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Jeongin is doing his school work and I'm so bored. I was trying to focus on this movie but it was kind of boring too. I don't wanna bother Jeongin, though, because he really needs to focus.

Well, focus as best as he can. He's been slipping in and out of his pet space all day, ever since this morning. It's super cute but I know it must be frustrating since he needs to do work.

I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone began to ring. Looking at the caller ID, I saw it was Minho. "Hello?" "Hey, Hyung." "Hey. What's up?"

Silence fell over us before the younger sighed. "Well, I wanted to ask you a question. But I'm not sure how to ask it." "You can ask me anything, Min." More silence.

"Jisung told me recently that he's a pet. Which I kind of suspected since he likes to wear those tails and collars. But we've never talked about it and I...I don't even know what to do, Hyung. And I figured since you and Jeongin...know this stuff...you could give me some tips?"

"Yeah, sure. Do you wanna come over?" "Sure. I'll see you soon." With that, he hung up.

I'm happy for them, venturing out and discovering what they like. We all suspected Ji was a pet, especially after him and Jeongin chose items from that shop.

Wait...I remember that? I remember Jeongin wore ripped jeans with fishnets and a little white crop top and he picked out a bunch of collars. I remember the whole day killed me because he looked fine as hell. Calm down, Chan, you're about to have company. I mean...I don't mind an audien-no.

After a while there was a knock on the door and I knew it had to be Minho. "Hey, Min." "Hi, Hyung." I stepped aside to allow the younger to enter, following him to the couch. "So Ji told you he's a pet? Did this happen recently?" He hummed, fiddling with the material of his jeans.

"Last night. I don't know what to do, Hyung. I could prepare for him being a Little, that was easy. At least I knew a little bit about that. But how do I prepare for him being a pet? I've never interacted with a pet before."

"It's similar to a Little, if that makes you feel better. It's a headspace that allows safety and comfort. Just ask him how he utilizes that specific headspace and what he likes to do in that headspace." He nodded, trying to memorize what I had said.

As if on cue, Jeongin came running down the stairs. He must have known Minho was here because he changed into a skirt instead of the panties he's been wearing all morning. He was still wearing a cropped sweater and a collar, his tail swaying back and forth as he skipped over to me.

He jumped on top of me, straddling my waist, as his arms wrapped around my neck. His face was pushed up against mine as he smiled, squishing our cheeks together.

"Hi, Jeongin." Minho smiled softly at the younger, who mirrored his smile in return. "He's in his pet space so he probably won't respond verbally to you." Minho nodded, "That's okay."

Minho and I continued to talk about pet space, him asking questions about if all pets are nonverbal and the accessories and props used in that headspace. "I can show you Jeongin's pet corner if you want to see one?"

"That's in your dungeon isn't it?" "Well...yes." "Let's go." I chuckled at the younger. Jeongin tells me everyone's been dying to see our dungeon ever since they guessed I was making it.

I carried Jeongin up to the room, opening the door for the three of us to walk in. As soon as the lights turned on, the younger hopped down, sitting at my feet. He rested his face against my thigh, rubbing against it every once in a while. He's so cute, I can't handle it sometimes.

"This is his corner. He has a bed, a couple toys, and most of his accessories." "It's simple but cute." Nodding, I smiled down at the little boy sitting at my feet. "You'll have to ask Ji if he would want something like this or if he wants something different. Every pet is unique and they all require different things for their safe space."

He nodded, beginning to look around the room. Glancing down at Jeongin, I began to run my fingers through his hair before questioning, "Did you finish your school work, Kitten?" He nodded, leaning into my hand.

"Maybe Jeongin and Ji could have a playdate sometime. Whether that be for littles or pets, I think it would be nice for them." Minho nodded in agreement, smiling softly at us, "I'm sure Jisung would like that." Jeongin nodded, causing the both of us to smile.

I asked Minho if he'd like to go back downstairs to discuss our music, knowing he's been the one who's dealing with the publishing and numbers. "Hyunjin, Jisung and I were planning to meet tomorrow to work on a track. I just have to find someone to take care of Jeongin." "I can do it."

"You?" "Yeah, I don't work tomorrow and I don't bother Jisung while he's working. It'll give me something to do. Maybe Jeongin and I could bond over it, too." "What do you think, Kitten?"

Jeongin looked between Minho and I before softly nodding. "Okay, it's settled. Wanna be here around 9?" "Sure."

I walked Minho out, thanking him for planning to watch Jeongin tomorrow. As I closed the door, Jeongin was tugging on my sleeve. "Yes, Kitten?" He wrapped his arms around himself, like a hug. "You wanna go cuddle?"

He nodded, causing me to chuckle. Jeongin took my hand in his, the both of us walking up to our bedroom. "You know," I started as the two of us crawled under the covers for our afternoon cuddles. "You're gonna have to actually mind Minho tomorrow. He's a lot more strict than Daddy is." The younger only nodded, snuggling up to me with Oliver clutched to his chest. Smiling softly, I placed a kiss to the top of his head before hearing the little boy's soft snores.

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