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"Baby Boy, come on, we're gonna be late for dinner with your parents." "But I don't look cute enough!" The younger whined from the closet and I couldn't help but chuckle. Jeongin's parents decided last minute to go to a restaurant instead of cooking at home and Jeongin insisted on looking his best.

As I entered the closet to see if I could help him choose between outfits, I saw the little boy dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a charcoal grey sweater. Around his neck was what looked like a simple cloth choker, tying in his outfit nicely. He had his hair styled in a way that made him look like a puppy and it was honestly so adorable.

"Baby Boy, you look so beautiful." A blush rose to his cheeks as he looked down at the ground, "Thank you, Daddy. You look really nice as well." I smiled, taking his hand in mine as I tried to pull him out of the closet. "Thank you, Baby. Now, let's go. Your parents are waiting on us." He whined, letting me drag him downstairs.

"But I don't look-" "You look amazing, Baby, so don't even start with that." Silence fell over us as we put our shoes on and gathered our things. I placed a kiss onto his forehead before we stepped out of the house and headed towards the place his parents were waiting at.

It didn't take super long for us to arrive and as soon as we walked up, the Yang's greeted us with warm hugs. "Hi, guys. You both look amazing." "Thanks, mom, thanks dad." Jeongin blushed, smiling warmly at his parents.

Heading inside, we got our table and began to look over the menu. I caught Jeongin's parents up on my condition and what I've remembered, leaving out the part about the accident. I didn't want to worry them too much.

Our food finally arrived, and as soon as we all started eating, someone shouted Jeongin's name. We all looked around, the Yang's eyes landing on a young girl standing a few feet away from our table. "Jeongin!" "Dami?"

Jeongin mumbled, clearly shocked to see her. "I thought you moved away for college?" "I did, but I finished early. Can you believe that?" Finished early? She looks no older than Jeongin and he just started. "That's great, Dami. Did you move back home?"

She nodded, her eyes shining bright as she stared at my boyfriend. Jeongin's parents congratulated her on finishing college before Jeongin spoke up again. "Dami, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Chan." Turning towards me, he flashed me the warmest smile ever, calming me down a bit.

But as I glanced back at the girl, I could see the fire of jealousy and hatred ignite in her eyes. She waved regardless, going back to talking to Jeongin. They were both laughing and catching up, Jeongin seeming to really enjoy the girl's company.

"Dami, sweetie, why don't you come over for dinner sometime, hm? We're kind of in the middle of a family meal." Mrs. Yang spoke up, glancing towards me before flashing the girl a smile. "I'll contact your parents and we'll plan a date sometime, okay?" "Oh, okay. Sure! It was nice seeing you guys!"

She smiled at everybody before giving me the stink eye and walking off. I scoffed, going back to eating my food. Mrs. Yang giggled, seeing that I was clearly not a fan of the girl.

Jeongin leaned in closer, whispering softly, "Is everything okay, Daddy?" "Everything's just fine, Baby. Eat your food before it gets cold, okay?" He only nodded, not questioning further.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly, all of us sharing stories and laughing over our food. It was honestly so nice. It made me miss family dinners. Maybe Jeongin and I could start planning to have our own family dinners. Maybe with the guys.

We soon bid the Yang's goodbye and began our journey back home, our stomachs full. The ride was silent but I was also still slightly upset about how Jeongin seemed so interested in that Dami girl. I know it was probably just friendly but I still didn't like it.

She seems like she likes Jeongin more than just in a friendly manner, and based on how she kept glaring at me, I have to be onto something. "Daddy?" Jeongin questioned softly, taking my hand in his as I stopped the car. "Yes, Baby Boy?"

"Are you upset with me?" "Now why would I be upset with you, Baby?" Shrugging softly, he looked down at his lap, "You've been really quiet ever since we talked with Dami." I bit my lip, not wanting the younger to know I wasn't fond of his friend.

"I'm not upset with you, Baby. I promise." He only nodded, stepping out of the car and heading towards the house. Sighing to myself, I followed the younger.

Once inside, Jeongin looked up at with me big doe eyes, biting his lip. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" "You know I'm only yours right?" I furrowed my eyebrows, pulling the little boy closer to my body. "I know, Baby. What's brought this on?"

He shrugged once more, his eyes shining brightly as he gazed into mine. "You just seemed like you were jealous and I wanted to let you know that you have no reason to be." Smiling softly, I hugged the younger. "Was I that obvious?" "Mom said you were practically shooting daggers at her the entire time, she couldn't stop giggling."

"She's the one who kept giving me dirty looks and giving you the big doe eyes." I pouted, causing Jeongin to giggle.

Shaking his head, he booped my nose with his finger before saying, "You're so cute when you're jealous." "Oh yeah?" He nodded, "Yeah. Maybe I should make you jealous more often to see you be this cute."

"Let's not go that far." Taking the younger's hand in mine, I started walking upstairs. "Let's get you changed into more comfy clothes, yeah? We'll watch some cartoons before bed." Jeongin nodded, smiling brightly.

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