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hi, yes, please read at your own risk (totally skip this chapter if needed)(i'm going to hell for this one)
this chapter involves voyeurism, threesomes, slight dacryphilia and lots of tears

"Daddy, I-" "I told you, I don't want to hear it." "But Minho-Hyung is so mean, Hannie-Hyung says he's brutal." I hummed, sitting a chair on the opposite side of the dungeon, facing it towards the bed. Front row seats. "Maybe you should have thought about this before you threw his food across the table." The younger bit his lip, knowing I was right. He knows better.

Minho walked into the room, causing Jeongin to jump and back up a step or two. Minho looked towards me, almost asking if this was still alright. I sat down in the chair before making direct eye contact with Jeongin. "He's yours."

Jeongin's attention was snapped towards the latter who only grinned. "Just like Jisung, you're going to pick your punishment. Would you prefer being whipped or denied orgasms?" "Being...whipped..." Minho nodded, gesturing towards the bed. "Clothes off, bend over the bed, face the mirror."

Jeongin gulped but did as told. Minho turned towards me, asking in a whisper tone, "Where is the whip?" "Middle drawer in the dresser." Nodding, he went and retrieved the whip and the paddle.

The paddle will definitely hurt but the whip will do more damage. I pointed towards the paddle once Minho glanced up at me, knowing Jeongin wouldn't really be able to take the whip for an extended period of time.

Minho walked up to Jeongin, standing behind him with the paddle in his hand. "Now, I want you to count each of these for Hyung over there." Jeongin looked over at me before his attention was back on the mirror.

Minho raised the paddle before bringing it down harshly. A loud spanking sound echoed throughout the room as Jeongin winced, "One, Daddy." I grinned, finding the scene mesmerizing. I'm pretty protective over Jeongin, and I tend to get jealous easily. But, there's something about watching someone else use the poor little boy that's just so...hot.

Another strike, this one causing Jeongin to whimper. "Two, Daddy." With every strike from the paddle, Jeongin became more and more broken, tears streaming down his face by the fifteenth strike.

Minho decided fifteen was enough, seeing as the younger's ass was very red and probably burning from the pain.

Minho laid the paddle down onto the nightstand, glancing towards me. I gestured for the male to come closer, watching as Jeongin eyed us with confused eyes. Glancing down at the strain in Minho's pants, I grinned up towards him before questioning, "Do you need a release, Min?"

His cheeks flushed red as he scratched the back of his neck, looking anywhere else but me. I stood up, causing the younger to take a step back. Reaching for his hand, his eyes trailed to meet mine. "Come on, let us help you." Minho looked back at Jeongin, who had shoved his face into the mattress, before his attention was back on me and he was nodding in agreement. I grinned, "That's a good boy."

We both walked over to the poor little boy crying into the mattress. I leaned closer to Minho, mumbling into his ear, "Go ahead and strip and get the lube from the nightstand." He nodded, fumbling to remove his clothing.

Crawling onto the bed, I lifted Jeongin's face up so that he was looking at me. "Hey, Baby. How are you doing?" He hiccupped, trying to sniffle back some tears. "My...my butt hurts..." "Aw, I know, Baby. Daddy will run you bath once we're finished, okay?" "Finished?"

I hummed, wiping some of the tears off of his cheeks. "We're going to help Min with his little problem, okay?" Jeongin looked behind me, probably trying to look into the mirror, before meeting my gaze again. "How...?" "Well...we're going to use that pretty little ass of yours."

Glancing up at Minho, I see that he's fully naked and spreading lube onto his length. Making eye contact with me, I nod towards the male as he lines himself up with Jeongin's entrance. I scoot to the side, allowing Jeongin to fully look into the mirror once again.

His eyes go wide as he spots Minho behind him, a sly grin plastered on his face as his dick pushes at Jeongin's entrance. The younger whimpers, closing his eyes and letting his head drop as Minho begins to push in. I entangle my fingers in Jeongin's hair, jerking his head back. "Keep those eyes open, Little One."

He nodded, slowly opening his eyes. Minho soon let out a low groan as he bottomed out, staying still to allow for Jeongin to adjust. They made eye contact in the mirror, Minho's grin only growing. "You look so beautiful with tears streaming down your face." Jeongin whimpered at the words, glancing towards me. "Aren't you gonna do something, Daddy?" "Oh, don't worry, Baby. Daddy will touch you soon enough."

Looking back at Minho, I could see that he was trying his best to refrain himself from breaking the poor boy more. "Min." "Hm?" "I don't remember asking you to hold back." "But-" "Do I need to punish you? Maybe you need a whipping just as Jeongin here had."

Shaking his head, he began to move, slowly pulling out before pushing back in. Jeongin whimpered, his grip on the sheets tightening as his eyes locked with Minho's in the mirror.

I looked up into the mirror on the ceiling, watching as Jeongin's tight little hole swallowed Minho's length. "Such a beautiful sight." I mumbled, earning a moan from both boys.

"Faster." Jeongin begged, getting what he wanted as Minho picked up his speed. Jeongin's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mouth fell open.

Leaning in front of him, I wrapped my hand around his throat, watching as his eyes fluttered back open. "Hey, beautiful. Let's keep those eyes open, yeah?" He nodded softly, a loud and strangled moan escaping his lips as Minho must have hit his prostate.

"I'm gonna..." "Cum for us, Kitten." With just a few more thrusts, Jeongin was releasing on the sheets and his stomach, heavenly moans falling off his tongue.

I motioned for Minho to stop, grinning at the now confused boy. Walking over to him, I whispered in his ear, "Can I join you?" "Won't that hurt him?" Nodding, I rubbed the fucked out boy's still red ass, watching as he squirmed.

Minho pulled out, Jeongin whining from the emptiness. "Don't worry, Kitten. You're gonna like this one." Stripping myself of my clothes, I picked the younger up, his back resting against my chest.

His eyes fluttered open, whimpering once he saw Minho. "I figured you'd want to see the tears, Min." The younger nodded, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Tears?" Jeongin questioned softly, his voice hoarse from the crying he's been doing.

Placing a couple kisses onto the little boy's neck, I hummed in response as I lined myself up with his entrance. He was already prepped so it was easy to push in. Jeongin whined at the feeling, his head falling back onto my shoulder.

I thrusted up into the already fucked out boy before making eye contact with Minho. "You ready?" He nodded, lining himself up with Jeongin's hole once more. "Wait, that's not gonna-" Jeongin was cut off as Minho began to push inside.

Tears pool at Jeongin's eyes as he moaned, almost screaming. "Daddy I...this hurts..." "Say your safe word then." Silence fell over the younger, causing Minho and I to grin with satisfaction.

We stayed still for a few minutes before we both began to thrust into the boy at a steady pace. Jeongin's moans and whimpers were like music, echoing beautifully off the walls. "Hyung, I'm gonna cum." "Hold it just a little longer."

We began to pick up the pace, trying to reach our highs. Jeongin let out one last cry before releasing onto his and Minho's stomachs.

The feeling of Minho's length rubbing against mine mixed with the feeling of Jeongin tightening around us set me off as I came inside of the younger. Minho followed shortly after, our cum mixing inside of the fucked out boy.

Minho was the first to pull out, collapsing onto the bed. I chuckled at him, softly rubbing Jeongin's side before questioning, "Are you ready for that bath, Baby Boy?"

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