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It's BamBam's last day and he really wanted to spend it with Chan. Chan insisted that I tag along but I almost refused to go. It's his friend, he should spend time with him and him alone. Not have to babysit me.

I don't think Chan has ever really gone a day without me ever since we've been dating. We do everything together. He's my caregiver and I'm his baby boy.

Since I refused to tag along, Chan decided to call for a babysitter. I understand that I'm Little most of the time, but I can take care of myself.

For the most part.


Except when I'm with sharp things.

Or things that could set me or the house on fire.

Or when having to open things.

Okay maybe I can't.

He probably called Felix anyway. Which I wouldn't mind spending the day with my best friend. It would be like old times. But Chan didn't call Felix.

"Hi, Jeongin!" Hyunjin ran up to me, leaning down to embrace me in a hug. "Hi, Jinnie!" I do enjoy spending time with Hyunjin, he's a lot of fun. Whether he's the babysitter type, I guess we'll find out. I guess he could make a good babysitter since he's also very childlike.

"Okay, I'll be back in a few hours." Chan stated before turning towards me with stern eyes. "Be good." I nodded, mumbling in response, "Yes, Daddy." He placed a kiss onto my forehead before waving goodbye to Hyunjin and I.

"What do you want to do today, Jeongin?" "Can we work on my office? I only got the furniture set up yesterday." He smiled, nodding his head. "Of course. What all do you have left?"

"Everything." I giggled as we walked towards my office. Once inside, Hyunjin looked around the bare room, probably trying to visualize what to do. I don't even know what to do. I have a vague idea but I'm not sure how it'll play out.

"So, is that all the furniture you're going to have in here?" He gestured towards the desk and bookshelf in the corner of the giant room. "Well...I wanted to have a space to relax, like maybe a comfy chair or a small couch, but Daddy and I haven't had time to go to the store to purchase one."

Hyunjin hummed, thinking for a moment before proposing, "Why don't we go do that? We can find you a cute little couch to place in here, maybe get a small coffee table or side table. Some cute pillows." I smiled, liking the way Hyunjin thinks.

Hyunjin and I walked around the shop for about an hour while I decided on furniture and a color palette. My desk and bookshelf were white while my chair was white and grey, and I really wanted to stick with that neutral color palette.

In the end, I decided upon a grey loveseat, a set of pastel pink pillows, and a light wooden coffee table. I wanted white but this was the only coffee table that I liked. Maybe the light wooden color will compliment the room well.

After packing the new furniture into the back of Hyunjin's car, we began our journey home. "Are you hungry, Jeongin?" I nodded, noticing that I haven't eaten since breakfast, which was a few hours ago now. "Well, what would you like to eat? Is there something that sounds good to you?" "McDonalds!" I cheered, resulting in the latter just smiling as he drove to the nearest McDonalds.

I ordered a chicken nugget happy meal while Hyunjin just ordered a cheeseburger and fries.

The drive back home was quiet, but we sat in a nice silence as I watched the scenery pass by. Once home, we took the food and all of the new furniture inside, placing the new pieces into my office before going down to the kitchen to eat our lunch.

"Thank you, Jinnie, for taking me and helping with everything." "Anytime. This is so much fun, honestly. When Chan-Hyung asked me to spend time with you today, I figured we'd watch movies or something but this is honestly so much more fun. Going on adventures and decorating." I smiled at the older, glad that he's having fun. I am, too, I enjoy spending time with Hyunjin.

After finishing our lunch, we decided to go assemble the couch and coffee table, hoping to tie the entire room together. The couch was kind of annoying to put together but between the both of us, we got it done rather quickly. The coffee table didn't take long at all.

Before I knew it, we were done. I decided to place the couch on the opposite wall of my desk, beside the door, leaving the center of the room empty in case I wanted to place a rug there one day. I thought about placing so it was facing the wall but I don't want a TV in here so that seems pointless.

"It looks good, Jeongin. Don't forget your pillows, though." I gasped, almost forgetting about the cute pink pillows. The pastel pink really contrasts the neutral couch, and most of the neutral furniture, really well. I like it.

Both of our heads turned towards the hallway as we heard the front door open and close, Chan soon shouting, "I'm home!"

Running downstairs, I jumped into his warm embrace, smiling brightly. "Daddy! Jinnie and I worked on my office and it looks so cute now." "Yeah? Can you show Daddy?" Nodding in excitement, I jumped down from his embrace and took his hand in mine as I led him up to my office.

Hyunjin was fluffing the pillows as we walked in, but he smiled upon seeing his friend. "What do you think?" "You guys did a great job. It looks a lot more cozier now."

I smiled at Hyunjin, who mirrored my action before walking towards the door. "Well, I hate to leave so early, but Seungmin and I are having dinner tonight. Thank you for spending the day with me, Jeongin." "Thank you, Jinnie, for helping me with my room." We shared a quick hug before he waved at Chan and left.

"Did you guys have lunch?" "Jinnie bought us McDonalds." "McDonalds? Man, he really spoiled you." I giggled, taking his hand in mine once again as I looked into his beautiful eyes. "Wanna know what we should do?" Chan hummed, stepping closer to me as his eyes shifted. I love the way they look when his mind clouds with dirty thoughts.

Chan leaned down, his lips ghosting mine as he awaited a response. Any sign to press his soft and plump lips against mine. Any sign to please mine and his needs. Any sign to claim me as his and only his.

"We should..." I mumbled, my eyes glancing between his lips and his strong gaze. "Build a fort and watch Disney movies." All darkness left his eyes, his face now showing confusion and frustration. "What?" I giggled, running off to escape the soon to come realization that was to hit Chan. "Wait, no, you get back here, Little Boy!"

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