, pushing back onto me. Slowly pulling out, I slammed myself back in, listening to the screams that left Jeongin's lips. "Daddy!"

It wasn't long before I found his sweet spot, earning a strangled moan as I pounded against the sensitive area repeatedly. I looked down, admiring the way his tight little hole swallowed me. "Daddy I...I'm gonna...cum..." Jeongin choked out between moans, his fists clutching onto the couch for dear life. "Cum for Daddy, Baby." With just a few more thrusts, Jeongin was releasing onto his stomach, beautiful moans leaving his mouth as he did so.

"Such beautiful sounds." The feeling of his walls clenching around me mixed with his whimpers and moans was enough to send me over the edge. I came, painting his walls white, riding out our highs before slowly pulling out.

Jeongin let out a soft whimper, collapsing onto the couch. "Let's run you a bath, Baby." He could only nod as his eyes remained closed, clearly fucked out. I chuckled at him, carrying his fragile figure up the stairs and into the bathroom.

Sitting him on the counter, I began to run a bath, placing a good amount of bubbles into the tub before checking the temperature. Deciding it was a safe temperature for the little boy, I helped him into the tub, watching as he seemed to instantly relax.

"I'm gonna go put some clothes on, okay, Baby? Can you be good for Daddy and stay awake?" Jeongin pouted, making grabby hands. "Daddy join?" I smiled at the younger, "Anything for you, Baby Boy."

Taking my seat behind the younger, I hugged him close to my chest as he rested the back of his head on my shoulder. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "I love you." I smiled, placing a kiss to his cheek, "I love you, too, Baby Boy."

We sat there, enjoying the warmth of the bath, until the water began to feel cold and the bubbles were almost non existent. "Come on, Baby. Let's get you to bed." Jeongin nodded, mumbling, "Okay, Daddy."

After letting the water drain and drying the both of us off, I carried the sleepy little boy into our bedroom and placing him onto the mattress. "What do you want to wear to bed, Baby?" "Daddy's shirt."

I smiled softly, going to grab him a pair of boxers and one of my shirts. I quickly changed into the same attire before going to dress him.

As soon as I was finished, Jeongin made grabby hands, whining that he wanted cuddles. How could I say no to that? Placing us both under the covers, I held the younger close to me, his head resting on my chest as his arms snuggled Oliver close to his chest. "Goodnight, Baby Boy." "Ni ni, Daddy."

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