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Jeongin still seems a little uneasy about his body. Ever since he changed clothes he's been trying to hide under a blanket. He says he's cold but it's actually pretty warm in the house right now. I don't exactly know what to do. Talking with him helped a little bit but not much. I just hate that he's feeling so self conscience about himself. He's absolutely stunning. I just wish he could see that.

An idea popped into my head, but it went against what I've been trying to avoid for the past day or so; sex. We do have that mirror...Now you can see how breathtaking you are while I ruin you. He truly is breathtaking, I definitely wasn't lying there.

"Daddy?" "Hm?" Turning to face the younger, I noticed how he had a concerned look in his eyes. "You keep zoning out. Is everything okay?" "I...I'm just worried about you, Baby. I feel horrible for how I've made you feel."

He smiled weakly, trying to cover up the pain, "It's okay, Daddy." "Can I...Will you let me make it up to you? Can I show you how beautifully breathtaking I think you are?" Confusion was written on his face but he nodded nonetheless.

Pausing the movie, I picked up the younger, his body immediately wrapping around mine like a baby koala to its mother. "Where are we going?" Walking up the stairs, Jeongin tightened his grip on my shoulders as I opened the door to our special room. "Daddy, you don't have to force yourself to have sex with me. I know you didn't mean it."

Laying the younger on the bed, I hovered over him, staring into his big doe eyes. "Making love to you is never forced, Baby. I just want to show you how beautiful you are. Is that okay?" His eyes glossed over as he bit his lip, nodding his head. "Words, Baby Boy." "Yes, Daddy."

My eyes flickered between his lips and back to his eyes before I questioned softly, "Can I kiss you?" He nodded eagerly, wrapping his arms around my neck to pull me in. Our lips met and those fireworks erupted inside of me once again. The kiss was soft and sweet and full of love.

We soon both pulled apart to allow for some breathing. Resting my forehead against Jeongin's, I mumbled, "You can tell me if you don't want this." "Do you want this?" "So badly. I jus-" "Then stop talking and make love to me."

Chuckling, I nodded my head before attaching my lips to his neck. Jeongin let out a sigh, his hands playing with my hair as I bruised his soft and sensitive skin. "Can I take your sweater off, Baby?" "Yes, Daddy." After removing the article of clothing, I noticed three things.

One, he didn't put shorts on. Two, he's wearing panties and it's going to be the death of me. Three, his figure is stunning. It's almost as if I'm seeing him for the first time all over again and even though I don't remember the first yet, I imagine I was just as blown away by his beauty as I am now.

Leaning down, I began to place open mouthed kisses all over his torso, earning a few soft moans to escape the younger. Looking up, I saw his eyes were shut, his mouth hung slightly open. "Open your eyes, Baby. I want you to watch everything."

He slowly opened his eyes, whimpering shortly after. "I didn't know you wore panties, Baby Boy." Another whimper. "So sexy." I mumbled as I hooked my finger around the fabric, slowly pulling it down.

Jeongin let out a shaky breath as the air hit his now exposed skin. I began placing kisses along his thighs, occasionally biting down to leave a mark. Jeongin had his bottom lip in-between his teeth, suppressing as many moans as possible, his eyes locked on the mirror.

"Baby, why are you being so quiet? Nobody's here but us." He whimpered, shaking his head softly. I want to hear him, I bet he sounds like an angel.

Deciding to take things a step further, I licked a stripe from the base of his shaft to his tip, eliciting a long and strangled moan to escape the younger. "That's more like it. Such beautiful sounds."

Taking his whole length into my mouth, I began to suck him off, loving the way his moans sound. The slightly high pitched and whiny moans sound like music to my ears, only encouraging me to keep going. Jeongin placed his fingers in my hair, tugging at my locks. Moaning around him, he arched his back off the bed, letting out a whimper. "Daddy I...oh please..."

As I looked up, I almost moaned as my eyes met his, the look of pure lust clouding his eyes driving me insane. We kept eye contact as Jeongin began twitching, letting out one last final moan before his head fell back and he released down my throat. Swallowing every last drop, I pulled off of him with a pop, watching as his chest rose and fell, his cheeks dusted a soft pink as he fluttered his eyes open. "Beautiful." I whispered, leaning down to capture his lips in mine, the kiss being slow and passionate.

As we broke the kiss, I pulled his panties back up, reaching over to grab his sweater. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" His eyes glistened with adoration as he whispered, looking anywhere but me. "You didn't get a turn..." I smiled softly, setting his sweater back to the side. "I didn't get a turn to what, Baby?" "Cum..."

Mumbling an 'oh,' I smiled softly at the boy laying in front of me. "We came in here for you, Baby Boy, not me. I can get a turn another time, okay?" Jeongin pouted, clearly not liking that answer, but he nodded nonetheless. I hummed, picking up his sweater once again and finally pulling it over his head. "How about this." I started, earning his attention real quick.

"If you promise to tell Daddy when you're feeling self conscience, we can try something else." "Like what?" Pulling the younger up, I held onto his waist as his arms wrapped around my neck. "How do you feel about cockwarming?"

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