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As Jeongin and I arrived home, he immediately took off his pants and put on some cute ankle socks. But no shorts. I bit my lip, admiring his exposed thighs and toned calves. His legs look so attractive, his pale ivory skin just breathtaking.

"Daddy?" My attention was brought up to his eyes before he questioned softly, "Why are you staring at my legs? Is something wrong?" He began to look over his figure in the mirror, seeming to inspect his body as if he were searching for something wrong.

"Baby, no, nothing's wrong." He only nodded, going back into the closet. I was confused but decided to change into more comfortable clothes myself. Opening the door, I saw Jeongin putting on a pair of sweatpants. It's not cold in here, why would he putting on sweatpants?

"Baby, are you cold? We can change the heat." He shook his head, smiling before exiting the closet. I'm confused...Shaking it off, I changed into a pair of shorts, leaving my t-shirt on.

Walking downstairs, I search around for Jeongin, finding him outside playing with Berry. Smiling to myself, I admire the two from the window. Jeongin and Berry went from playing fetch to playing tug of war, Jeongin being almost dragged across the lawn by the powerful puppy. I chuckled, finding the sight funny.

There was a knock on the door, pulling my attention from the two outside. As I went to open the door, I was met with a smiling Felix. "Hey, Felix. What's up?" "Not much, just thought I'd come visit."

He entered the house, looking around the living room before questioning, "Where's Jeongin?" "He's outside playing with Berry. I think they're still playing tug of war. It's pretty funny." He smiled, following me to the kitchen where we saw Jeongin now laying on the ground as Berry attacked him with kisses.

Felix furrowed his brows, seeming distressed all of a sudden. "Felix? What's wrong?" "Jeongin's wearing his sweats." "Yeah?" The younger glanced towards me before looking back out the window. "Felix, if you're not telling me something I-" "Hyung, I don't want to stress you out. It's nothing too serious. I'll talk to Jeongin about it." I don't like his tone, it sounds pretty serious.

Felix went outside, earning Jeongin's attention. I watched as my brother sat down next to my boyfriend, Jeongin's smile soon dropping. He glanced towards the window, looking directly at me, before his gaze fell onto the ground beneath him. He seemed to mumble something as he played with Berry's ears.Him and Felix spoke for a couple of minutes before Felix came back inside, Jeongin going back to playing fetch with Berry.

"Hyung, I don't want you to get defensive, okay?" "Okay..." "Have you said anything to Jeongin about his body?" I'm confused. "No, I haven't. Why?"

He bit his lip, looking anywhere else but me. "Felix, please tell me. You know I don't remember anything, this isn't fair. I feel like I'm left out of something important." "Jeongin told you his rules, right?" I nodded, still very confused.

"So you heard the one about food?" Another nod from me, "I told him we could ease off of that one since his eating is pretty good." "Well, Jeongin had that rule because he had an eating disorder. And he had that eating disorder because Raein convinced him that he was overweight. He gets self conscience really easily. If you haven't said anything to him, I don't see why he would be falling back into that mindset..." Felix trailed off, biting his lip as he thought of a possible reason. I, on the other hand, was pained by the fact that Jeongin used to think so lowly of himself because of some asshole.

"I don't know anything that could have triggered this...You've always told Jeongin how beautiful he is, you're the reason he got better." I am? A lightbulb seemed to go off inside of Felix's mind, but his face soon showed concern. "Hyung, have you and Jeongin...had sex? Since you've been back?"

My cheeks flushed pink as I looked down, shaking my head. "I don't want to seem like I'm taking advantage of him so we haven't done anything more than kiss." Looking up to Felix, it clicked. "Wait, are you implying that since we haven't had sex, he's feeling self conscience?"

"Well...have you guys just not initiated sex or have you denied it?" "I've...denied sex...I told him we shouldn't." I looked up at Felix, tears brimming my eyes. "Jeongin feels like...Does he feel like I'm rejecting his body?" Felix only nodded, not knowing what to say.

I looked at the boy that was outside, feeling pained that I've made him feel this way. I didn't want to take advantage of this sensitive time but instead I've made it worse. "Hyung, don't blame yourself. Sometimes it's difficult to get over trauma." I could only nod in response.

Jeongin came running inside, Berry following him. "Felix, are you staying for lunch?" Felix glanced at me before answering, "No, Changbin and I have plans. But I can come back tomorrow?" The younger nodded, hugging his best friend before he left, leaving the two of us alone.

Jeongin plopped down onto the couch, scrolling through Netflix to try and find something to watch. Berry sat at his feet in front of the couch, panting from playing outside.

"Daddy? Do you want to watch a movie?" He turned towards me, smiling warmly. "Sure, Baby. Do you have one in mind?" I took my seat beside him, watching as he landed on Aladdin. "We haven't watched Aladdin in a while, do you wanna watch this?"

As Jeongin turned towards me, our eyes met and I watched as his softened. "You look so sad, Daddy. What's wrong?" Thinking for a second, I patted my lap, signaling for the younger to come closer. He straddled my waist, his arms wrapped around my neck as he gazed into my eyes.

"Baby, do you remember how I said you could tell me anything? Because I'm here for you?" He slowly nodded, a confused look in his eyes. "And you know that I love you very much, right? I would never do anything to hurt you." His eyes shifted, a look of sadness but pain being showcased in his soft brown eyes.

"Is this about my sweatpants?" I nodded, "Sort of." "Felix told you, didn't he." He mumbled, his hands falling into his lap as his gaze followed. "Baby, please look at me."

After a few seconds, his gaze trailed upwards so that his eyes were staring back at mine. "I don't know how to apologize for how I've made you feel. I never meant to make you feel bad. I just...I didn't want to take advantage of this difficult time that we're going through. I promise you, Baby, I never meant to make you feel bad about yourself in any way shape or form."

Jeongin bit his lip, his eyes glossing over as if he might cry. "You're beautiful, Baby Boy. There is not a single thing about you that I do not love. I just hope you can see what I see because, Baby, I see a goddexx." The younger blushed, a smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you, Daddy."

Jeongin nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, "Thank you for loving me." "You don't have to thank me, Baby. You deserve to be loved. Now," I pulled Jeongin back, trying to put on my best pout. "Can you please go change into your cute little baby boy clothes?" The younger nodded, planting a kiss on my lips before running upstairs.

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