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baby boy: daddy, i'm ready to go home

daddy: okay, baby, i'll be there in five

Sighing, I slumped back against the tree I was leaning against. It was currently noon, I had just finished my third and final class of the day, and now I'm waiting for Chan to come pick me up. I was hoping nobody would come talk to me while I waited, unless it was somebody I knew like Jisung or Felix.

I didn't have to wait long, though, as Chan soon pulled up. He smiled at me as he rolled down his window. Getting into the car, Chan placed a kiss to the back of my hand, making my cheeks flush red. "How was school, Baby?" "It was okay. I have algebra with Jisung but we also have it with this rude group of girls." I pouted upon remembering their words.

"Were they mean to you?" "They made fun of my skirt." It was now Chan's turn to pout. "Don't let it get to you, Baby, okay? I know it's better said than done, but they were probably rude about it because they were jealous." "Jealous? Of what?" "Well, you look amazing in that skirt. Maybe they were just upset that they can't look that great." I giggled at his words, but appreciated them nonetheless. "Okay, Daddy." He smiled, rubbing circles onto my thigh the rest of the way home.

The ride wasn't very long as we don't live too far from campus. Once the car stopped, Chan prevented me from exiting the car as a grin tugged at his lips. "Do you remember how I promised to show you the room if you wore the collar for Daddy?"

There's something about him referring to himself as Daddy that really gets me. I nodded, wondering if he was actually going to show me the room.

"I want you to take it in and tell me what you're comfortable with and what you're not, okay?" Nodding again, I was trying to think of what could be in the room that I wouldn't like. "Words, Baby Boy." "Yes, Daddy." "Good boy." My heart fluttered at the praise.

Chan helped me out of the car and into the house, my heart racing as we got closer and closer to the room. I have no idea what's going to be in the room, other than my special pet corner. I can only imagine, but soon, my imagination might become reality.

"Are you ready?" Chan questioned as we stopped outside of the door, my school bag being placed beside it. A grin tugged on his lips as he awaited an answer, probably enjoying how nervous I had become. I was trying to hide how nervous I had become by playing it off with a quiet "yes" but it only further solidified how nervous I was.

"Hey," Chan started, turning to fully face me. I mirrored his actions, admiring how soft the look in his eyes had become. "If you're not ready, we can wait. This is a big step for us. It's not just a play room, it's a new chapter of our lives. And if you're not ready, I completely understand that."

I smiled softly, letting his words sink in. This is a big step for us. But so was buying a house together. So was getting a puppy together, even though that was kind of forced onto us. Which I am not upset about, either way, We've been through so much, good and bad. I wouldn't change a single thing, though. We've been through a lot, but it's made us stronger. As a couple and as people.

Chan took ahold of my hand, smiling that warm and beautiful smile of his. "This is our new beginning, Baby Boy. Our fresh start together. Buying this house, creating special spaces for us, starting fresh, this is all part of our next chapter. We can take this chapter slowly if you want, but this is our next chapter. Together. And Baby, this new chapter is gonna be your favorite."

My cheeks flushed pink at his words, my heart began to race with excitement, and I knew in that moment, I was ready. I was ready for this new chapter of ours and everything it has to offer. Even if that involves a room full of toys I didn't even know existed.

Glancing at the door, I nodded softly. "I'm ready." He grinned, nodding in return before gripping the doorknob and turning it, opening the door to our play room. I stepped into the dark room alongside Chan, who stood behind me with his hands on my waist.

"Now," He began, his hands slowly wandering across my exposed torso. "Before I turn on the lights, I want you to remember that nothing in this room is staying unless you want it to. These are just some things I thought we would both enjoy based off of what we've talked about in the past. Okay, Baby?" "Okay, Daddy." I breathed out, already melting under his touch.

"I'm gonna go turn the lights on now." He spoke lowly, his rough voice vibrating throughout my body as the sensory deprivation kicked in.

As soon as the lights kicked on, my eyes widened at the items my eyes were trying to process.

On the right was a queen sized bed adorned with blood red sheets. Above the bed, as well as on the wall next to the bed, were two giant mirrors. Next to the wall mirror stood a tall dresser that I was lowkey afraid to look in. There sat a night stand next to the bed with a cute little lamp on top.

To the left was my pet corner. My glorious pet corner. Beside that was a chest and in front of that was a beautiful white rug.

From an outside perspective, the room wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Minus the pet corner. But that could be for Berry, nobody would know. Berry could absolutely pass as 'kitten' for sure.

My eyes trailed back to the mirror on the ceiling, intrigued by it's placement. Chan must have noticed the look in my eyes, as he took hold of my hand and led me to the bed. He gestured for me to lay down, where he soon laid beside me.

We both looked up into the mirror, making eye contact as he spoke. "Now you can see how breathtaking you are while I ruin you." I blushed at his words. How does a man so beautiful say such dirty things? 

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