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"Hi, Jeongin! Chris has told me so much about you." The man was smiling at me, but I was too anxious to respond. Why does he keep calling Chan 'Chris?'

I immediately began to regress into my Little headspace as the anxiety of being around a new person started to take over. The man looked at me with a worried expression, glancing between Chan and I. "Is your boyfriend okay, Chris?"

Felix stepped closer, resting his hand on my shoulder as he questioned, "Jeongin, are you okay?" I looked up at my best friend, shaking my head softly as my eyes began to water.

I can't handle new people in my big headspace but I can't regress in front of someone I don't know, I don't feel safe. Felix turned around and whispered something to Changbin, who only nodded before coming and standing beside me.

"Hey, Jeongin. Do you wanna take Berry and go get some ice cream?" I nodded, trying my best to hold in the sobs of fear that were bubbling in my throat. Glancing at Chan one last time, I could see the worry on his face but his friend seemed to keep him in place by continuing talking to him.

Changbin led me outside, where I immediately starting to cry. "Hey, what's wrong?" I haven't known Changbin for long but I do really feel safe around him. He's so comforting and sweet, just like Felix.

"Innie no like new people." I choked out between sobs. His face softened at my words, nodding softly. "I'm really sorry. Maybe ice cream will help." I nodded, really appreciating how caring he was. He was trying his best to calm me down to the best of his ability.

There was an ice cream shop a couple stores down from the pet store, which was convenient. Changbin decided on chocolate while I got mint chocolate chip. Berry was able to get a pup cup which was just pure whipped cream. He seemed to really enjoy it, too.

Sitting here with Changbin and Berry, eating ice cream, did actually help calm me down. Changbin and I talked the entire time, and I realized how similar he and Felix are. They really are meant for each other.

It wasn't long before Chan and Felix walked into the shop, Felix running up to us and hugging me. "Are you okay?" I nodded, smiling softly. "Binnie was comforting me and got me ice cream!" My best friend smiled at me before smiling at his boyfriend, thanking him for helping me out and not judging me.

Chan knelt down in front of me, taking hold of my free hand and placing a kiss to the top of it. "Baby, I'm really sorry." "Is okay..." I mumbled, kind of upset with him. He knows how I am with new people but maybe he just thought I would be okay since him and Felix were there.

"Why friend call you Chris?" "Well, that's my birth name, Baby. Christopher, at least." I didn't know that. Why didn't I know that?

"When we moved from Australia to Korea, I adopted my Korean name, Chan. But everyone back home still refers to me as Chris." I nodded, wondering why he didn't just keep the name Chris. It's a nice name. Not that Chan is a bad name.

Berry whined at my feet, looking up at Chan while softly wagging his tail. I looked at Changbin who just smiled softly at me. "We take Berry home now?" He glanced at Felix before turning his attention back to me and nodding. "We can take Berry home now."

Once back home, Changbin and Felix helped us bring all of Berry's things inside and then bid us goodbye. I decided to play the guilt trip game and ignore Chan, pretending I was more upset than I was.

I went about setting up Berry's new bowl set with some food and water, placing down a mat below the set to maybe help keep the space a bit more clean if he's sloppy.

I could see Chan eyeing me with a sad expression on his face, but it wasn't until I went to go retrieve Berry's collar and tag that he finally stopped me.

"Baby Boy, please look at me." He spoke softly, sadness evident in his tone. Doing as he wished, I made eye contact with him, making his pout even bigger. "Baby, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I promise." I just nodded, trying my best to keep a straight and sad expression. I know he didn't mean to, it's that guys fault.

"Why was your friend up here if he's from Australia?" I questioned softly, taking Berry's collar and tag out of the bag. "He tries to visit every now and then, just as I try to visit home every now and then. I didn't expect to see him at the pet store, though. We usually tell each other that we're visiting."

Nodding, I reached down to place the new collar on Berry, who seemed confused by the material around his neck. "Are we going to see him again?" "I agreed to have lunch with him tomorrow. He would really like it if you could join and get to know each other. I would really like it too." Chan sounded so hopeful but I wasn't sure. I should go, though. For Chan.

"I'll go." Chan's face lit up with excitement. "Really?" "For you, I'll go." "BamBam is a great guy, you'll really like him. I promise." I could only nod in response. I'm sure he is.

But he made me feel so uncomfortable early, with the situation and the everything, that I just don't look forward to this lunch tomorrow. But maybe I'll change my mind. Maybe I will come to enjoy the company of Chan's friend. I got on really well with the guys, who says I can't get on well with another one of Chan's friends?

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