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"Whoa, this place is nice." Seungmin commented as he looked around, Hyunjin following him like a lost puppy. Seungmin turned around, smiling at the both of us. "I almost forgot, we got you guys a house warming gift." "Really? You guys didn't have to."

He just chuckled, "Oh hush. Hyunjin, Baby." "Hm?" The latter spun around, his eyes sparkling as he looked at Seungmin, awaiting his next command. "Would you be a doll and go fetch their gift from the car?" "Of course, Baby." Hyunjin placed a kiss onto his boyfriend's cheek before exiting the house, resulting in Seungmin blushing up a storm.

I wonder what the house warming gift is. A plant? Artwork? Hm...What would they get us...

Hyunjin entered the house once again, holding a cute white box with a bow around it. He was smiling ear to ear but he seemed nervous. "Go on, open it." Seungmin mirrored Hyunjin's smile as he eagerly awaited for us to open the box. Chan untied the little blue bow around the box, removing the lid of the box to reveal a sleeping puppy.

I gasped, looking between Hyunjin and Seungmin before locking eyes with Chan. He didn't seem excited about the puppy but he didn't appear to be disappointed either. I, on the other hand, was so excited I wanted to squeal.

Looking up at Hyunjin, I questioned with glee, "Can I pick him up?" "Of course." As I picked up the puppy, it yawned and stole my heart. "He's one month old and a licker." I held the puppy to my chest as he began to lick my hand, causing me to giggle. "That tickles."

"I hope this is okay." Hyunjin whispered to Chan, who only nodded as he smiled at me. "As long as Jeongin thinks it is." Everyone turned to me for an answer but all I could do is nod with a wide grin. I'm in love with this dog.

"Well, we were gonna invite you guys out to dinner as a break from decorating but I guess you guys have a puppy to train now. So," Seungmin smiled softly at me before turning his attention to Chan. "How about Hyunjin and I go grab us all some food and we'll come back and have dinner together." "Sounds good to me." Chan agreed, returning Seungmin's smile.

Chan and I walked Seungmin and Hyunjin out, thanking them once again for the puppy. We all agreed on pizza for dinner after finding out the rest of the guys wanted to come over as well. Which I'm fine with. The more the merrier, right?

"What are you gonna name him?" Chan questioned as we walked to the couch, watching the puppy trot across the floor. Thinking about it for a second, I decided upon Berry. It sounds cute. A cute name for a cute dog. "Berry." Chan smiled at the name, looking down at the dog rolling around on the floor. "Welcome to the family, Berry."


Felix, Jisung, and I were playing with Berry while the rest of the group talked around the pizza boxes. Felix brought Changbin so Chan was getting to know him better. All of the guys were since he'll inevitably end up being part of our friend group.

"Jeongin, do you want more pizza? I'm gonna go grab another slice." Jisung offered as he got up. "Yes, please." He smiled in return as he headed over to the many pizza boxes.

"Jeongin?" "Hm?" Turning towards Felix, I noticed the soft and warm look in his eyes. "I'm really glad that you and Hyung took this step. That you guys got to buy a house together. I'm really happy for you." I returned his smile, looking down at my lap as I thought about how happy I was too. "Thank you, Lixie."

Jisung returned with a couple plates full of pizza. I shared a slice with Felix as we all just talked while playing with Berry. "Jeongin, can I ask you a question?" Jisung questioned, playing with the crust on his plate. "Of course, Ji." "Well, it's just... How did you break the news to Chan-Hyung that you were a Little? Cause I think Minho knows but he doesn't at the same time and I want to bring it up but don't know how."

"Well, actually, Felix kind of outed me-" "I did not." "Did too!" I giggled, turning my attention back to the nervous Jisung. "But, the way I told Felix could be similar?" He only nodded in response, waiting for me to continue.

"I sat him down one day and told him how whenever I get stressed, anxious, or scared, I seem to regress into this headspace of a child. And it really relaxes me. I don't feel the stress or the anxiety or whatever, all I feel is joy from my headspace. And then we started talking about it and continued until we both knew that I was a Little. Being in my headspace makes me happy and safe. Even if I'm super happy, no stress or anything, my headspace just feels right. Does that help any?" Jisung nodded once more, a small smile evident on his face. "So, just sit him down and explain how I feel when I regress and go from there." I nodded in agreement, smiling proudly.

"And then, once you guys get comfortable in your dynamic, we could have play dates while the grown ups hang out and be boring." Felix pouted, "Where do I fit in with those two groups." "Well, you can choose whichever you want but I know you prefer to be with me when I'm Little and we'd be more than happy to include you." Grinning ear to ear, I couldn't help but feel excited about the fact that I could have another Little friend.

"Jisung, dear, I think it's time we head out." Minho called from across the room. Jisung bid us goodbye, Felix and I whispering a 'fighting' on his way out. "I hope he can do it. I know Minho-Hyung will accept him and be super excited about it, but Jisung just has to build up the courage." Felix spoke, sounding so wise.

"Jeongin, Felix, why don't we all watch a movie? Or play a game or something. I feel so awful with the grown ups over here and the kids over there." "Hey, I'm not a kid!" Felix pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Uh huh." Hyunjin chuckled. "Well I vote we all play a game." Changbin spoke up, earning a nod of agreement from Seungmin and Chan. "What game would we play? Daddy and I don't have board games." We all thought for a second before Hyunjin grinned a mischievous grin. "Truth or Dare."

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